《Master Of The Omnitrix》Chapter -2 - Plumber Personnel Database - 2006


File Name : Ben 10

Name: Benjamin "Ben" Kirby Tennyson .

DOB : 12/27/1996

Aliases : Ben, Bengy, Ben 10 , Omnitrix wielder , Watch Boy , Alien Petridish , Alien Powerhouse, Legion.

Occupation : Honorary Plumber .

Affiliation : Plumbers .

Height : 4,8 feet - 148 cm

Weight : 110 pounds - 50 kg

Species : Human ( Part Anodite ).

Homeworld : Earth.

Name: Gwendoline "Gwen" Tennyson .

DOB : 12/27/1996

Aliases : Gwen , Gwendoline , Nerd , Lucky Girl, Sorceress Supreme.

Occupation : Honorary Plumber .

Height : 4,8 feet - 148 cm

Weight : 110 pounds - 50 kg

Species : Human ( Part Anodite ).

Homeworld : Earth.

File Name : Max Tennyson

DOB : 06/25/1947

Aliases : Maxwell, Max , Maxy , Dad, Old man , Grandpa Max , Grandpa.

Occupation :Plumber .

Height : 6,4 feet - 195 cm

Weight : 450 pounds - 204 kg

Species : Human .

Homeworld : Earth .

File Name : Kevin 11 .

Name: Kevin Ethan Levan .

Aliases : Kevin , Kevin 11 , Absorption man , Energy Sponge , Ultra man .

Occupation : Honorary Plumber .

Height : 4,8 feet - 148 cm

Weight : 110 pounds - 50 kg

Species : Human - Osmosian Hybrid.

Homeworld : Earth.

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