《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 39: Flickering Lights


Standing next to her sparking red and black core Megun looked into the Monitor. Currently it was transmitting a live feed from one of her Concentrated Centipedes hiding near the Unnamed Dungeon’s entrance. Coiling its long, black, segmented body around the shadow coated pines the beast made the perfect spy. If only the [Commander] were a few dozen feet smaller...

Many monsters were wandering around the dungeon entrance but didn’t seem particularly organized. Rabbits and small hippos rode small deer while enormous constrictors hid in the shadows of great black cats. Acting as they were Megun was relatively confidant the unknown dungeon master had fled, leaving the monsters to fend for themselves. A larger group of monsters had headed east and Megun was almost sure they were escorting the master out of harm’s way. If the initial attack stalls too long sending some Oberons and Rocket Imps after them may bring about a faster victory.

Speaking aloud into her core Megun asked “Any reactions Leol?”

From their connection a slightly cheeky and arrogant male voice responded “None little firecracker. Either we are facing some incredible actors or none of our suspects reacted to the declaration.

Tapping her fingers against the clipboard Monitor displaying her [Population Control] Megun could only wonder how they’d been wrong. To declare an official dungeon war a “Letter of Challenge” needed to be declared 2 days prior to the first battle. If this condition was not met whatever was being wagered on the war would not be enforced by the god’s voice. Leol had thought up a plan to use this declaration to narrow down the dungeon’s master. Anyone would jump at a sudden declaration of war arriving in their ears so he’d sent spies to watch over all their suspects. Unfortunately they’d been unlucky.

“Don’t worry Megun dear. We just have to take it the old fashioned way.”

Releasing her breath Megun replied “Yes. You’re right. I should be appreciative for an opportunity to use my troops after how much mana it took moving them so far out.”

“Now that’s the right attitude! Been a while since the last dungeon war. Oak vs Nimbus was a bit of a slog too since it all happened on the upper floors. But this time I get to just sit back and watch the... “fireworks?”” he said before snorting in a fit of laughter.

Hiding her utter contempt for the man Megun pinched her forehead and continued “Just have your Blight Pixies ready to go as soon as the countdown ends. We’ll take out all the outside forces from above before launching our proper assault.”

“Any changes on the Brooksdam front?”

Switching her monitor to her Rocket Imp [Commander] overlooking the town she answered “Another 200 knights and some more adventurers than expected. The forces up north show no signs of rushing down to provide aid and we should be done long before they could even reach Centrilliam. Simmons has hired most of the adventurers and some mercenary bands but no one really noteworthy. I’ve already dispatched another 200 Rocket Imps to their location.”

“Need any more of mine? I have some to spare but they’ll be a little late.”

“I’ll be fine with what you’ve already handed me. Whether Brooksdam falls or not isn’t of much concern. I just need some good fuel for my reserves.”

Laughing for a moment Leol said “So you’ve got some batteries too? I sent some Parasitic Pixies off last week to pick people off once things get going. Should Sow some extra chaos in their ranks.”


“Will they be enough for you?”

“Eh.” He said with a shrug “I’ve always got the town on shore if need be. They’re good for business but if we win another dungeon core... they’ll be missed.”

Cutting off the connection Megun looked to her timer while changing her Monitor to another centipede that overlooked her own forces.


On the forest floor about 30 minutes out from the entrance stood her army of Blast Golems, Soot Sowers, Ifrit, Bomb Beetles, and the occasional Incubus and Succubus. The last ones weren’t the most combat proficient and almost useless against non sapients but they’d bolster her numbers. She’d run some tests beforehand and wanted them to act as evasive tanks with their pheromones and wings. They’d die in seconds if struck but could make hunting easier for her useful monsters.

In the air underneath the dark clouds with Leol’s pixies flew her Rocket Imps, Burst Bats, and Gargoyles. The initial wave would largely focus on the Blight Pixies glitter like pestilence felling most of the Unnamed Dungeon’s fodder and damaging the rest. Deadly as they were the Blight Pixies were incredibly small and sickly so it was up to the other monsters to defend them long enough for the magical diseases to take hold. After their job was done Megun’s Bomb Beetles would decimate the first floor and permit the other flame based monster’s safe entry into the flooded first floor.

Doubtful that she’d ever need them the ever cautious Megun had also set up several new defenses in front of the core room. She was somewhat sad the Mortar Monkey’s hadn’t been ready soon enough to join the march, but Ivan and his subordinates would make good bodyguards should everything go wrong.

