《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 59: On the Road Again


Once we were far enough away I couldn’t see the dungeon entrance the weight of our mission finally settled in. We’d prepared for almost a month straight but it had always seemed so far away. Now that turning back wasn’t really an option we are dependent solely on what we’ve brought along and ourselves.

According to our guides we’ll be making one quick stop in Brooksdam to pick up some more travel partners. Nothing more than a few trader’s tagging along at first glance but a few dozen royal knights and adventurers in truth. Controversial as our attendance is we all decided to bring along extra muscle. Personally I felt my monsters were more than enough to deter anyone with ill intentions but the humans had insisted. It probably would have hurt their pride had I refused so I allowed them to come along and “defend” us.

Our knight escorts would take the role of coachmen and women while the adventurers that of traders, or passengers. Some of the traders would actually be the real deal to heighten the illusion. I’d already sent word that any number of them could come ride within my carriages should they want. Not that I expect many, if any, to take me up on that offer.

As for ourselves me, Noire, Almar, and Mulan are all seated in the front carriage pulled by my Nargacuga. Behind us in single file are the 7 other carriages. While in front of us are the Brooksdam representatives with 4 carriages of their own procession. Theirs are obviously more mundane with normal colors and horses but the gifts are rather extravagant. Almost everything they’d decided to bring along were inventions crafted from the spoils of my dungeon. It seems likely to me they aim to introduce the goods to a new market in Centrilliam.

Trotting until he was besides me Captain Eli said “When we get to town hang out around the outskirts. I’ve sent someone ahead to gather the “merchants” together. Sorry they couldn’t meet you with us but the passenger wagons have weak axles not built for forest terrain.”

Flashing a thumbs up I said “No worries. I’ll let everyone know.”

A short while later we emerged from the tree line connecting us to Brooksdam. To my surprise the town had grown many times over from my visit a month ago. Such levels of construction seemed incomprehensible at first but then I noticed an entire squad of mages assembling a residential home with some pre laid out materials.

Seemingly just as intrigued as me Noire made a note on her clip board “Wind magic for the purpose of construction... What a novel concept. I of course have used Earth magic to construct temporary housing but that is simply brilliant.”

“Be sure to note you would need someone else to furnish them. See that separate team standing beside them waiting? There’s also another guy ready to test the stability once the mages are done.”

“Yes I’d imagine the mages must have incredible focus. One misplaced stone or plank and the whole thing will crumble. Maybe we could invent a permit they must earn before they can build? That way only those qualified can- “

Leaning his head back a very uninterested Almar muttered “Magic nerds... the both of you...”


Rolling my own eyes back at him I said, “Says the guy already planning to spar with any adventurers we meet.”

“I’m just looking to hone my technique in some friendly matches! Haven’t had too much practice in this form with the old spear. Just want to know how I stack up.”

Sighing I gave him a look “Be careful not to kill anyone please. Might consider not using any buffs for me?”

Pursing his lips Almar looked away “Only if they can’t take it... Besides I think I’ll have some takers. Seriously just look at them all.”


Turning to where he was pointing I noticed several hundred ordinary people watching us from their homes and the still standing wall built for the war. I couldn’t blame them for being curious but being pointed at felt a bit strange. We weren’t even doing anything, nor could we, so far away.

“Guess we’ll need to get used to this. Tensions will be like this for a while I imagine.”

“Long as they don’t attack who cares? We are sort of the weird ones.”

Conceding his point I turned my head back “Fair enough.”

Around 10 minutes later our defenders met us on the outskirts. More than I’d been expecting they numbered around 20 wagons more than doubling our numbers. Among them were several families and passengers heading to Centrilliam. Apparently the fair for this particular trip was almost nonexistent since they’d be traveling with us. Meaning those here were either poor, desperate, or didn’t mind us at all. Regardless we would all be cordial and welcoming.

Just as we set off again with the new carriages between us and the Brooksdam group Valentia and a trio of adventurers approached us. They didn’t seem all that noteworthy to me until Mary whispered in my mind through our link.

‘I’ve met these three Master. They fought one of the Firework [Commanders] for us. Saved their lives when they fell from the sky too.’

Answering without making any movement I asked back ‘We paid them right? What else could they want?’

Before she could answer the blonde teen dressed in plate mail whistled “Would you look at this guy Gelm? He’s massive!”

The other male dressed in typical rogue’s clothing nodded “How would you even go about fighting one? He looks fast and probably hits too hard for you to tank.”

A young mage dressed in white and blue robes simply listened silently beside them while Valentia hopped in with us. She had a much more relaxed look now that everyone was moving again.

“Mr. Sol these three will be your only public defenders. Everyone else is still around but they’ll be back here with you. Out of everyone they were the most comfortable hanging around you and the Captain can vouch for them.”

Standing to introduce myself I asked, “Part of the royal knights then?”

“No sir but they are the Captain’s... protégé? He’s trained them up from beginners that is to say. They hold no affiliation with any group other than the guild and don’t have any sort of lofty aspirations. You have no need to worry about them trying anything.”

Reaching out a hand to each as they climbed into our carriage I greeted “Seems we’ll be keeping each other company! My names Sol and these are- “


Smiling in what looked like fascination the blonde finished “Mulan, Almar, and Noire right? We were at your speech. My name’s Lucas, the shady looking guy is Gelm, and the quiet worrywart is Aurora.”

