《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 64: Rylen


Once all processions completed their third rotation a short speech was given. Best I could tell the speaker was Illia’s equivalent to a pope, although without any political power. The man was actually rather young, likely in his 30’s, with dark skin, flowing hair, and had an expression that made everyone feel comfortable. He gave a short prayer before explaining in reverent tone why the Iliad begins with a march around the castle.

Apparently each circle represents one of the 3 times Centrilliam’s walls have been breached. The most recent breach had been 473 years ago during something called “Superiority War”. As the man spoke Mary filled me in that the Superiority War had actually been a fight between most of the worlds S class. It had all started when 2 of the most powerful S class got into a fight and turned the small continent of Selcon into the Selcon Archipelago we know today in their wake. Obviously countless lives were lost in the destruction which created outrage across the world. Amongst the S class a debate began as well. Should they care about the lives of those so much weaker than them? Does a human worry about every any they step on? Does a lion worry about the antelopes children? Modern historians say over 30% of the S class answered no leading to a catastrophic war fought between only a few hundred individuals. Thankfully the side who believed in all life’s sanctity won in the end and subjected themselves to modern regulations to keep them in check, or at least give people peace of mind.

The breach prior to that had been caused by an allied army of elven tribes. They’d grown tired of human superiority and rallied together in hopes of leveling the playing field for all non-human races. Beginning with the assassination of the then king the elves laid waste to the human army in the initial chaos. Despite their tactics however the tribes were eventually pushed back due to the simple fact humans are stronger. It could be said though the tribes had accomplished their goal. Eliminating almost the entire elven race had cost humanity over 22% of their population on the continent. With such losses the humans spent a few decades rebuilding during which the treatment of non-humans did indeed improve. Looking at the nearly extinct elven tribes today though declaring war had obviously been a mistake for their people.

Things got a bit awkward when the speaker reached the first breach over 1,500 years ago. Back then the sapient races were still exploring and settling the continent. While doing so they’d pissed off a very powerful, and very territorial, Crimson Dragon named Nitherain Chumandarain, colloquially known as Nither for the poor scribe’s sake. This single monster had scorched the earth with its breath, carved canyons with its talons, and caused hurricanes with its wings. How exactly the beast was fought back despite its mythical strength has actually been lost to time as it was covered up by the old world leaders for unknown reasons. Some theorize today that a lone figure with the mythical [Hero] skill had appeared while others believe the beast simply fled after sustaining heavy injuries and returned to hibernation. No matter the reason humanity had survived her flames emerging stronger than ever. This quite literal rise from the ashes is actually where Illia’s national symbol of the phoenix originates. Why a county ravaged by a monster would make a different mythical monster their symbol is beyond me.


Once the man finished his speech from atop the castle gates another man appeared eliciting cheers from the crowd before he raised his hand to silence them. Compared to the relaxing aura given off by the religious man his replacement was invigorating. Within his young yet well worn expression was hidden an underlying confidence and perhaps eagerness to be there. He couldn’t have been past his late 20’s with a full head of wavy black hair and seemingly perfect pale skin. To match his handsome appearance his royal garbs were of the absolute highest quality. His intricately carved red scaled armor was covered by one of the Volcanic Salamander cloaks that left a trail of colored ash in his wake. Without a doubt this was King Rylen.

Allowing the crowd to settle down Rylen began with “I’d like to begin today with a heartfelt welcome to all those in attendance today. Be you our honored soldiers who protect our lands, historic noble houses who have lead us into this future, or guild leaders who bring order amidst the chaos of our day to day lives, you came. No matter what happens over the next week you all came here together. You came here to this fair city not for yourselves, but rather, for those living under you. No matter our personal feelings regarding one another we all decided to come here to better this great nation. And for that I thank you.”

From across the link Noire whispered “Chairman, Mr. Rylen is quite proficient in speech giving. Pay attention to his posture, tone, and words. He is a professional.”

“Yeah I got it...”