Rubbing her hands together as she leaned back in thought Megun said “Shouldn’t take more than a year for me to replenish and rebuild the Unnamed Dungeon’s layout along with my own. I’ll get some mages to come reverse engineer those orbs and then look into Leol. Within the decade I should hold 3 dungeon’s under my control! Then it’s that bastard Rylens turn.”

So wrapped up in her future plans and aspirations was Megun that she missed a crucial detail that may have changed her mind. A lone warning from a small centipede peeking its head out from a tunnel it had burrowed near the Unnamed Dungeon’s entrance. In the very top of its vision the myriapod had caught several glowing circles just above the night’s cloud layer.


Swooping through the open door towards the back of the reservoir, Mulan shifted into her [Persona] form and kneeled before my [Projection] all in one movement.

“Milord. The hawks and rays have discovered what seems to be the enemy forces a few miles east from our entrance. In their midst we’ve observed black golems, what appear to be some kind of imps, and several varieties of winged men and woman ranging in size that are likely fairies or pixies.

Dispatching another freshly summoned batch of Honed Hawks and Perytons out of the core room I wiped some nonexistent sweat of my brow and asked, “Have we been spotted yet?”

“No, Milord. The enemy has shown no sign of movement. It is my belief they are waiting out the countdown before moving towards us.”

Nodding I ordered “Please make sure they stay hidden. If our enemy remains unaware of our own forces location we can launch a surprise attack just when the timer hits zero. In all likelihood they believe we’ll be playing defensive for the first few days given our lackluster prep time.”


Still kneeling on the floor Mulan asked, “Shall one of us [Named] lead the attack?”

Flashing a thumbs up I said “Since it’s an aerial assault that’s all you. Depending on how fast and well they react I’ll send some Peryton’s Kirin, and Coal Cats as reinforcements if needed. Most of them are heading out to assist Brooksdam with Mary but I’ll let you know once things get going and we can gauge our enemies strength.”

“As you will Milord.” Her report made Mulan shifted into her [Boss] form and took off to begin preparations for her attack.

Aside from the forces preparing outside the inside of the dungeon is a complete hub of activity. With no adventurers attacking and safe zone barriers eliminated creatures from every floor are interacting like never before to bolster our defenses. Currently most of our efforts are towards reshaping the Mangle Bog but I plan on giving the Smoldering Sequoia and Burza the same treatment once we have some breathing room.

The various spiders, Tempest Hares, and replacement Timber Wolf Alphas have been hard at work creating a maze of conductive threads to lead our enemies around in circles. In case of flame attribute monsters as I’m expecting from the Dungeon of Fireworks the Inflatable Hippos and a few Tidal Axolotls will be working as makeshift firewalls and fire fighters. The temporary re deign will of course be removed come wars end and monsters relocated to their proper floors. But for now I’m allowing everyone to work together as one dungeon united.

As a side effect of all my preparations and summoning my mana is almost tapped out. Once the war begins and creatures start dying in and around my dungeon we should see an increase but for now I’ll need to lean on my preexisting creatures strength even more than usual. Just what I’ll do with all the new faces once the war ends I can only dread.

Keeping in mind that my hawk species cost around 1,200 mana and my Sobeks about 1,500 I can create quite the army with the budget of 850,000 mana I had to work with. Impressive as those figures are the size of my enemies own forces are unknown. I could be facing several battles where my creatures are outnumbered 2 or even 3:1 without being too surprised. Not to mention just how unsustainable this army is already. This many new creatures would destroy my pre-established ecosystem in days, and without the free Creature Core mana they can’t live outside my walls. It’s a problem for once we win but it would be irresponsible of me not to at least consider the fates of those I’m creating. They are living beings after all.

Luckily I won’t be fighting this war completely on my own. Using Simmons as a surrogate I’ve been able to use my funds and hire many high ranking adventurer parties. Combined with the Royal Knights I have around 800 high level humans defending my entrance or Brooksdam and another 250-300 scouting the war zone for any other threats. At almost 200 miles in total distance with me in the direct center it would be impossible for me to have spies placed everywhere. By using the humans I effectively have a real time map of all combatants. I might not know much about war but information is without a doubt the key to victory.

Pulling out the map Mary had brought me just before heading for town with her forces, which we were purposely staggering to avoid detection, I reminded myself of my objective.