“Well that makes things easy doesn’t it! Nice to meet you although I hope we don’t need your services.”

Taking a seat beside Noire with only a moment of hesitation Aurora murmured “Even if something happened you wouldn’t...”

Pushing up her glasses the Lamia Queen noted “While that is true Ms. Aurora it’s more about the public perception of such an action. Humans and monsters traveling together and arriving peacefully sends a good message. Even more so when it’s accomplished delvers such as yourselves.”

Sensing a good opportunity to get some feedback I sat down beside Mulan and asked “I’m curious, what floor are you guys on? [Marking] is picking up on you but I don’t remember why.”

Gelm answered pointing at Lucas “Technically we have access to the 3rd floor but we haven’t checked it out yet. Cause of this idiot.”

Finally remembering I said “The second floor raid! That’s where I know you from! Yeah you guys left pretty quick didn’t you... Why not venture into Burza though? Almar’s been waiting for someone to challenge him.”

Nervously looking over at Mulan Lucas answered “I just don’t think we’ve earned it. Sure we technically won but during the raid all we did was block off the stairs. None of us even crossed blades with you Ms. Mulan. I just want to do things the right way.”

‘Quite the honorable sort aren’t you?’ I thought looking at the other party member’s faces. Obviously neither of them entirely agreed but seemed resolved to follow his whims.

Speaking up from beside me Mulan stared him down “Then I’ll be sure to meet your challenge head on. Unless you’d prefer to fight my [Instance]?”

Grinning back he answered “No way. We’ll win with our own teamwork.”

“Very well then.” she responded with an almost invisible smile of her own.

Turning to ask a question herself Valentia asked “I’ve been wondering about that actually. How is it that the Dungeon of Seasons will remain open during this trip? There are numerous large scale raids planned on the second floor now that the route has been discovered. Will they simply march on through?”

Motioning to the seats around us I said, “Feel free to ask away we’ve got plenty of time.”


“Bullshit! No way in hell you’re 3 weeks old! Look at you! You’re older than my damn son!”

“Why would I lie about that? I’m telling you that’s when the Chairman made all of us. When he makes us we come out full grown.”

“That’s so fucking weird!”

“You’re not wrong!”

I couldn’t help but smile at the alcohol fueled conversation going on behind me. Most of the day had been quiet as everyone got used to our presence. Come night fall when we all made camp however I’d unintentionally lured the braver humans over with the smell of good food and booze. My Oni were huge fans of anything alcoholic and quite resistant to getting drunk. Meaning I’d brought quite the large supply within Mary’s [Shadow Storage] for everyone to share. As for food we of course had various meats and greens but the main treat were the deserts I’d been teaching everyone to make all night.

Politely covering her mouth as she chewed her umpteenth desert Mulan asked “You called these Smores Milord? I must say they are delectable.”

Proudly dropping one of my own smores into my shadow for Mary I said “Aren’t they? My folks always brought them along when we went camping. Mom always burnt hers though so either my little sis or big brother would take over. Used to call her the Queen of Charcoal! Long as I can remember they’ve been a family tradition so I thought I should teach all of you how to make them. Even if I can’t you know... eat.”

Mulan blinked in surprise “Sounds like those were fun times Milord.”

Confused at her expression I asked while sticking another pair of marshmallows on my stick “What’s up?”

“You just don’t speak of your family often Milord. I had assumed it a touchy subject.”

“I don’t? That’s weird why wouldn’t I... oh, never mind.”

Turning away from her gaze I stared into the crackling flames. I don’t talk about my family huh... Yeah I probably know why... Since they’re probably all dead I’ve been trying to avoid remembering them. Telling stories like now just makes me miss them and Earth. Odds of anyone else in the crash having been wrapped up in a reclusive spatial mage’s experiments and turned into a living dungeon core are next to nothing.

Pulling my eyes away from the smoldering firewood I heard Almar approach “Get a load of this Boss! Scales is on her 12th attempt! She burns them every single time! Funniest shit I’ve ever seen!”

Pouting behind him with what barely could even be called ashes on her stick Noire quietly said “S-surely I just missed something in the Chairman’s demonstration or perhaps the pack he gave me was bad. There can be no other explanation.”

“Suuuuure.” He laughed sitting down to watch her latest attempt with some of the drinking Oni.

Smiling as I replaced the marshmallows on her stick I looked around at the festive atmosphere and wondered what they’d say. My little sister would’ve been playing with the pretending to sleep Nargacuga’s wagging tail like the other kids. Big brother would’ve been flirting with the lamias while visiting from college. Dad would be in a drinking contest with Almar. And Mom would be trying her best with Noire to finally reclaim her honor as a chef. Who knows, maybe they’d have fit right in with everyone?

‘They might be gone, hell I should be too, but I shouldn’t forget about them. Even with this life I have now they’ll always be a part of me. Though I’m not sure what they’d all say about how I’m running things in this world...’

Shaking my head to clear my mind I repositioned myself and motioned for Noire to sit beside me “Alright so here’s a trick my Dad taught me if you’re having a hard time. First you have to slide the marshmallow down about...”

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