《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 43: Ghost Town


We lost many comrades along the way but... we survived the initial wave! Having to watch from the Monitor through the eyes of my monsters was extremely nerve-wracking. Being forced to sit around in waiting while everyone else fought was difficult. This [Projection] of mine is useless for fighting but that doesn’t mean I’ve stood idle in the meantime.

Thanks to the creatures left behind like the Solar Salamanders and Piranha Queen we’ve turned the Mangle Bog into an impenetrable fortress. My spiders from Burza have worked with the Timber Wolves and Tempest Hares to create bridges of silk, enhancing how fast they can move around the floor. During an experiment we also learned how flammable the spider’s thread was in a non-rain filled environment. At a single command my Volcanic Salamanders are ready to ignite several traps stationed in the Superlunary Mangroves the bog is known for. From falling hordes of lost weapons to hollowed out roots filled with our new supply of gunpowder the bog is stronger than ever before. Part of me knows I’ll need to remove all the alterations once the war is over so adventurers will still visit but it’s still cool.

Other than that I also released a new [Banner] through Mary to the citizens of Brooksdam. Given the extra defense they were providing during such a pivotal time I thought it a good idea to be honest with my allies and offer some extra incentive. Just the concept of my existence is enough for hostility on the level of a war. I need to give the adventurers more than money now that they know who they’re really fighting for.

Within the [Banner] I’ve organized the rewards based on time until the wars end. This way they won’t just take the money and run. When I finished the [Banner] was remarkably similar to a Kickstarter list of stretch goals.

The “Unnamed Dungeon’s” War Memo!

Hello brave adventurers of Brooksdam, it is I, the “Unnamed Dungeon”! Yes I am sentient and yes we are at war. In the recent battle my troops have shown our willingness to ally with you all to repel this unceremonious attack by the Dungeon of Fireworks and Dungeon of Fairies. It is my greatest hope that by working together we can create a lasting relationship that will transcend this war. I for one would love nothing more than to end this quickly so we can prevent needless casualties for both man and monster alike. In this pursuit I humbly ask for your help once again. But, I’m a reasonable core. I would not ask all of you to risk your lives for reason other than my wellbeing! So below I’ve listed several items that should serve to motivate us to end the war together.

If the war can be ended within 1 week the dungeon will reduce the price of Withdraw Orbs from 15,000 Rhilos and 50,000 mana to 10,000 Rhilos and 35,000 mana. (I apologize I can’t make them for free but otherwise my dungeon couldn’t function) I’ve spoken with the mayor and if the war can be ended in 2 weeks the ban on [Taming] my monsters will be lifted! Previously the skill was banned as my monsters weren’t fully understood yet but now you are free to take some of us along on your adventurers. The only rules are: No [Boss] or [Named] monsters, you must take good care of them or the Reapers will come take them back, and you will not forcefully separate breeding pairs. You have likely noticed in recent days but my monsters are living creatures just like you and me so please treat them as such. If the war can be ended in 3 weeks a plaque of all those who participated in the war shall be placed in the 3rd safe zone. Living or dead we shall commemorate all those who perish in this battle for our survival. If the war can be ended in a month all participants in the war will receive 10,000 Rhilos in payment. Those who do not fight will not be paid so don’t expect to leech of my generosity. In case of death the participant can have the money be given to family or trusted party members. Truth Circles will of course be required in the case of the latter.


The message was received well, and many adventurers were contacting comrades closer to the other dungeons for back up. Mayor Simmons had agreed to keep a record of those who participated for me and my monsters would monitor those who didn’t fight.

I’d purposefully made the lowering cost of Withdraw Orbs the hardest to achieve stretch goal. Odds of this war ending in 6 days are highly unlikely so I’m at little risk of losing my profit margins. To my surprise the adventurers were seemingly more interested in the [Tame] skill. It seemed that fighting on an actual battlefield alongside my monsters had made them incredibly desirable mounts. They knew what they stood to gain after all.

Mary has been complaining constantly about the number of woman trying to purchase shrunken Inflatable Hippos and the stunning Ethereal Elk from her. A woman of decidedly different tastes really wanted to buy a Lupin Spider for her children to play with. Most of the men were interested in buying Coal Cats and Kirin. Sadly the Perytons were too fast and difficult to ride with their wings and speed so they were largely passed over along with the snickering Tempest Hares.

Almar will be arriving in the port town of Castalia, near the Dungeon of Fairies, soon with the citizens of Burza and begin operation “Starvation”. An additional 200 royal knights being sent by the King should arrive tomorrow as well. At that time Mary and her strike unit will begin making the weeklong trip to the Dungeon of Fireworks. That trip may take longer if she encounters enemy forces along the way and engages. Irwin and most of the Brooksdam adventurers will be remaining at the dungeon and town entrances to defend from further attack. The initial raiding party had been large but in all likelihood the opposing dungeons are generating more forces as we prepare speak.

Sadly Mulan won’t be returning until the end of this war. While I could resummons her the cost of 100,000 mana is too steep for her alone. Not in a personal way! Just in terms of strength! Of course I’d pay that if it was the only way for her to ever come back to us. According to the voice she’ll respawn as usual in the event we win this war. As much as I wish she was still here to help fight she’d taken out 4 enemy [Commanders] with her strike force and likely saved the dungeon as a result. When she gets back I’ll need to get her something as a reward. Everyone for that matter.

