《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 58: Onwards


Feeling gravity take hold of my [Projection] as I flew out the dungeon entrance I gave a small wave to mayor Simmons, Eli, and Valentia. Behind them were around 10 wagons carrying Brooksdam’s royal tribute for the Iliad. Just like us they were aiming to make the best impression possible with King Rylen. Lucky them they didn’t also need to earn public trust and bury centuries of pre-established fighting...

Beside me as always when I left the dungeon walked Mulan ready to fight off anyone aiming to hurt me. She had exchanged her old red yukata for Lila’s new and improved Tuning Textile version. The mad scientist and her new team had worked themselves half to death but the results spoke for themselves. Clothes that could intake ambient mana from the outside world and feed it into a monster’s [Creature Core]. Of course there is still room for improvement but we’ve made huge strides.

The breakthrough had come when Lila discovered one of the key differences between natural and dungeon mana. Not being a mage myself I have a hard time following the specific terminology but basically, natural mana is dungeon mana left raw and unfiltered by my core. She’d theorized that they had to originate from the same base “frequency”, so to speak, since regardless of which mana they were using dungeon monsters or humans can use the same spells. Working off that she aimed to “tune” nature’s frequency up to match the dungeon’s own. The result had been the Tuning Textile brand of clothing. They work well enough to serve our current purposes but we’re still a long way from mass producing them.

Just the first batch of Tuning Textiles are ripe with small inconveniences. For instance a small pin attached to the cloth must be inserted into the wearer’s body near their [Creature Core]. Meaning most of my creatures will have a needle digging somewhere around their heart for several days. Another problem is their durability. Lila gave us a hard cap of 3 weeks before the Tuning Textiles stop functioning due to the strain. Once we understand the tuning process more this shouldn’t be an issue but we’re working with prototypes.

For both my clothed [Named] and collar wearing beasts I’d been forced to have them deal with the less than perfect designs. None would voice their complaints to me directly but I know they’re all dreading the coming days. Our poor mounts in particular will have it extra rough, along with my [Named] who won’t be able to change in and out of [Persona] without ripping out the needle.

Raising his own hand in greeting Simmons called “Good morning Mr. Sol, and Ms. Mulan as well. Am I to assume you’ll be accompanying him to the Iliad with us?”

Knowing I had no problem with her speaking freely Mulan answered “Yes sir. While I trust all of you within reason we can never be too careful. A few others will be coming as well.”


Asking me who else with a look I answered “You’ll have me, Mulan, Almar, and Noire for company on this trip Mayor. It was hard but I’ve left most of my subordinates behind to oversee construction and our reopening. Between you and me some of them wouldn’t be on their best behavior anyways.”

At my last comment the Stalker currently hidden within my shadow reached out and pinched my heel. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Simmons but letting him know about my hidden ace could prove problematic. Besides I was doing Mary a favor. She didn’t need to make small talk and travel for several days in the caravan like the rest of us!

Craning his neck to look over my shoulder despite the height difference Eli asked “Where’s your promised procession? I must confess I’ve been curious to see it.”

“Almar should be bringing our mounts out now while Noire readies our representatives. 14 Lamia and 7 Oni just as we discussed. I’m hoping you could let them listen in on our next etiquette meeting? I’ve relayed everything to them so far but you’re the master.”

Scratching the back of his head slightly embarrassed Simmons laughed “Well I certainly don’t mind! Young people could learn to use some tact nowadays so why not monsters?”

“Ah, there are my people now.” I corrected with a relaxed but firm smile.

First to emerge from the entrance came Almar and Noire riding atop a pair of Kirin with another lagging behind for Mulan. We’d chosen the Kirin over Perytons for their mounts as they most resembled the horses Centrilliam’s citizens would be used to. Noire rode straight towards us while Almar turned his mount around to help guide those bringing out my own.

As she approached I asked “Is he behaving? I had Melina knock him out before the lab girls put the collar on this time. Should we need to we can swap him out for another Kirin.”

“Well Chairman the problem is who’s riding it out. The Tetraps still can’t understand anyone but you clearly. Some of mine are trying to assist.”

Eventually my mounts massive head appeared and began sniffing around the entrance. His face was a strange mix of draconic, wolf, and bat with scales, fur, and long ears. As he emerged fully into the light his dark blue fur reflected the sun’s rays. Once his spine covered tail ducked underneath the cave he stood up on his massive blacklegs and gave his leathery wings a few stretching beats. A shiver went down his wolf like body before he locked eyes on me and began walking towards me.

Gasping Valentia murmured “It’s just like how my grandmother described them... The Nargacuga... I never thought they were real...”

*Nargacuga: A strange chimera of wolf, bat, and wyvern how or in what environment the first Nargacuga were ever born in is unclear. But with their great size, speed, tail spines, and cunning it’s no wonder they’ve survived for thousands of years. Lone stalkers in the night, stories of the Nargacuga are told to keep troublesome children in their beds.


