《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 74 - 74. The monkey


"How much blood you need?" Now as he gave up on his initial intention he went back to her request.

"How much do you have?" Jenny was now completely calm and even coldness from her face dissipated.

"We had so much, but a month ago someone broke into our blood storage and stole more than half of our blood bags. We have no idea who or why, but we can give you only part of what we have as we still will try to continue our researches." He sighed from deep inside and Jenny just shrugged.

She already knew who stole all the blood but didn't comment. As long coven doesn't attack humans, it's fine. "Then how much could you put aside for us?"

He rubbed his head and opened his laptop. "Before this, all happened this facility worked to find ways to extend human life. So we barely used only small amounts of the blood that came out of the slaughterhouse. But, since we found out about this rabid behavior, we killed the few hundred cows we had as we feared they would change as well and gathered their blood. So we have gathered approximately about ten thousand liters of blood. But we got stolen over seven thousand. We used around two thousand since everything started and have a bit over one thousand liters now. But we can't give you all."

Jenny knew about their problem, but she was calm for now. "How much is it possible to spare?"

She already spoke to the system and with the blood, they got from Malek and now, for both of them to be calm for decades would need two hundred liters. In this case just something over one hundred. But she wanted to see how much they could get.


The doctor had a difficult expression. "Is two hundred enough?"

Jenny had an idea and shook the head. "Two hundred and seven, I already have some. Is it still possible?" Even tho this was more than she needed, who knows if they would find another of their kind that could use the potion.

"Of course." He sighed in relief as she didn't ask for more. Luckily...

They shook their hands and together with Commander Jones she went out.

She could she that the boy was anxious. On his face was nervously and she almost could read his mind, so she just smiled at him.

Tarik came to her, pointed at his c.h.e.s.t and was straightforward. "I have a black heart as well. Because of that I usually scare others. Now that I know that they are safe here, I plan to leave. I can feel your heart, can't I stay with you?"

His dark eyes looked at her and she looked at the doctors that had a complicated expression. "He is one of the future Guardians. With the dark energy we own, we are more harmful to commoners because of our radiation. You did notice it, didn't you? That was the reason you actually separated him from others. I made the choice to turn these children into future protectors. Those that have unusual power you can add as protectors on Earth. We will, for now, travel around. As I fear that someone might use these children to do harm, I will put the protection field around this place. Your Commander already paid for it. The kids need to be protected. Trust me, you think there are many power users as you gathered many here, but that doesn't mean that many will be born in the future. They are rare now and will be even rarer later on."


She let Tarik say goodbye to his friends and as they entered the helicopter, she hugged him tightly in fear he might get stressed out.

Actually, for the first time since the apocalypse started, he felt safe. He hugged her tightly and fell asleep. Even among the noise he just felt so comfortable in her arms that he just didn't want to let go of this comfortable feeling.

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