《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 37: New(?) Faces


Groaning as I stared at the giant wall of text before me I listened to the monotone voice ramble on in a much faster tone than usual. As the grand speech came to a close I felt Irwin, Mulan, and Almar all calling out for help across our link. Directly in front of me Mary collapsed to the floor, glowing a much darker shade of the usual orange as she cried out in a pained voice.


Running to her side with [Projection] I did my best to prop her up while using the Monitor to scan the dungeon for the origin of so much chaos. To my surprise every floor had indeed been emptied of adventurers except for the safe zones. Strange holographic orange barriers had sprung up around the entrances and exits but they felt semi permeable from my preemptive scan. Turning to my [Bosses] I found them all writhing across the ground or sea floor, all glowing the same sinister orange as Mary.

“What is going on!?” I yelled in my panic as I read through the wall of text floating beside me. Within I found the most likely culprit.

*DUNGEON HAS REACHED HIDDEN REQUIREMENT: Either declare or be drawn into a dungeon war






DUNGEON HAD REACHED HIDDEN REQUIREMENTS: Have a Boss monster or several Boss monsters required to serve multiple roles at once.


Hoping the new skills would help I tried to activate them, only to find myself incapable of doing so. Whatever [Persona] does only my [Named] will be able to use it and the voice told me [Instance] was currently unavailable.

Gritting my glowing teeth I screamed internally ‘God damn it! What the hell are these other dungeons doing?! Why are they hurting them!? I’ve never even met these guys!’

Growing in anger I asked my [Named] for an answer. From the short blurbs Almar could spit out with his strong mental resistances his mind was being filled with information. Whatever was granting them these new skills was doing it at a rate so quick and with so much force they couldn’t move. The feeling was apparently not directly painful, but so overwhelming and unstoppable their bodies didn’t know how to react.

Doing what I could I pulled around 10 stamina potions from my stored goods and placed about 10 at each of their locations, along with any other mental warding charms and items I could remember owning. Those that could reach the items said they helped so I flew around the dungeon in [Projection] form to force feed them all. Without any way to stop the flow of information all I could do was treat the symptoms as best I could.

Seemingly unrelated to my first aid the lights surrounding their bodies began to fade in time, and soon they began picking themselves up. I’d been assisting Mulan at the time when it stopped and received another message from the voice.


Once I confirmed over our link that the others were groggily getting up I asked the voice for a description of the other skill [Instances].




Useful as the [Instance] skill seemed I was much more preoccupied with making sure everyone was alright. Together with some concerned Coal Cats and Ethereal Elk we helped Mulan regain her footing.

Her red avian eyes having difficulty focusing on me she asked “Mi-milord? What just... happened?”

Motioning for the Coal Cats to help walk her to the core room I answered “Well for starters I think we just learned why you guys gain skills while dreaming. More importantly though we’ve got some new enemies coming our way and need to talk strategy.”

Since none of my [Named] monsters were reporting any problems other than wooziness I deemed the less immediate danger to have passed. Given the description 2 powerful skills being added to a monster’s very soul could easily explain the sudden outbursts. Long as they recovered within the next 48 hours the skills should prove a great boon.

Tapping into our link I ordered “Everyone meet up in the core room for now. Looks like all the adventurers have been evicted/evacuated so you’re clear to come down Irwin.”

30 minutes later Irwin (and the Swarming Slime he was swimming in), Mulan (who I’d ridden down), Mary, and Almar were all sitting around the vault door trying to make sense of what just happened. Problem with that being they were all looking to me for answers.

Beginning with a stressed sigh I began “Alright. From what I can tell 2 other dungeons have just declared war on us. Said war is... a little over 46 hours from now, whatever that entails. It also seems you’ve all been granted 2 new skills to assist us. Correct me if I’m wrong but everyone here now possesses [Persona] and [Instance] right?”

Irwin nodded fervently while Mary answered “That about covers it Master. Should we test the new skills out now?”

“Good idea. Irwin, I’ll activate [Instance] for you since you aren’t upstairs now.”

Pulling up the now installed [Instance] tab revealed a list of all my [Boss] and [Names] monsters along with the floor they guarded and were currently on. For now I activated the “clone” of Irwin on the first floor and set it to [Boss Mode].

Following the mental tap a circular light hovered up and down around Irwin as if scanning him. With a flash of light signifying the end of the scan a full flesh and blood copy of Irwin appeared on the 1st floor, Swarming Slime included! Both were sitting in the little crater above the Save Point as if nothing was different from usual. The clone placed in the [Instance] tab a small 1/1 hovered beside Irwin’s name. Sadly I couldn’t fight this war with infinite Irwin clones...