‘This war doesn’t simply end if we kill all the bad guys like a movie. We need to capture the enemies’ cores, destroy them, or make them surrender. In all likelihood forcing a surrender is only a temporary solution. If they would attack me despite the King’s orders I doubt they’d simply give up on me. They’ll come back with new or allies or attack as soon as I show a sign of weakness in the future.

‘To really drive them off I need to either win outright or show them I can punch back. Simply stalling is not a real clear condition. They’re expecting an easy and quick victory against a weaker and unprepared opponent. So the best way to catch them off guard would be surviving the incoming attack and immediately executing one of our own.’

Taking me out of my thinking Almar leapt out of the water in [Persona] form and strolled up to me dripping water across the white marble core room.

“Boss, my squads ready to roll once you give the word.”

Nodding I hovered slightly and began flying towards the entrance “Good. I’ll come see everyone off.”

Jumping in and swimming below me Almar began “You don’t need to personal- “

“Yes I do. All of you are fighting on my behalf, at the very least I can see my soldiers off to war.”

Nodding as he realized it wasn’t up for discussion Almar quickly escorted me up and out of the dungeon. While flying I couldn’t help but wonder if the invaders would need to solve the 3rd floor puzzle. Being able to skip past the different trials of Burza would certainly lessen their burdens. Perhaps the masters would need to solve the puzzle for their monsters? From what the humans tell me my monsters are incredibly intelligent for mere mana constructs. Even the childish intellect of Irwin breaks all pre conceived dungeon norms. Not that I plan on telling him that. He’s prone to cockiness after all.

Exiting the dungeon and surveying my forces a smile crept over my face as I looked out at the 200 Shivering Sobeks and Tidal Axolotls carrying their aquatic brethren in floating bubbles in the middle of the forest. Phantom and Banner Eels, Leviathan Whelps, Red Torpedo Fish, and even some 1st floor piranhas were currently loading up to attack the offshore Dungeon of Fairies entrance.

Given how public a dungeon entrance is it hadn’t taken the Reapers long to corroborate Simmons directions to the island. Working together with Almar we’d devised a plan to cut off any more reinforcements from crossing onto the mainland by polluting the ocean with our own forces. The rays would take care of any winged beasts while the others sunk any transport vessels.

This attack force would not be aiming to conquer the Dungeon of Fairies at all, just keep it busy. Meanwhile the rest of us will be attacking the Dungeon of Fireworks after assuring our defenses. Almar is the perfect leader for this unit as contender for the strongest monster in the dungeon, a natural leader, and aptitude for open sea combat.

Raising a hand to salute my creatures regardless of whether they understood the gesture I spoke in my most commanding tone “My deepest thanks to you all! When you fight know we’re fighting just as hard to defend our home. Return and we’ll all continue growing together!”

A series of roars, gurgles, magical shines, and splashing echoed around the forest as the army cheered. Many of those staying to defend us cried out in comradery and the cacophony of mismatched noises sent a warm feeling through my [Projection].

‘Yeah... we’re in this together everyone.’

Placing a hand on my shoulder as his forces started marching northeast to avoid our nearby enemies Almar said “We’ll be going then Boss. Make sure my kingdom is still standing when I get back. I don’t have anyone to succeed the throne to.”

Snickering as he walked off I replied, “You just be sire to come back and see the Queen again.”

I heard him grimace just as he activated the speed buff [Mako] and the army began heading off at staggering speeds. What I’d been referring to was a brief interaction he had with the Piranha Queen as he’d made his way through the Mangle Bog. It had only taken a single glance at the massive eel for the Queen to fall in love and pledge her life to him. Given that I couldn’t really order the Queen, one because she scares me, and two because she’s rebellious, the situation had made allocating the piranhas much easier than expected.

Coming out of the brush as he took a nervous glance over his shoulder Eli said “Can’t wait for all the poor farmers who see those things marching through their fields... That will be some interesting paper work...”

“Sorry that’s out my hands. At the very least they won’t be killing anyone.”

“Wish they’d act docile all the time.” He said almost tripping on an Anomalous Anaconda slithering by.

Clicking my nonexistent tongue I said “If everyone would buy the Withdraw Orbs I gave them it wouldn’t be a problem.”

Shrugging Eli answered “I’d love nothing more than to enforce ownership. Problem is that the price tag would fall on the government. We don’t have that kind of money just sitting around.”

“I let you pay in mana too.”

“True, but most of the mages who could buy dozens of those things are powering more important devices or under the mage guild.”

