《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 66: N.A.S.A.


“Are you sure we have the right place Claire? If we came all the way out here just to find out he’s lodging elsewhere...”

Shifting her hood in ahead of him she answered “This is where the spies assured me they were staying. Took some digging on their part as this place doesn’t exactly make over the table payments but the information is accurate.”

Hefting the device slightly higher on her end Arin soothed “Just think of it as a workout dear. Gods know we both could use it these days. Back in the day we’d never have even questioned such a distance.”

“Are you saying I’ve put on weight?”

Rounding the corner any answer Arin might have given was quickly extinguished. Now straight ahead of them stood the Frozen Rose inn they’d been searching for, and directly on the front steps sat the person they hoped to find inside it. Master of the Dungeon of Seasons, Sol.

Hard to miss on account of his glowing body Sol was a being of many mysteries. First was obviously the question of his very existence and why he appeared the way he did. While he claimed to be a sentient dungeon core in public many doubt his claims, including many dungeon scholars who hold fast that a dungeon core holds no native sentience within itself. They concede that a sentience could theoretically be held within a core, as could any object, but find the likelihood of such an event almost impossible.

What concerned Crabro more rather than his existence, as it was already a fact Sol existed in the world, but rather his personality. The “man” was a bit of a recluse so not much was known. Even to the masters who knew his actions more than anyone else due to the war they knew little of Sol himself. Judging by the policies he has set in place though one can assume his priorities. At the top of the list are his monsters and his dungeon, second are sapient lives, and third is development. Those first two would preferably be switched but were understandable. The third however... was unusual.

Most dungeon masters simply design and pass on a dungeon deep enough to fight off invaders if necessary while focusing more on the sale of harvestable resources. Sol in stark contrast has built his dungeon itself as a way for internal profit. As he charges mana for materials many theorize he has ways of spending the resource beyond human understanding. The particulars of how he earns mana from people are not known but from the existence of Safe Zones and Withdraw Orbs human lives don’t seem very profitable. At first glance that appears in humanities favor, if his dungeon operates without the need to take lives everyone profits. Despite this fact however Sol’s dungeon is more than capable of posing a threat to humanity. And the more he grows the more he seems ready to demonstrate that fact. Be it repelling Everest or emerging victorious despite being outnumbered in a war.

Crabro had sat and watched several battles take place from the front row and knew just how abnormally strong the Dungeon of Seasons was for its age. Letting such a force go unchecked could prove disastrous while at the same time growing closer and allowing it to do so may turn it into an incredible asset. Illia’s dungeons had long been falling behind more war torn nations and Sol could be the chance to change that.

Grip tightening on the device Crabro continued walking behind Claire with Arin. Speaking with someone who wasn’t human was already unnerving. Remove any facial features, give him an army, and an unknown temperament made him outright terrifying to approach in his eyes.


Sol appeared to notice their group approaching and turned his head towards them. They all paused for a moment waiting for him to say something. When it became apparent he wouldn’t do so Claire took a singular step forward.

“Good evening Mr. Sol! I was hoping to speak with you regarding a possible- “

Appearing in front of Claire from a nearby alley suddenly was the towering form of a scarily familiar man with fin like appendages. His face was almost dismissive as the tip of his spear crackled just above Claire’s windpipe.

“How did you know where the Boss was staying tonight?” he asked callously.

“U-uh, w-w-well I...”

Scared out of his mind as he remembered the eel’s prior battles Crabro raised his hands and pleaded “P-please friend we mean no ill will in coming here! While we admit to having you followed it was in the interest of- “

Before he could even finish his sentence a cold metal pressed against his chest. Looking down he saw the similarly terrifying swordswoman with one feather blade pressed against his chest and another at his wife’s neck. Compared to the dismissive eel she seemed outright furious.

“Then you admit it! It is obvious you intend to harm Milord and secure his core for your own.”

Clear headed as ever despite the threat Arin spoke “This matter warrants such action I assure you milady. We must meet with your lord soon as possible.”

“You could not wait until morning? Every one of you will have the opportunity at that time.”

Arin nodded “I acknowledge that fact but this is in your lord’s favor. If we wait until morning you risk greater harm than what we could accomplish befalling him.”

