《Master Of The Omnitrix》Chapter 7 - Aquatic Escapade



Ben's POV

I was taking a swim in a lake at night.

" Canonball !"


" Wooooo ! "

As I cheered at my own achievement Gwen comes by.

" Hey, come on , dive. "

" Please , Who knows what is in that lake and unlike you I can't instantly transform into something or heal from it or ( as you say ) will prevent your death or ...."

" I get it , I get it," I reply.

As she heads back to the RV, I get a bad feeling, I don't know why. I don't think there's any important event happening.


Just in case I'll keep a transformation in mind.

Once she is gone, like the instant (instant !) a real monster appears and attacks me .

I wonder what Celestialsapen I pissed off.


The only aquatic species that I have is Ripjaws and besides breathing underwater I don't have much besides a little enchanced strength and speed.

The results were in the monster as the victor.

Yeah , I can't ....

I beat Animo in seconds, how did I lose to a ... wannabe sea creature ...

Wait , A mythical creature is always something I don't beat in Ben 10 , its something I search to kill or help.

( That's it . Yeah . )

I searched but was unable to find it again, I head back to the RV to warn Gwen and Grandpa Max.


I'm back in human form as I pant in exhaustion.

" Guys *pant * guys *pant* I was attacked by a lake monster. "

" *Yawn* Sure , sure we'll see how big the fish is tomorrow. "

They don't believe my story.

How ... The .... F.u.c.k .... Do ... Not ... Believe .... Me ?!?

Aliens , Monsters and Magic Exist !


The next morning, the three head out to the pier for a fishing trip. I walk around thinking about the event with the giant monster last night, Max chalked it up to some kind of fish that looked larger than it was when I asked further .

Upon reaching their boat, I a spots a bucket of worms .

I holds a handful to Gwen.

" Knowing Grandpa, this could be breakfast."

Max tells her that it is bait, but she is disgusted and decides to stay on the jetty, rather than join them. She leaves and Max gets the captain's attention, saying that they are ready.

" Captain Shaw. "

" Who wants to know ?"

Max then explains that they've chartered the boat, but Shaw's impatience grew and told them to get on board.

On the water, Max tries to make small talk with Shaw. He has limited success, though enough to provoke him to notice that I'm is leaning over the edge, guessing that I'm probably seasick.

This is not the case, however, for I am merely keeping a close eye for the giant creature he saw.

Max tells me that the trip is nothing more than a fishing trip, but Shaw backs me up. It would mean more if he wasn't nuts for coco puffs .

He says that the creature he saw was called the Krakken and that he has been tracking the beast for some time now, which explains his given reputation for being crazy.

That doesn't surprise me .

On the way, Shaw shows off his equipment on board made for tracking the Krakken.


" Sonar, HD Video , Ultrasound. I got it all and I will find it."

Your lucky I need you, crazy.

Max tries to convince Ben that Shaw's reputation is deserved, but he doesn't agree with him. They are then nearing their destination, though they find the area cordoned off. Before Shaw continued on, another boat pulls up beside his. On it, a man named Jonah Melville informs them that the organization Friends of Fish, which he claims he founded, is conducting an environmental study in that section of the lake and needs him to turn around. Shaw doesn't want to, but Max makes him since that boat is currently chartered to him. When Ben mentions the Krakken, Jonah explains it as an old nonsense story. Ben is still not convinced.

As they are escorted back by Jonah, Shaw's sonar picks up an object heading towards their boat. At first glance, it appears to be a large shark. I think otherwise, believing it to be the Krakken.

Sure enough, it gets closer and its silhouette shows that it is far too large to be a shark. It passes under their boat and the group realizes that its target is the docks.

At the docks, Gwen is happy to be by herself.

" Aaaa, Finally some sun and no weird alien attacks or wannabe supervillains."

( Murphy strikes again)

' What now ? '

The appearance of the gaint swamp green tentacled Krakken immediately answers the question in her mind.


The Krakken completely destroys the dock, sending Gwen and many civilians into the water.

" What the ... "

Back on the boat

" See , I told you! The Krakken lives!"

Shaw gloats over his claim.

" Sail now , gloat later !"

Max sends him back to steer the ship then turns to me .

" Go rescue the people in the water. "

I'm already getting overboard , I then transform into Ripjaws. I begin to swim to Gwen but the Omnitrix AI suggests something.


Odd , but I guess it only wants the best for me....





I then transform into XLR8 and realize I can run on water allowing me to save Gwen and everyone else.

3rd POV

" Get us out of here ! "

On Jonah's boat, he orders his crew to get moving. The Krakken, which is holding another boat, notices his boat and chases after them.


It almost sank their boat, but XLR8 arrives just in time to scare it away with a spinning cyclone. XLR8 hops onto their boat, and the Krakken returns to grab a crate marked CANNERY, sitting right on the boat's deck. Jonah is concerned about the crate, trying to drag it away from the Krakken risking death , and XLR8 then attacks the creature with rabid fire kicks and piercing attacks .

" Thanks for the hand... and the feet. "

As it leaves, and he questions Jonah for the crate's importance.

" What's in that crate that could be worth risking your life ?! "

Jonah, however, is evasive about the contents of the crates.

" Ummm, our lunch ... ?"

Ben's POV

I was speechless.

Honestly, speechless.

' Alright, these bitches are lying. '

I was, at first, extremely confused for Jonah being that bad at lying and why , then suspicious. Very suspicious.