Getting back on topic I asked, “Do you have the maps I requested?”

Nodding as he pulled them from his storage ring and handed them over Eli clarified “Keep in mind that much like you the dungeon masters have likely made some interior alterations. These were published around a month ago but might still be useful.”

Putting them under my arm I smiled “Naturally. If I’m right about our enemies they’ve likely not changed much on the early floors. Most of their resources should have gone towards today’s battle and reinforcements. I’ll still be careful though.”

Putting his hands in his hips as he took in my assembly of mismatched troops Eli asked “Feeling confidant? Sure your dungeon is strong but these guys are decades older- “

Cutting him off a passing Kirin stood behind the captain and knocked his helmet off with its nose. Several nearby creatures had also stopped in their tracks to stare him down defiantly.

Stunned by the conviction held in such animalistic let alone mana created creatures Eli let it go. Not that I could blame him. The tenacity of my soldiers was something to behold. Just like me this was a matter of life and death for every creature here. Unlike human wars no one present could simply move somewhere else or live under new rulers. Losing is not an option.

“We’ll be fine Captain. Everyone here is prepared to fight to the last man, err, monster. And if not we go with plan B.”

Raising an eyebrow Eli asked, “Plan B?”

“Sacrifice everyone and reabsorb as much mana as possible. Once that’s done summon as many Tempest Hares as possible. They’re the cheapest monster I think are combat proficient enough to be useful.”

Grimacing at the mere mention of the now more than familiar beasts Eli begrudgingly asked, “And how many would you be able to make?”

Crunching some mental numbers I answered, “Presuming we could reach the same mana levels as before we built the army, the new warren would be around... 11,000?”

“By the gods... we might win this after all.”


Crabro was anxious just like all the other dungeon masters present. 4 of the 6 none participating masters had decided to meet up and watch the war proceedings together. The master of the Dungeon of Poison was not invited since she always smelled unbearable and didn’t belong to noble society, while the master of the Dungeon of Minerals had politely refused as always. Dwarves would seldom exit their dungeons when they could be inventing with endless material after all.

Arin had opted not to come along as she would be managing the dungeon in his absence, and Crabro felt all the weaker for it. She knew much more about the innerworkings of the dungeon than him as he usually the business side of things. Leaving him to feel slightly out of his element with the other dungeon master present. It could even be said she was the real dungeon master back home.

Seated on his left was Jastog Everly, a one armed grizzled old man who had long since outlived the frivolities of noble society. He was the master of the Dungeon of Crustaceans and was rather fittingly offering everyone some of the blue lobster tails he’d brought along. Being the size of carriages though they proved problematic to disperse around the table.

On his right was Claire Remwell, master of the Dungeon of Nimbus. Quiet and always one to wear her gray hair over her face Claire was the living embodiment of a rainy day. Fitting considering her dungeon but the constant rain and water on every floor made her dungeon a rather unpopular place to delve. Not that she ever seemed to mind the lack of company.

Last was the man directly opposite Crabro and the youngest of anyone present. Claire had become a legacy master about 12 years ago when she turned 20 as was tradition. During that time she’d made few alterations to the Dungeon of Nimbus and mostly just followed the instructions left behind to her. Ringley Nelner in sharp contrast was 24 and had been busy ever since. Owning a largely flora based dungeon Ringley had a lot more time to sit around and do nothing, so he spent that time networking. 2 years ago when the 6 and half foot tall, well skinned, berserker dressed man had declared war on the Dungeon of Nimbus with an army of over 15,000 mercenaries to back him up it came as no surprise. Crabro had actually been expecting Ringley to challenge the new dungeon first but Megun and Leol had surprised everyone with their [Alliance].

Arthropod, Oak, Crustacean, and Nimbus had all gathered in one room to watch a custom Monitor generated by the god’s voice that could be viewed by any dungeon master across the world, be them from Illia or not. A chance to personally inspect the interior of another dungeon so freely was a learning opportunity as much as it was a reconnaissance mission. The look into what lay in a dungeons unexplored floors was incredibly useful information for any future wars or trades.

Rubbing his hands together in excitement Ringley leaned in and said “SOOO? Any predictions guys?”

A moment of silence passed before he fell back in his chair and complained “Come on people! Why’d we all get together in person if we’re just gonna watch in silence?”

“Fair point lad.” Said Jastog “Although if we’re going to place some bets I want proper stakes.”