Mulan’s temporary death did serve to ease my worries somewhat. If I, with my higher than average rate of mana generation, can’t afford to bring back one of my [Commanders] I shouldn’t have to worry about Megun or Leol doing the same. They don’t even have a personal relationship with their monsters so I can almost guarantee they have no incentive to do so. If I ever get the chance to speak with other dungeon masters though I’d love to know what the [Commander] skill does for them. The voice deemed it irrelevant to me on the account of my monsters intelligence so in all likelihood it lets the mindless mana constructs act with enough intellect to lead troops. If I could figure out the skill boosting my monster’s own capabilities even more is a real probability.

For now though, my duty is replacing the lost forces, around 37% of our summoned army, and waiting for more information. During that time I’ve begun putting the finishing touches on my design for the 4th floor. It will be the largest floor yet and should serve as the new hub for interaction with the outside world. If we win I’m anticipating a large surplus of mana from the other cores so having my design already planned out will help me make the most of it. If all that mana simply went to leveling I’d be in an awkward place to open up my existence to the world. The war is distracting people right now, but I still need to be planning for the future.


The 4th floor, tentatively named the “Covenant Cavern” will be home to my most diverse creature assortment to date. Almost every affinity would be represented with potentially the longest clear time given the sheer scope of the place. At a good pace a party should clear the floor in 7 days not including the last [Boss]. And the safe zone will be a completely new undertaking I’m excited to see develop overtime. Perhaps most interestingly will be the summoning of my first fully sentient race. That’s right, I’m finally going to be summoning some Lamias and potentially select a second race when I hit level 25.

During this stage in the design process a thought occurred to me. I should really name this place shouldn’t I? It’s been a few months and we’re still called the “Unnamed Dungeon”. But what should we call ourselves? Unlike our opponents this dungeon doesn’t have much of a theme so far. The Covenant Cavern won’t be much help in that regard... Plus I’ve already established locking myself into too narrow a theme would make constructing later floors a bore. Interesting as the Dungeon of Fireworks monsters are they all hit the same beats. On fire, explode, primarily red and black, that’s no fun after 30 floors! No. I need something broad. Something that won’t dampen creative control but can still be recognized as a theme...

Looking up from my floating blueprint of the 4th floor where I’d been planting Crystal Trees with different affinities and stared over at my bright orange core when I felt the spark of imagination. Just like trees the world changes depending on the position of one thing. And that one thing happens to bear a striking resemblance to myself.

“Now that... that might be a train of thought worth going down.”


“We’re coming up on Port Castalia now Boss. Everyone’s a bit worn out from the trip but once we get in the water they should liven up.”

“Good work Almar. Make sure the Sobeks and Axolotls get their well-deserved rest for carrying everyone there. Don’t begin Starvation until everyone’s at full strength, you included.”

Swinging his arms as he walked barefoot over the grassy plain Almar said “I’ll do some recon with the Phantom Eels before we start. Just want a good estimate on how many defensive units they’ve got.”

“Understood. Keep in mind you don’t have many reinforcements coming in. If you decide they are needed, retreat and they’ll arrive in 4 days.”

“Got it Boss.”

“Take care.”

Cutting off the link all the [Named] shared with Boss Almar turned his attention to the town below. He knew it was called Castalia, but it was pretty unremarkable. Standard port village that dealt in trade and fishing while several inns and shops scattered a boardwalk further down the shore for adventurers going to the dungeon. He’d heard the Dungeon of Fairies wasn’t the most popular, being off shore and not having many good materials to harvest, but this place hardly looked like a dungeon town. “Dreary” was the word that came to mind when Almar looked out at the old, rotting, fishing shacks.

Wanting to keep a low profile Almar had opted to move his units through the least populated area. But when he began walking through the streets he realized it hardly mattered.

Even on his single night trip to Brooksdam Almar had seen more people. The small port was completely deserted, but nothing was destroyed. One of the Sobeks even found a jewelry shop with all its wares still out on display, so the place wasn’t ransacked by bandits. All that was strange enough but perhaps more so was the lack of bodies or blood. The people had obviously not fled since their valuables were still present. Still, they were undoubtedly missing.

Coming up on the sandy cove where captains stored their vessels Almar turned and faced his unit. They weren’t as intelligent as him, so the investigation rested on his shoulders.

“Everyone go ahead and hop in. Sobeks and Axolotls thank you for carrying everyone so far! The Boss is especially grateful for your service as am I. Take some time to recuperate in the cove, we’ll do some recon tonight when we’re less likely to be noticed.”

Without any fuss the waterlogged monsters began making their way towards cove inside the magic water bubbles. Soon the waters within that cove were some of the most dangerous in the world. Piranhas, Blood Letters, Sobeks, Red Torpedo Fish, Leviathan Whelps, rays and every other water based creature of the dungeon was now resting in the same 1,000 foot stretch of ocean. Almar was eager to join them but he had a job to do. He wasn’t sure he’d fit with everyone else anyway.