I immediately ignores it when the Krakken comes back and grabs the crate.


' Well, I'm done here .'


I runs as fast as he can back to his boat,

making it on board. Max notices Ben and tells Shaw interrupting his process of aiming a harpoon directly at the Krakken. He gives up, and promises to get it next time.

Later that night, everyone is packing up and leaving.

" What the heck guys ?!? "

" I tell you a sea monster appears and you write me of as crazy, after everything ?!? "

Gwen at the very least look little bit ashamed while Max scratches the back of his head in embarrassment .

" Sorry, I'm still getting used to the strange stuff " Gwen mumbled .





" And I ... its been soo long time since I had to consider the strange things in life again. Sorry ."

After making up , Max still says that Shaw is crazy, and wants me to stay away from him.

I wants to help catch the Krakken, but Max insists that I should leave it be.


" No good, low down fish f.u.c.kers ? "

Right on time convenience .

" What is it ?"

He insists that it won't stop him from catching the Krakken.

3rd Person

Later, Gwen and Max get ready for bed. They wonder what is taking Ben so long in the bathroom. Max opens the door to check on him, only to discover that he is not there.

Instead, he is on Shaw's boat, which Shaw quickly learns, though he doesn't seem bothered about it. Upon reaching the spot, Shaw prepares himself to dive in and look for the Krakken, calling himself "live bait". Ben insists that he should go with him, but Shaw calls his harpoon gun the only companion he needs. Shaw jumps overboard, and he finds a giant egg in a nest. He studies it, and noticed something behind him.

He fires a harpoon, only for the figure to dodge. As it got closer, it was just Ben. Shaw shows Ben the egg and then swims back up.

Back at his boat, Shaw finds an armed speedboat parked right next to his. He boards back onto his boat, and three men in diving gear pull him up to interrogate him. Shaw admits that he saw nothing, so the man knocks him out.

Upon removing his mask, it turns out to be Jonah. He has his crew drag Shaw on his boat to question him further at the cannery.

I instantly activate the Omnitrix just Jonah activates a tracking device and tosses it into the water where the nest is and throws a bomb onto Shaw's boat .

Jonah and his men head for the cannery, and they notice something coming.

"Is that a bird ? "

"Nah, it's a plane."

Jonah,however, figures out.

"It's a giant bug. Man the Harpoon !"

Upon seeing him, they attempt to shoot him down .


Stinkfly is able to disable their weapons with slime.



Jonah then begins to release the depth charges attached to the back of his boat. None of them hit me , but one explodes and causes a tree to fall, sending me into the water, rendering his wings useless.


Lucky for me, master control.

As they search for him, I hide in the water.

Only to see ....

The Krakken has shown up.

Jonah probably notices too.

" It's getting to crowded , dump the trash overboard !"

As dump Shaw overboard to escape , I then rescued Shaw from drowning and meet up with Grandpa Max and Gwen

" That's why the Krakken's been attacking, Jonah has been stealing her eggs !" I shouted in realization.

" I've also found out who Jonah really is..."

She then explains how he's really a poacher and been doing it to rare animals all over the world.

Not a universe ending threat but still needs to be stopped.

3rd POV

They reach the docks, while Gwen calls the police.

Just as Shaw unties the boat, and the team leaves him behind. Shaw becomes annoyed, but quickly spots a simple rowboat to replace it.

At the cannery, Jonah has already retrieved the egg using a miniature sub. His henchman is loading it into a large container with a second egg. The trio arrives as he gloats over how much money they're going to make with the eggs.

Ben sends Gwen and Max up to find the eggs, while he stays behind to deal with the poachers.


Ben transforms into Ripjaws.


The Krakken shows up to save her eggs. The poachers attempt to shoot it off.


Only to find that it's too durable to hurt. They flee, and one is knocked into the water. Jonah heads to the minisub to fight the Krakken, only to have similar luck.

Ripjaws hops out of the water to assist the Krakken.

Inside the cannery, Gwen and Max sneak around in an attempt to catch one of the henchmen off-guard. He's currently picking up a rather large weapon off of a rack. As they sneak in, Max makes use of hand signs from Plumber training. Meanwhile, the poacher who was in the water climbs back up and finds them. Despite being at gunpoint, Max threatens the poacher, asking him if he'd like to do things the easy way, or the hard way.

The Krakken's tail pokes through the building at the right moment to provide a distraction, allowing Gwen and Max to ride on hooks attached to the ceiling. As they pass by the poacher, the Krakken's tail sends him back into the water. The second poacher is knocked out through a team effort by Gwen and Max, with Max kicking the weapon from his hands, and Gwen landing on his face.

Ben's POV

I and Jonah continue to fight over the eggs, dodging attacks from the Krakken as they do.

Jonah's minisub proves to be formidable, possessing several devices meant specifically to be used on aquatic creatures. I finally catches a break when they end up at Shaw's sunken boat though.

By using the anchor, I is able to fight Jonah off, and eventually removes one of the limbs of his minisub. I then takes the eggs back to the Krakken's nest, appeasing it.

Jonah attempts to steal the eggs again and the Krakken bites his minisub in half.

Fool never learns.

Jonah then attempts to stab the Krakken, only to have his knife break.

Idiot !

The Krakken almost eats him, but I stop her and she goes back to her eggs. I knock Jonah out and leaves him hanging from some wreckage for the police to find him.

Max seems glad to see Jonah arrested.

In the end the Krakken was reunited with her eggs.

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