Grinning as he spread his arms out wide Ringley said “Of course! To get us started I’ll bet 5,000,000 Rhilos that the Dungeon of Fairies gets more kills than Fireworks in this opening attack.”

Stroking his gray beard Jastog said “5,000,000 may be a lot for you brat but that’s barely a day’s wages for me. Make it 10,000,000 or no dice.”

Shrugging the rich youngster fell into the old man’s trap with a smile “Sure! I can always have Megun reimburse me if I’m wrong.” Turning to Crabro Ringley asked “You want in bug boy?”

Ignoring the dig and responding cordially Crabro said “Not on this first wave no. I’d like to see the “Unnamed Dungeon” in action before I place any bets.”

“Fair enough.” He answered turning to Claire.

The usually quite Claire mumbled “I’d like to make a bet of my own as well.”

Turning in attention the three men eyed Claire as she clarified “300,000,000 Rhilos the “Unnamed Dungeon” wins this whole war.”

Floored at the incredible number Crabro and Ringley paused while Jastog laughed loudly rubbing his stomach.

“Now that’s a bet lass! Pretty confident in our mystery master are ye?”

Eager to jump back in Ringley said “Speaking of... Who has a guess on the master? It’s gotta be Everest right? It was probably someone else beforehand, but you’d be crazy to turn down an S class who stormed into town.”

Finally able to contribute Crabro said “I’m actually an old friend of the Brooksdam mayor and I believe him when he says no one is in charge. I can’t confirm that under Recompence, but I take the man at his word.”

Raising a gray eyebrow Jastog said “Really? Sorry but I just don’t think it’s possible to be as sophisticated as the reports say without a brain. Sure the word is it’s an experiment gone wrong, but I’d be willing to bet the elves are involved. Pointy, pretty bastards are always one fer trickery.”

“Believe what you will.” Crabro said before turning back to Claire “May I ask why you’d make such a bet though? Surely the Dungeon of Fireworks and Fairies have more resources at their disposal?”

Unshaken Claire said “I would beg to differ. I think the dungeon has shown itself to be a fully capable living being. It has even shown compassionate emotions in the Withdraw Orbs hurting all our profit margins. If the dungeon is truly free as I think, the amount of mana it generates must be immense. Young Megun and Leol have underestimated a powerful foe, of that I am sure.”

The room was silent as everyone reflected on her statement. It was true, the Withdraw Orbs had been severely hurting all of their businesses. When you could basically delve without risk of death it was obvious every adventurer would target the “Unnamed Dungeon” over them. Crabro at least knew he’d been trying to replicate the miracle product and safe zones. Sadly he just couldn’t figure out how the Unnamed Dungeon was producing them. Maybe he was just lacking in control? Or maybe the Unnamed Dungeon master had chosen different skills than him as he grew?

Lowering his raised chin Ringley said “I’ll take your bet Claire. Long as you can pay when old Leol pulls through for me!”

Not even reacting to Ringley’s challenge Claire looked to Crabro and Jastog.

‘No surprise some animosity still exists between them...’ Crabro thought.

Looking to Crabro in turn Jastog said “I’ll go halfsies with you buggy. To sweeten the deal I’ll treat you to my best seafood for the night.”

‘Mmmm... It’s a risky bet given how little we know but this is all in good fun. She might be mad but we can take the hit. Plus anything coming out of Jastog’s dungeon is bound to impress. Half of the people delving there are chefs after all!’

“I’m in. Now I need to place my bets on the younger generation!”

Guffawing rather unprofessionally Jastog said “You said it! Here have some diffused crab bubbles! Richer than the best champagne you’ve ever had! Just the right mixture of taste and froth.”

Bringing the surprisingly delicious delicacy to his lips Crabro looked towards Claire, who was grinning wildly. Something he’d never seen her do before.

“Feeling lucky Claire?” he asked between sips.

“Not lucky old friend. Just trusting my sources.”

Just as she finished her ominous phrasing the counter hit zero and the fighting began.

“Wait. I thought the surprise forces were 30 minutes away from the entrance?” said Ridley showing a hint of worry.

When he finished, the dark clouds above the dungeon’s forces became a brilliant show of lights as hundreds of hidden monsters began descending onto the troops below. Hawks, Rays, Bats, Owls, and all manner of flying creatures dove for the enemy troops. Led by a single red and black bird with 4 great blades trailing behind her tucked in wings.

As the sneak attack, no... massacre, on the hidden forces began Claire chuckled as the men suddenly felt their wallets grow lighter.

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