“And what’s that thing on top of it?” Eli grimaced.

Looking at the rider his reaction was more than understandable. Evolved from my second floor Fruit Bat colony the Tetraps were hardly pleasant to look at. It got better once they matured but their leathery gray skin, extra limbs, and twitchy wings were hardly easy on the eyes. But what could one expect from the unholy matrimony between vampires and fairies?

*Tetrapterous Chiropteran: The long lost descendants of fairies and vampires Tetrapterous Chiropteran belong to the old world. Despite their bipedal almost humanlike appearance these monsters are not capable of sapient thought. Using their wings to obscure their bodies and movements Tetrapterous Chiropteran’s use a long lost form of martial arts alongside light and dark magic.

Running a hand over my massive mount’s snout which it playfully snapped at I remarked “Those are our new Tetraps. They evolved from their fights with the fairies and have been an interesting addition to the 4th floor. Other than me they’re the only ones who can control the Nargacuga. Big as these guys are you can imagine that to be a bit of a hassle.”

Doing his best not to wet himself Simmons stammered “W-w-w-will it be on it’s b-b-b-best behavior in t-t-t-t-the capitol too? Something the s-s-s-s-size of a house running rampant would b-b-b-b-be.”

Scratching under the semi-truck sized puppies’ chin I answered “Yeah he’ll be fine. He’s under a firm no aggression order. They just mean letting others ride him. Unless you wanted to try?”

“I-I’ll pass Mr. Sol...”

While letting the human’s inspect my mount’s facial features I watched my 7 large wagons pulled by 7 pairs of Elemental Elk. Each pair was organized to hold the same element and they’d travel in ascending order of the rainbow. Keeping up our theme each carriage had wheels painted with the same color and 2 lamias of each tribe. Stationed on every carriage as well was one of Noire’s Oni subordinates.

Over the last few weeks Noire had turned the entire Oni population into a well oiled machine under her command. By her command each and every Oni, and Lamia, coming with us had passed a screening process held by the both of us to determine their risk factor. All those coming along have been briefed on how to act and been assigned personal goals by Noire. Although I don’t quite understand why she’s dressed all the Oni in black suits and the Lamia’s in color coordinated dresses. Too late to change now I suppose.

Inside the procession I’ve brought along various materials such as refined metals, gemstones, and even some of our new cotton. Of course one of the wagons is filled with food and supplies for all of us to camp with. Even though we’re traveling with the Brooksdam representatives they won’t be treating us. They had offered to provide extra protection as a show of good faith but even the well put together Noire had stifled a laugh. All those coming along were either bosses or some of the strongest monsters found on the 4th floor. Just my Nargacuga and Oni could fight off a few hundred low level adventurers. Add in 4 of my [Named] and we’re armed to the teeth. One doesn’t go straight into hostile territory without a plan.

A blue skinned male Oni came up to Noire and saluted “Madam Secretary all are accounted for. We’re ready to depart at your command.”

Hardly looking at the Oni she relayed the result to me “Chairman, shall we head out? If we want to arrive early as planned we should depart soon.”

Glancing at her black scales I whispered in a voice only she could hear “Are you topped off? It may be awhile before any of us can supply you more. None of the [Named] coming along are mages other than you.”

Pushing up on her glasses she answered blankly “Of course. Should it come to it I’ll get my fill from our Lamia companions. 9 of the chosen are mages for that exact reason.”

“Let’s hope we’re over prepared.”

“Of course sir.”

Breaking up our discussion by throwing an arm around me Almar laughed “C’mon Boss! Let’s get moving! I can’t wait to get there, last settlement I went to was a dump.”

Knocking his arm away with a smile I said “You know it’ll take a few days right? We have a few nights under the stars or in tents before then.”

Hopping back atop his Kirin he laughed “At least I’ve got company this time. Last vacation all I had to talk to was fish.”

Settling down atop her own mount Mulan remarked “You are a fish need I remind you?”

“Ms. Mulan has a point Mr. Almar you were simply among your kind. Surely you spoke of many things such as.... swimming and.... water.” Noire said riding passed.

Riding after them Almar yelled “Shut it Scales! And Little Bird, I thought you’d understand my loneliness Ms. “I hope Milord hasn’t left us behind....”!”

Her face growing a bit red Mulan raced after him yelling any number of rebuttals while Noire asked he drop her despised nickname.

While hopping atop Nargacuga’s neck using one of our wagons as a foothold Simmons gave me a side eye “This promises to be an interesting outing. Dare say I could use a reprieve from all the formal pleasantries and just enjoy some good company.”

Pushing my massive mount forward I snickered “Yeah well, they’ll drive you crazy by the end of the day. I swear they’re always like this.”

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