《Everybody Loves Large Chests》Not a chapter - Q&A with the author


I've noticed you guys have quite a few comments and some rather long discussions. While I appreciate the interest and thought I'd make some details very clear, apparently this wasn't the case. So, since I don't have much else to do, I'll take some time to answer any and all of your questions, regardless of whether they're related to this series or not.

Just keep in mind I reserve the right to give you nonsensical, idiotic answers if the questions deserve them. 'There is no such thing as a dumb question' is a saying I wholeheartedly refute with every fiber of my being. And if someone disagrees, then I want you to consider the following: Why do whiskers have cats?

P.S. Word of warning for those coming in from chapters following this one - I will not tolerate questions with spoilers in them. They will be deleted on-sight.

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