Butting in Mary snickered “Just look how much authority he exudes Master! His good looks, control over the crowd, confidence in his words! He really is better at this in every way when compared to yo-“

Mentally shushing the Stalker, eliciting a small chuckle from her, I countered through gritted teeth “Thank you for the feedback Mary! You can help me practice every day when we get home.”

Rylen continued “But to better Illia as a whole we must be willing to embrace change. Just like all of you I embrace our history with pride and revere the wisdom of our retired leaders. However, if we are to be remembered as they are by future generations we must face the challenges of our modern world head on! I will not stand by as the world changes around us and Illia is left to the wayside. With your help we will not only push forward into this new future but lead this world into it!”

With this call to action the crowd cheered along with Rylen throwing their hands into the air.


Smiling he followed with “To that end I hope you will all join me in welcoming our two newest invitees to this year’s Iliad. First from the far north we have the Tribes of Glacisk! This is a large step forward in improving relations between Illia and non-human nations. I would also like to publicly announce my intention to provide military support to fight back The Blight laying waste to their holy lands. Many of you may object to this action but I ask you keep in mind The Blight is a threat to us all. If not to help our fellow sapients then I ask you support my desire to defend our own lands from peril.”

Confused I asked Mary “Have we heard of this Blight before? I don’t remember it ever coming up in our reports.”

“I’ve only heard the term recently Master. All I’ve got is that it’s a threat high up in the north slowly spreading downwards towards Illia’s border. I thought the country had a few decades at least before it was remotely close but maybe Rylen’s just being preemptive?”

“Look into it for me tonight then. Wouldn’t want to look stupid if it’ll be a large topic.”

“Woohoo...! More work...”

“Shut up.”

Rylen then turned his head ever so slightly in our direction “Secondly I’d like to give a large welcome to the Dungeon of Season’s representatives! Not only have they been incredibly forthcoming with regulations and adopting our laws in recent weeks but they’ve also defended our own.” A few murmurs echoed around the crowd “You see my citizens on the way to this very city our new friends were attacked by a large envoy of bandits! With their strength they not only captured every last bandit alive for swift imprisonment, but also came to the defense of many families in their company even providing medical treatment and speaking with each passenger individually to check their mental state! As they’ve showed us such good will up to know I ask you all show them equal respect in return. I have high hopes in what furthering our relationship may bring!”

It had only been for a single moment but King Rylen had made his point crystal clear with his weighted tone. Don’t fuck with the Dungeon of Seasons while they’re visiting or face strict punishment. He’d just made sure no one else was planning to start protesting our presence or assault me or my creatures again. Luckily the crowd seemed to understand and simply gave general words of affirmation. After all they’d just attacked and been forgiven by a group the king personally thanked moments later. It was now obvious in their hearts just how close they’d come to throwing everything we’d set in motion into disarray.

“With such promising leaders joining us in our pursuit of greatness I eagerly anticipate the Illia we shall build together. Over the coming days we’ll hold 5 days of talks wherein nothing is off the table. Even personal matters are fair game, and please feel free to ask after my favorite foods when we need a break.” A few chuckles elicit from the crowd “On the 3rd day we’ll break at noon and enjoy the annual festival which will persist for the Iliad’s duration ourselves. I’ve found in years past spending time amongst the citizenry and eating festive foods to be one of the highlights of my life and I know you’ll all feel the same. On the 7th and final day I’ll invite many representatives to speak at our ending conference to be held from here on the gates of castle Bertros. Until then I ask you hold your questions regarding our discussions and allow our guests to enjoy their time and rest well within our city.”

Clapping his hands together to annunciate the speeches end Rylen said “Finally I’ll remind all Iliad representatives that unlike in years past all shall be allowed within castle Bertros on all days. Separating the days based on level of deemed importance would be unfair on my part and prevent discussions from breaking out between you all. Although I may need to sneak away and speak with certain representatives more than others, I do hope you’ll excuse such actions should they arise.”

Turning with flourish of his cloak causing a cloud of purple ash to fly off he finished “Our doors will open at dawn and close at dusk. I shall see you all then. Let the Iliad begin.”

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