《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 35: A Sign of Things to Come


“Gelm! Another on the right!” yelled Lucas as he used his shield to throw a Coal Cat off the side of the marble stairway.

While they and the solo delver, who they’d learned was named Harris, were currently fighting off the waves of Coal Cats and Ethereal Elk from below the other team was busy fighting the boss. They’d been so busy fighting, the team had only heard what sounded like conversation from above followed by the sounds of screaming. Given they couldn’t see the battle above they could only do their assigned duty and keep the reinforcements back.

Gelm landed a kick on the approaching Coal Cat as he reached for a throwing needle at his waist.

“Damn it Aurora! Where’s that ice wall!” The rogue yelled as he took a claw to the arm and was forced to retreat.

Knocking another Elk’s magic blast from its trajectory she yelled in irritation “Little busy! If you could get rid of the cats and buy me time I’d be- “she paused to block another wind blast with her own magic “More! Than happy to!”

Harris grunted in frustration as he fought against his own Coal Cat. Just when the boss fight had started, several of the large cats had emerged from hiding spots beneath the stairs. Everyone in the raid had learned about the Coal Cat’s sleeping hammocks far too late. The commotion of that fight had brought the elk closer and created even more chaos.

“Blondie!” Harris yelled “Shoot off a [Gale Slash] in 5 seconds when I do. Spam until that wall is up!”

Momentarily pausing between helping Gelm or engaging the elk Lucas was left standing still. Until he heard a grand caw from above and made his choice.

“[Gale Slash]!” Lucas said as he dropped his shield and put his full force into the swing.

Harris released two of his own from his scimitars and they began blocking the oncoming onslaught of elemental attacks in a coordinated flurry of magic blades.

While they were busy, Gelm was able to slice off the Coal Cat’s three headed tail at the base and finally push the creature off the edge. Such a tactic was only possible with Aurora’s spells keeping them immune to the Steam Blasts the cats could release.

“[Glacial Wall]!” Aurora called out as a meter thick wall of ice cut the Elk off from the party.

After making sure the elk couldn’t break through the team began rushing up the stairs to help the main strike force. Just as they breached the clouds Lucas cast [Will of Gaia] to boost the group’s defense.

“DIE!!!” yelled Kroll as he thrust his spear through the impossibly large red and black birds’ armored neck.

Taking stock of the platform revealed a horrible sight. Of the 11 other raid members who had been fighting the boss only 3 remained. All the others were either missing, likely on the forest floor, teleported, or lying in pools of their own blood. Kroll and the Grilling Gargoyle’s healer were the only 2 left standing while an archer had just fallen on top of Lucas’ raised buckler, one moment away from falling down the entire stairway.

With the final strike from Kroll the bird gurgled slightly and fell to the ground in a massive thud. All were silent for a moment as the dungeon absorbed the boss, leaving a single long red feather, a bundle of metal feathers, and a few thousand Rhilos. Kroll fell to the platform, barely raising his hands to catch himself as he fell and began to weep.


Aurora and the healer began doing what they could for the remaining raid members but only 2 more would be coming back.

At a loss for words as he poured a hard earned Biting Brew into the archer’s mouth Lucas stammered “W-what happened?”

In between his sobs Kroll picked up the loot and cradled it in his arms. The healer in between her work and her own tears managed to answer, “Mulan.”

With the help of Harris and the others the young party was able to move the still breathing member past the door ahead. The group barely had time to read the banner that appeared in front of them as they rushed towards the nearest teleporter.

Welcome to Camp Core!

First I’d like to congratulate you on your victory against Mulan! She’s quite the fighter and I’m sure gave you a run for your Rhilos! In exchange for accomplishing such a feat you now have access to the 2nd safe zone, Camp Core. The dungeon has taken many of the complaints and requests of the first floor safe zone and tried its best to improve in every way. Several new facilities and exclusive cabins are available for rent and recreation so please take the time to familiarize yourselves with all of them!

Just before they were whisked away to the dungeon entrance the surviving members had some time to look at the campsite. It perfectly replicated the feeling of the outdoors even simulating wind and sunlight. If it wasn’t for the grim state of their companions the party would have spent the next few hours learning all they could about the new safe zone.

Paying for the mana cost of the teleportation herself Aurora led the way into the teleporter and was the first to exit as she rushed to the entrance outside the dungeon. Laying there were the other 4 raid member fortunate enough to purchase Withdraw Orbs beforehand. The guards and some nearby healers had already been applying healing magic, but Aurora still spent the rest of her mana on patching them up best she could with her lackluster healing spells.

While they couldn’t do much, Lucas, Gelm, and the Gargoyle healer made their way over to Valentia and began recounting the raid.

According to the healer the bird boss had actually spoken with the party and introduced herself as Mulan. Something never before seen in a dungeon, before fighting all 11 members on the platform at once. Lightning quick and with swordsmanship the likes of which the healer had never seen, the warrior had landed fatal blows on 8 B rank raid members before Kroll was able to bait her and land a killing blow.

Lucas and the others also added that they’d fought with 9 total Coal Cats and the remaining Ethereal Elk from the first platform with the burning grass. Just that battle alone had almost cost them their Withdraw Orbs so he could only imagine what the boss herself was like. Add in the several dozen Terracotta Golems hunting the raid party on the way up and the Smoldering Sequoia was even more difficult than previously thought.

“Gelm, Lucas, you two head to town and get the captain. He needs to hear about this since Simmons isn’t back yet. I’ll stay here and get everyone’s stories. Harris was it?” she said pointing to the delver “You and this lady here are going to help the guards get your friends back to town. Head to the docks and ask for Jep, mention my name and he’ll give you a free ride with the medical boat. I’ll stay here and ban entry to the second floor for now.”


