《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 63: The Boy


Before anyone in the frozen crowd or procession could move I screamed an order across our mental connection telling them to stand down. If it weren’t for the power behind my voice I doubt anything, or anyone, could have stopped the already airborne Mulan and Almar from cutting the boy down where he stood. As my mind raced for further instructions to give I heard the Kirin’s horns crackle with lightning and Nargacuga began growling at the child.

“EVERYONE STOP!” was all I could get out across our faster than speech link.

Sandals clacking against the stone road Mulan whipped her head back towards me enraged “The boy must die for his transgression!”

His spear raised over his shoulder crackling with lightning Almar agreed “We gave it our best shot Boss but look what they’ve done in return! Excusing such an affront would be nonsensical!”

Time began to catch up to us as the stunned crowd began to murmur. It was obvious they were expecting a battle to break out at any moment. Those who’d been chanting insults towards us were faltering soon as their targets had pushed even slightly back. To make matters worse everyone present knew they’d struck first. They’d antagonized the monsters before they could act like monsters. A retaliation was all but justified.

My panicked vision darted around the scene trying to formulate a plan but nothing was coming to mind. By chance I locked eyes with Simmons who looked ready to pass out. My political advisor wasn’t sure how to respond either and my allies were all enraged. Leaving me to come to a solution alone.

‘Shit! Shit! Shit! What the hell am I supposed to do here!? I wasn’t expecting the civilians to actually do anything physical! We can’t retaliate right? Maybe I can laugh it off? No, that will be too awkward afterwards. We’re trying to bridge a gap here not make it harder for people to approach us. Not to mention what Almar said... Simply forgiving this “assault” could make others look down on me in the future as too lenient, or worse a pushover. What’s the right answer-?’


“Leave! You all need to get out of here right now!” the boy yelled, staring down Mulan, Almar, the Kirin, and a snarling Nargacuga.

For a moment my mind focused solely on the boy. My scattered thoughts were pushed away. He was shaking. Tears of rage were filling his eyes as his voice cracked. But despite his fear he stood in front of me, quite literally ready to chase me out of the city.

Before I could speak he threw another rock and yelled “Get out! You’re the reason my mom’s scared! You need to leave right now!”

The second rock never hit my [Projection] as in one fluid motion Mulan leapt forward, shattered the stone into dust, and put one of her blades against the boy’s throat. I’d never seen her so infuriated and it was scaring even me. For their part the others began looking towards the crowd daring anyone else to even try harming me.

Emerging from the crowd ahead of us came the imposing figure of Ringley, in his grasp an axe made of nothing but solid dark oak. As its polished edge reflected the sun’s light he gave an almost imperceptible nod to his men. In response they all followed his lead and approached with weapons drawn. As they did the civilian militia fell back behind them, eager to distance themselves from my creatures.

“Stand back!” he ordered with a grandiose tone “We’ll subdue these beasts now that they’ve unveiled their true colors! They’ve taken a mere child hostage! Do they have no morals? Letting them into this city, nay, letting them leave their hole in the ground at all was a mistake! Get away while I put them in their place!”

Ringley’s words hardly registered in my mind as I focused on the boy ‘Did he say his mother, was scared?’

“You dare lecture us on morals!?” Almar yelled back taking a step towards Ringley “One of your own has made an attack on our leader and now you vilify us for merely defending him!? Who are you to disgrace us in such a way?”


Grinning at his successful bait Ringley openly mocked “A mere beast such as yourself could never understand the fear you instill in each and everyone of these fair people! How many of us have lost ancestors or loved ones to your claws? How many cities have been wiped from the map from your wars? How many have you yourself killed monster!?”

His fins emitting a light blue aura centered around his arms Almar growled “It’s about to go up.”

Readying his axe with a glint in his eyes Ringley countered “Then I shall avenge those you admit to killing myself.”

Before Almar’s feet could move I lowered myself off Nargacuga’s back. Hearing the sound of my feet he glanced back, attack momentarily delayed. Similarly Ringley, the mercenaries, militia, and all my other monsters stopped and began to watch my movements.

Slowly I bent down on the ground and picked up the first rock the boy had thrown. Gripping it in my hand I then walked towards Mulan and the child. Every step I took seemed to echo in the ears of everyone present.

“Milord don’t come any closer I’ll deal with this inpudent-!”

Putting a hand on her arm I lowered her sword from the boy’s neck. She looked at me in disarray but I ignored her and squatted down until I was face to face with the child. His eyes were still filled with tears and I could see his pupils shaking with fear as they followed Mulan’s sword.

“What’s your name?” I asked calm as I could muster.

The boy momentarily dropped his gaze from the sword and bluntly said “Bran.” Before immediately looking back up towards Mulan.

Turning his cheek down so that he was looking at me and not her I said “Well Bran I want you to know I never meant to scare your mom. In fact I apologize for doing so even accidently.”

Confused for a moment Bran squinted “Y-you mean it? You’ll say sorry?”

With my best smile I nodded “I’m sorry.”

Brushing a sleeve across his messy face he muttered “G-good. Scaring people is bad.”

“Now that I’ve said sorry you should go check on her Bran. She might get scared again if she doesn’t know where you are. My mom always did when I’d run off.”

Eyes widening with realization the boy turned back to the crowd “You’re right! Mom does that too! Even though I’m 11!”

Bran began to run back towards the crowd but as Mulan stepped away to let him pass, much to her regret, I chased him slightly and said, “Hey Bran?”

Turning without any trace of the fear from before he asked, “What mister?”

“I think you dropped this.” I said taking his hand and placing the rock in his palm, closing his fingers around it gently.

With that the boy ran back into the crowd rock in hand to go find his mother. I myself then walked back over to Nargacuga amidst the stunned crowd and hopped back on. Mentally I forcefully ordered Almar and Mulan back into position to continue our ride. Seeing my mount begin to trot Simmons took the hint and had his procession resume marching as well. As the tension in the air slightly mellowed other masters and processions resumed as well.

His opportunity lost I rode past a stunned Ringley, still holding his axe at the ready, and shot him a look. One that despite my lack of a face dared him to try me in public again. For a moment it seemed he might yell again but feeling the mood of the crowd shift even Ringley returned to his carriage as we finished our third march around the castle.

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