“Feel any different buddy?” I asked petting the large axolotl, who shook his head.

Following the same pattern with Mulan she added that a part of her instincts changed. Normally she felt obligated to stay positioned on the 2nd floor but as of now that obligation was treated as being met. A box checked in her mind so to speak.

When I did the same for Almar a second 35 foot, black and yellow Banner Eel appeared in the waters beside us. Interacting with it closely the clone could not speak, eat, or do anything other than carry out its duty of guarding the core room. If I had to guess the clones acted closer to a normal dungeon’s chosen [Boss] monsters would.

“Boss, does this mean I could have 2 of me here all the time? If we did that I would be basically unbeatable when buffing myself even further.”


Clicking my tongue I answered “Sounds great in theory but no. If more than one of you is down here the other will lose its abilities. The main use looks to be having the clones carry out your duties while going out on personal business.”

“Damnit... that’s a shame. One of is already incredible but 2...”

Coughing loudly Mary asked “For me I think the clone would be better served guarding your core while I’m out spying. Obviously she wouldn’t be much good outside without a brain.”

Into her wing Mulan whispered, “And you have one...?”

Before the usual fighting could start I changed the topic “Almar! How about you try [Persona] for us.”

“On it Boss.” The giant eel grinned as he closed his eyes and focused on the new power.

Upon activation a series of orange flashes rang out along his body from head to tail, and then back again. With the final flash Almar seemed to completely vanish. But something much smaller fell into the water below. Acting quickly Irwin jumped in and fished the new thing out. And as he dragged the being onto the shore I was absolutely stunned.

Laying in front of us was a muscular, 6’8”, ridiculously handsome Arabic man with several fin like yellow bands flowing with an invisible wind on his arms and legs. On his bare chest was a tattoo of the flag of Burza over his heart. His short black hair barely hid two small yellow horns emerging on his forehead.

Briefly inspecting himself the man looked me in the eyes and said “Guess this is what it does Boss. Pretty cool right?” he enunciated with a flex “Now I can walk on land with all of you!”

We hadn’t noticed at first since he was covered by water and darkness but Almar’s new body was completely nude. And as he did some light stretching his “eel” flexed as well.”

“Oh my!” cried Mulan as she covered her own face with a wing and used the other to shield Irwin. This along with Almar’s confused look caused Mary to snort while I walked over to help my [Boss].

I pulled some random adventurers clothing and asked him how he was feeling.

“Not really any different weird as that is. Being small is strange but I’m pretty sure I could still fight like this. Let me check [Yellowfin] real quick.”

Almar followed up by activating one of his self-buffing effects. [Yellowfin] seemed to be his strength modifier as in a brief flash of yellow Almar’s already impressive physique changed to closely resemble a bodybuilder.

“I’d say it still works Boss. This is great!” he chuckled while throwing some jabs at an invisible opponent.

As he slipped some clothes on I began thinking about the ramifications of this new ability. If my creatures can assume a “human” form we might be able to sneak into town all at once. Even though I don’t personally have the [Persona] skill having body guards that can transform into giant monsters at will is pretty good.

“Master! Nothings happening!” cried Mary in a whiny voice. She had seemingly activated the skill herself, but she hadn’t suddenly taken a human form.

“If I had to guess it’s because you can already become human.”

Getting a bit pouty she said “Well that’s not fair! Everyone else gets a new skill!”

“Are you for real? Little shadow you’ve been leaving this dungeon for months. We have more reasons to whine than you.” Almar said coming into view wearing his black leather shirt and brown pants.

Mary could do little to combat his logic and resigned herself with a long “Fiiiiiine.”

Turning we looked at Mulan and Irwin expectantly. The latter of which began to glow the same color as Almar had before Mulan swatted him on the head interrupting.

“Milord. Before the two of us try out the skill I’d like to request proper clothing. It would be improper of us to be naked in front of you.”

Never one to miss an opportunity Mary interrupted “She’s just embarrassed Master.”

Stammering the usually stern warrior replied “N-not at all! It’s just that showing myself in that state in front of milord would be shameful!”

Obviously understanding of her request I purchased a [Textile Shop] from the [Construction] tab and let everyone pick out what they wanted. As we didn’t know their sizes I excused myself out of the core room after putting up changing screens. 24,000 Rhilos later and all my monsters were looking good in their new clothing.