With that the Vice-Captain ran into the dungeon and directly to the teleporter down. Just like any emergency barring entry until they understood what exactly happened was the first step.


Simmons was exhausted. Not only had he traveled the full 5 days to the capital at a record pace and not been given time to rest, but he’d spent almost the entirety of his stay being accosted by several noblemen and women. Earlier in the day he’d concluded yet another meeting with King Rylen about the coming aid to Brooksdam. A topic he had no problems discussing but just speaking with a man as powerful as the king of Illian was stressful in its own right. Hopefully the royally chosen dungeon master would except their invitation soon and Simmons wouldn’t need to return.

Currently he was attending a party being thrown by the Nightway household in celebration of their second eldest son’s birthday. Simmons had absolutely no attachment to the family and understood the true purpose of the invitation. Like every other person he’d spoken to that night the Nightway’s wished to gain favor with him and leech some wealth off the new dungeon. This was the greedy side of politics he’d left behind when he took over managing Brooksdam. After his time at the academy with Eli he realized he couldn’t stand all the frivolity of noble society and decided he’d return home and live out his life in peace. A part of him would always love politics but more the management side and less the relationships and noble houses aspect.

Even if he hadn’t become a person of interest Simmons couldn’t help but be stressed. It had only been a few days since he received word that the S class adventurer Everest would be in his town. By now the man was likely long gone but no word had reached him about what had transpired or if his home was still standing. Just imagining how much damage an S class could cause in that time made him feel ill...

“Simmons! I was hoping to run into you while you were still in Centrilliam!” said an older enthusiastic male voice from behind him.

Turning Simmons saw a man that needed no introduction, Lewis Crabro the current master of the Dungeon of Arthropods. Dressed in a suit with a small ant shaped outline along the cuffs of his shirt, the man possessed an aura that oozed power and wealth, even if it had been decades the aura of an adventurer that concurred his family dungeon for the right to oversee it still existed beneath the fine clothing.

Beside him was his wife, Arin Crabro, who was wearing an orange dress with honeycomb outlining underneath her heavily accented breasts. Rumor was that she’d married for money, but Simmons remembered the two running around the academy dorms at night on more than one occasion. In all likelihood they were actual sweethearts behind closed doors.

“Ah, Lewis! What’s it been... 8 years? I think I last saw you during Julia’s wedding in Port Krait.”

“That was a lovely wedding was it not? I’d hope so given the price!” he said gesturing to his wife and laughing. “Arin this is Isaac Simmons if you remember him. We were a year above him, but he lived in the same dorm as me.”

Politely bowing Simmons added “Just subtract 20 pounds and I might jog your memory.”

Giggling politely into her hand Arin said “I do believe I remember seeing you around the academy. You had a passing interest in marine life if memory serves?”

“Quite the memory indeed miss Arin! Yes, before I’d decided to enter politics I briefly considered studying the ocean in all her glory. Never did get along great with old Jastog and his lot. Can you believe that monster used to teach children? I’ll be the first to admit though that a part of me still belongs to the sea.”

More pleasantries and small talk persisted, and Simmons actually enjoyed catching up with the old senior as they’d gotten along well in the past. As with everyone else at the party though Lewis did get down to business soon enough though.

“Isaac. I felt it my duty to give you a word of warning.”

“Oh?” Simmons said raising his glass for a sip.

“As you know I’m quite a big player in the dungeon owning business. While my adventuring days may be behind me I do still participate in the younger members discussions. And, well... many of them believe you are secretly the owner of the Unnamed Dungeon.”

“What?!” Simmons said almost dropping his drink. Illegally owning a dungeon and not reporting so to the King was grounds for execution! Not to mention the target such a position would put on his back. If he actually had access to the resources of an enslaved dungeon that would be one thing but...

“I know it may seem outrageous to me and you but that’s what they are thinking. I’d hire some more bodyguards if you haven’t already and get ready for a possible declaration of war.”

“You think they’d go so far?”

“Absolutely. I’ve been challenged for ownership more than once over the years and my dungeon is over 20 floors deep. Since no one is actually in control of the dungeon itself either it will be defending itself. Specifically I’d keep an eye on Leol Osin, owner of the Dungeon of Fairies and maybe Megun Yui owner of the Dungeon of Fireworks. Those two are recently shifted legacy masters and both drunk on their new power. Megun in particular has made grand changes to her dungeon, including the addition of 3 new floors since taking charge.”

Taking a shaky gulp of the wine that had lost its flavor Simmons asked “If they are looking to take the dungeon what could I do to stop them? I’m no master after all.”

Surprisingly Arin answered “If they actually declare a dungeon war not much could be done. You could try to recruit adventurers to defend the dungeon but that’s about it. Sadly our hands are tied along with many other dungeon masters. The newbies are so wrapped up in old favors, we can’t intervene without serious repercussions.”

With an apologetic look at Simmons Lewis added “Sorry old friend but I really thought I should let you know. I’ve heard rumor of the dungeon’s advanced nature so maybe it can defend itself? Have there been any sighting of monsters exiting the dungeon?”

“Not one. King Rylen has had guards stationed around the clock as well...”

Exchanging a look the Crabro’s seemed to have already signed Simmon’s loss off. And he couldn’t blame them. Dungeon Wars were a dirty business.

Dungeon Wars were intense battles where two dungeon masters would send waves upon waves of creatures into the others dungeon, or the surrounding area, until the opposing core was captured, master was killed, or a stalemate was reached. While only historically observed between sentient dungeon masters it may be possible for a dungeon war to be declared on a free core. But if two dungeons declared war on the Unnamed Dungeon at once Brooksdam may be swept up in its wake.

“Dear me...” Simmons said as he handed his wine off to a passing waiter and felt a sudden desire to sit down.

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