Since he was already at the water’s edge Almar made his way over to the docks. He’d never been to a port before, but the number of boats didn’t seem low based on the size of the place. All the sails were furled, all the knots were tied, and still not a single sign of a struggle. If he wasn’t confident in his ability to defend himself Almar may have found himself getting spooked.

For the next hour the prince made his way around the port town and made no new discoveries. Just as he was about to give up and hop in the water he saw something. Sitting on the end of a fishing dock near the edge of town opposite the boardwalk was a single old man, fishing pole dropped in the ocean.

Not one to miss an opportunity Almar jogged over to the man who merely shifted his eyes in acknowledgment of Almar’s presence. The man was simply put, ancient. Almar was sure the fossil was over 100 years old and it showed. Not a hair to be seen, and a frail body whose skin hung limply on fragile bones, the man was assuredly on deaths door. The eel couldn’t even sense any mana too buff in him.

“Hey, old timer...” Almar sat down next to him hanging his feet over the edge “You wouldn’t happen to know where everyone went would you? Me and my friends just got to town and we were getting worried no one was here.”

If the man saw that Almar wasn’t human with his horns and fins he made no sign of it. Instead he turned his eyes down to his bobber and murmured in a grizzled voice “Their all dead. Leave.”

In mock worry Almar made an O with his mouth and said “Well what killed them?! I may not seem like much but me and my allies are quite strong fighters. If you tell me what’s going on I may be of some assistance.”

Not taking the bait just like the fish the man said “Leave me alone brat... Just leave an old sea dog alone in his final hours. Don’t know why the sword proof bastards ignored me but I’d rather be dead anyway.”

Flashing a smile as he fell back on the dock in a relaxed position Almar said “No one deserves to be alone when they die old timer.”

At this the man seemed to crack a small grin but it quickly fell behind his façade of age.

“How about I tell you my theory?” Almar said raising a finger to the sky.


“Well first off is the matter of why no physical objects have been stolen. Obviously that eliminates bandits and the like but it raises the question of the invaders true motive. I for one think it may have been the occupants of this town themselves.”

“It wasn’t no slavers.”

“No, not slavers no. Those types would have taken more than just people as they are motivated by greed. In all likelihood it was either a necromancer who wanted souls or...” Almar crossed his arms and grimaced “The Dungeon of Fairies abducted every nearby soul to replenish their mana supply. A cowardly technique but a sound one during war.”

Putting a finger to his chin the man said “Mana huh? Those fairies from offshore are good for business but I don’t think they could make it to shore. Although if they could I wouldn’t put it past the Osin’s.”

“Those are the owners of the dungeon correct?”

Scowling the fisherman said “Sure are. Bastards are as crooked as they come. Every single one is greedier than the Oberon they summon. Would kill their mothers for a shiny pebble...”

“Got it. So the master kills everyone in the town for mana to help fund the war.”

Raising an eyebrow the man asked, “What war?”

Standing up Almar said “Seems the news didn’t get here in time. Yeah, your local dungeon master is allied with another against the new dungeon. If he’s greedy as you say the motive seems obvious.”

“So dungeon monsters really are able to leave dungeons during wars... Never thought I’d see that again with my own eyes.” An aged fire burning in his eyes the man looked at Almar and asked seriously “So are you the same?”

Grinning down at the man Almar said “Sure am! You’re looking at the 3rd floor boss of the “Unnamed Dungeon”! Hahaha!”

Casting his line back out the man said, “Here to kill me?”

Still grinning Almar answered “Not at all friend. My Boss and me are in agreement that humans are alright. Sure you try to kill us all the time but you sure are interesting!”

“You’re a weird one you know?”

Throwing his head back in laughter Almar said “So are you old man! Not many would keep so much composure when speaking with me!”

“If a wars going on are you here to fight the Osins?”

“Yes and no. My job is to prevent all enemy forces from exiting the dungeon while killing any that exit. We’ll slowly whittle down their number while the other enemy is taken care of. Without anyone coming into the dungeon he’ll run out of mana, and then we strike.”

“Not a bad plan. Not sure how you plan on getting there though. All the captains are dead.”

Hopping off the dock onto the top of the waves below Almar spread his arms out while walking on the waves “That’s not a problem. Rest assured old man I’ll get your revenge before you pass on.”

“Why bother?”

Gesturing to the empty town Almar scowled “Cause frankly this pisses me off.”

“Oh? And what’s wrong with it Mr. Monster?”

Leaping high into the air and releasing his [Persona] form Almar transformed back into the 30 foot black and yellow eel. As the man watched in silent awe the Prince of Burma said “No ruler should take advantage of those under them! The only reason you have power is because of their people, and to abuse that relationship is the most unforgivable sin! That’s what my Boss taught me when I became a prince.”

Sliding his massive body silently into the ocean Almar disappeared and soon the water was alive with activity. Creatures beyond the man’s wildest dreams were swimming all around him in response to the anger of their leader.

As he watched the great black form and hundreds of other monsters follow in his wake the old man cast out his line again. Even at his age this world was full of things he couldn’t begin to understand.

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