The swordswoman seemed unconvinced of Arin’s words and was about to take action when Sol stood from the stairs. At the same moment both monsters lowered their guards and seemed to hear something.

Sol held two fingers up to the side of his head and said “You heard Maste- me! Bring them in.” while still speaking Sol turned and headed inside the inn.

As he did both the eel and hawk lowered their weapons and stepped aside to allow the humans in. None of them could be entirely sure what Sol had done but all were relieved he could control his subjects. Without much choice they were led into the Frozen Rose.


“I told you to apprehend them not scare the shit out of them.” I sighed over our link as me and Mary swapped placed upstairs.

While she changed her from my perfect double into her usual annoying self-Mary said “Just letting them know who’s in charge. They aren’t fighters, at least not nowadays, so we need to make it clear we can’t just be followed without consequences.”

Letting her merge with my shadow I sat on the wooden chair next to Noire’s flanked by two Oni while two others set up 3 more for my apparent guests to sit in. I hadn’t the foggiest idea why the representatives of 2 dungeons wanted to meet so soon but I didn’t have much reason to turn them away given they said it was urgent.

All three were guided into one of the 2nd floor bedrooms without further issue and promptly sat across from me. While they all seemed on edge none seemed outright confrontational. As they’d come to me I let them initiate the discussion.

Claire was the first to speak from behind her long dark gray hair “First allow me to apologize for having you tracked Mr. Sol. It was not my intention to cause you distress. I wish our first meeting could have been a more joyous one.”


The woman beside Crabro I took to be his wife and co master nodded “We concur with Claire and apologize. I hope you can take our lack of accompaniment to gauge our sincerity. If this matter could have waited even a moment longer we’d have not taken such measures.”

Waving a hand in the air I responded “Just Sol is fine please. In regard to the tracking we’ll say it counteracts my subordinate’s rough behavior moments ago. I’ll have words with them privately later.”

Arin bowed her head “That is much too kind Sol. You have our thanks.”

Leaning back in my chair I asked “That said I am rather curious just what makes seeing me so late in the evening a priority. Care to explain?”

This time it was Crabro’s turn to speak “Yes, well, I presume you recall Ringley’s actions during the ceremony this afternoon?”

“Indeed he attempted to rally the crowd together against me and I believe he also brought out his own axe at one point.”

Pursing his lips Crabro continued “That’s right he did... We have reason to believe Ringley will not stop with just that either. And he’s not alone. Many high profile figures see you as too high a risk and wish for your... let us say, forced removal from Illia.”

Crossing my fingers I sighed “I feared as much. But may I ask how you all see me? Am I not a threat to you as well?”

Claire answered “While one could certainly see you that way I do not. To me you embody the change Illia has needed for some time now. Those of and raised in the old era fear that change but I wish to be a part of it. Peaceful... or not.”

“As do we.” Crabro nodded leaning forward.

Tilting my chin upwards I asked “You speak of war then? Is the situation dire enough they’d resort to such methods?”

Arin exchanged looks with her compatriots before wincing “The likelihood is far from low. But not all is lost. Some will voice public support in coming days and many more are waiting for the right time to do so themselves. Rylen’s voice carried much weight today.”

“I see... Then I hope you won’t mind if I ask a rather blunt question. Why would you want to join my side of a future war? We’d be fighting humanity you know.”

The Dungeon of Nimbus master raised her head to match my own “If that’s what it takes to lead Illia into the future so be it. Far as I’m concerned you showed more humanity today than anyone in that crowd.”

Crabro glanced at Arin before saying “I wish my goals were just as noble but put simply... I don’t fancy our chances against you in a future where all out war breaks out. We’ve seen your strength and believe it the safest path forward. Of course I agree with Claire, change is coming, but I simply wish to be alive when it comes. If your rate of growth continues on its current pace I believe you’d have around 8-9 floors by the time Ringley could organize a sizable force against you. It would largely consist of human military and... I wouldn’t bet on them at that point.”

Exhaling in a light chuckle I said “Well I appreciate the honesty at least. I’ve said something similar before but let me reiterate. I have no desire to do anything but coexist with humanity. That said if they come for me and my monsters I’ll defend them with everything I have at my disposal.”

