《Enlightened Empire》Maps and Illustrations


Hello, everyone. This post will contain maps for now, and maybe additional illustrations at some point in the future.

First, a map of the Medala Empire and Yakuallpa. Also known as the Great Turtle (even though it barely looks like a turtle) or the Twin Isles (even though it's technicaly two peninsulas stacked together... medieval people aren't great at geography).The map will be updated as we go along, for now I've included the named locations from book two (The Raven and the Snake), so if you want to avoid very minor spoilers you should only check the map after you've read up to Chapter 40 or so.

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The northern peninsula is called Sinchay, the southern one Sachay. It's a very stretched land which spans climates from mediterranean in the very north to arctic tundra in the south. The overall territory isn't actually that large. The northern Isle of Sinchay has a slightly smaller area than the Iberian Peninsula. It's even less if you exclude mountains and frozen wastes no one lives in.

The Chutwa Empire is some ways west, beyond the Verdant Isles. The Arcavian continent is waaay out towards the east, water and difficult streams abound. The path Corco and his people take in book two leads them from Porcero over Samusca through a small mountain pass. Unlike the two major passes, the pass is too small to be visible on the map, but it would lead them out of the mountains just north of Arguna.

Here's the same map again, but with political borders, as of the start of book three. Be aware of spoilers for the end of book two.

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The dark blue is Corco's administration, while the light blue is his directly controlled territory. The red is Pacha's administration while the yellow/gold is Amautu. Arguna in purple is ruled jointly, so it gets its own color. As an aside, most of the islands along the coast don't belong to anyone for special and complicated reasons I will probably go into in a future chapter. I don't wanna spoil that yet in case I ever intend to make it a major plot point.


Once more, the same map as above, but this time with the borders from the end of Book 4 (careful about spoilers)

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Dark blue is the southern kingdom, red is the central kingdom, yellow is the northern kingdom.

Light blue are Corco's own estates/lands he controls directly (part of southern kingdom)

Pink/Magenta/whateverthatis is the city of Arguna (independent, ruled by the Ancestral Hall)

The dark red/brown around Port Ulta are Arcavian holdings (technically part of the central kingdom)

New additions to the map aree obviously Corco gaining land from Pacha north of Qarasi Castle, Amautu gaining land from Pacha south-west of Arguna and Pacha/Arcavia gaining control over Port Ulta from Corco.

Here's a world map, somewhat imprecise and with missing parts. This is just about the entire world as it is known to the main characters, minus the eastern half of Arcavia.

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