Almar had opted for a bare chest to show off his tattoo but wore a dark yellow sash that went across the other side like a toga would. For pants he purchased some baggy black sport wear that scrunched up at his heels since he found them easy to move in. Finally he bought a royal black cape fit with a fur white border and the flag of Burza centered as it flowed behind him.

Irwin had transformed into a young kid, around 11-12, and just picked whatever he thought looked cool. He had blue hair, white skin, and brown eyes that seemed to sparkle at everything he looked at. The only sign of him being an Axolotl were 6 pink feelers on his cheeks like whiskers. Strangely he still couldn’t talk but his much more expressive face showed how much fun he was having in the store menu. By the time he was done he was decked out in a kid’s white karate uniform with a blue belt around his waist. I tried to explain that black was the highest level but even though he couldn’t talk I gathered that “blue was his favorite” and left it be. In an action I found slightly humorous the cowardly Swarming Slime that followed Irwin everywhere coiled around his neck like a gelatinous scarf and would lift a small knob of a head around to look at things.

Mulan, to no one’s surprise, took the form of a beautiful Japanese woman with long black hair and red avian eyes. She was quite tall at an even 6 foot but not as muscular as Almar, despite maintaining her immense physical strength and speed. For her outfit she went with a white and red yukata that was tied by a red/black ribbon. Said ribbon also contained her 4 streamers that she could still operate independently, but to any onlooker she would appear completely human, albeit dressed slightly strange. Finishing the look she used a red feather to tie her hair up in a bun while still leaving some of it hanging down past her shoulders.

Not wanting to be left out Mary wasted some of my money and bought some ninja clothes. I didn’t have the heart to tell her sinking into the shadow’s, or simply shifting her appearance would always be more useful on account of how much fun she had pretending to be a ninja with Irwin.

Our costume shopping done my monster turned human companions and I sat back down to discuss our plan of action for this dungeon war. Being the newest member we recounted everything about the outside for Almar while refreshing ourselves on the situation.

“So, we don’t have a great idea why they attacked us? I mean, obviously Boss’s core is valuable but why show up now? We’re stronger than ever and that King Rylen guy made it illegal to enslave us.”

Speaking calmly from her position on both her knees Mulan asked in turn “You raise a good point with the strange timing, but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. We can figure out their motives and why King Rylen hasn’t chosen someone once the war is over. In fact I was planning to request such actions soon regardless. Mary, what I’d like to know is what you’ve heard about these other dungeons. Fairy, and Fireworks if memory serves?”

From a much less official looking stance the manspreading Mary said “I got nothing. Although that might be because we’re the most talked about dungeon in public discourse and the closest one. Not much reason to bring up places far away you know? I’ve already ordered the Reapers to look around Brooksdam for info on those two in particular and dungeon wars in general. Works out pretty nice with that [Creature Core] war trick.”

Feeling a little out done by my capable creations I added “Well we know how we win and lose at least. If they destroy me, which may or may not include my [Projection] or are able to capture me and make me declare surrender we lose complete control of the dungeon and get enslaved. To win we need to make them withdraw, reach a treaty, or do the same to their cores. It is worth mentioning that if we take one the other may surrender immediately. Also, these are human dungeon masters meaning we should have an advantage in terms of mana.”

Almar replied “But they are likely running much larger dungeons than us. We may have better raw numbers, but they have likely been preparing for this, meaning they know what they are doing. Plus it’s a two on one unless someone comes to our aid.”

“Regardless, we have about 40+ hours remaining till it officially starts. Question is do we create more creatures or hold off till we understand the rules more?”

Raising her hand Mulan said “Since the restrictions on our [Creature Cores] have been lifted we can infer that we’ll be fighting outside the dungeon to an extent. How about we leave the interior of the dungeon as is and create an army that will fight outside? If we are to capture these other cores we’ll need an attack force no matter what.”

Falling back on my hands I said, “Great plan except for the outside reaction.”

“Reaction Milord?”

“Think from the adventurer’s perspective. One minute everything is normal, the next you are teleported out of the dungeon and head back into town to report. Next morning the outside of the dungeon has an army of never before seen creatures surrounding it when they’ve never even been spotted leaving before.”

Somewhat disheartened Mulan said “Fair point Milord...”

Crossing his arms as he turned to me Almar asked “So. What’s the plan then Boss?”

Nodding under the pressure I said, “Well if we’re going to raise an army during this little set back and ravish the land of our neighbors we have something to do first.”

“What?” all of the three speaking monster’s asked.

“We get permission.”

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