A poorly hidden shudder passed through my fellow masters as I let my words hang a moment before continuing “So what is it in particular you wish to do? Simply take my side publicly, help keep the nobles off me, or form a military front?”

Putting a hand on her knee Claire said with great weight in her voice “We wish to enter an [Alliance] with the Dungeon of Seasons. You should have received the skill after your victory correct?”

“That I did.” I replied careful not to reveal I had limited understanding on how it worked.

“The terms themselves will be largely military in nature but that’s not the [Alliance’s] true purpose. Rather it’s a deterrent against those Ringley wishes to turn against you. While doubt can be placed on your strength to those who have yet to witness it both our dungeons are well respected and known to be powerful foes. By publicly stating our [Alliance] soon as the Iliad begins it would also serve to improve your own image. We can even say you approached us to show off your desire to coexist.”

Trying to hide my instinct to jump at the chance for allies I was sent a ping of caution from Noire before she said aloud “If you may allow me to speak frankly as well Ms. Remwell, an [Alliance] of that nature favors you much more than us. Any alliance between militaries goes both ways. Let us suppose someone declares war on either of you. Would we not then be called upon to save you? I do not mean this in a rude manner but our forces would be doing far more than an equal share of the fighting. We would require greater compensation as such.”

Arin leaned back for metaphorical air before saying “That is very true ma’am. Should things come to it we are hoping to rely on your strength more than our own to survive, especially as you grow stronger by the day. To that end we are willing to put 4 of our own creature templates on the table. Claire has agreed to match this of course and you may choose any up to our respective 12th floors.”

‘Holy smokes Noire well done!’ I cheered into the link as the offer suddenly grew much more intriguing.

‘Of course sir.’ She replied curtly but with a small hint of pride.

As I pondered the proposal Crabro added “We’d be happy to have you come inspect our dungeons personally so you could make your selections after “seeing them in action” so to speak. Those visits would serve as could opportunities to exchange information as well.”

The three once again fell silent as I weighed the offer in my mind. I wouldn’t have much to offer them other than military strength at this point in time but they still seemed satisfied with just that. But in Noire’s scenario we are put in a rather poor situation where we’re being taken advantage of...

Coming out of thought I stared them down “I propose we do a trial run of 1 year. The terms will of course be full and I’ll only take half the templates but that gives us room to reevaluate in the future. Should things go as planned we can of course renew the [Alliance] and if things unfortunately don’t pan out we can all leave at that time. I also motion we can all act independent of each other in that regard. If only the Dungeon of Nimbus wishes to keep the [Alliance] with the Dungeon of Seasons at year’s end they needn’t leave alongside the Dungeon of Arthropods.”

Standing Claire smiled eagerly “That would be satisfactory to me. I’m grateful for the opportunity to prove our worth as partners.”

Arin and Crabro stood in a similar vain “Agreed. We could also make any necessary amendments to the [Alliance] at that time should they arise.”

Putting out my hands and shaking with each of them individually I asked “Alright so should we get to hammering out the specifics? Noire here can help run the numbers on what we have at the moment.”

“Just a moment Sol.” Claire said kneeling down to touch the machine Crabro and Arin had brought in with them “We can’t very well discuss such things here.”

Before I could ask what she meant the device had already begun releasing small bundles of cloud into the room. Once around 10 had been created they grouped together beside our chairs and began spinning rapidly. After a few moments they flashed a bright white and formed into a perfectly symmetrical ring. At about 3 meters in diameter the ring stopped growing as a portal of sorts formed within it.

“Let’s speak inside the Zone of Recompense.” Claire said with a smile walking through the portal without hesitation.

The Crabros walked ahead as Arin said “Sorry for the trouble. We don’t possess the [Alliance] skill ourselves so you can’t bring us to the Zone with you and Claire with just activating it.”

Deciding to just go along with how normal they were acting I answered, “Don’t worry if anything you should be happy you haven’t earned it.” And screamed at Noire across our link to head in with me as secretarial back up.

And so, that evening we spent several hours working out the details of what would come to be known as “N.A.S.A.”. Or the Nimbus Arthropod Season Alliance.

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