《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 73 - 73. Erased from the mainframe


The computer appointed ten spots and a neutral voice could be heard. "Scanning pads are ready."

To make sure that spots worked well, a few scientists entered the places and just a moment later their data was down and on the mainframe.

From eight doctors, one had the special power of air and stood there with open mouth and gaped. "Impossible. I don't feel any different."

They started shooting at him with questions, making the rest of them just shake their heads. As he was grown up they wanted to stress less the kids. So all the questions they had in their mind, but couldn't ask, started falling over the scientist's head. Fortunately, he acted logically and answered all possible and impossible questions.

The main doctor pointed at the scanning pads and then asked kids with a smile. "Can any of you go there? It doesn't hurt." He was calm. He didn't try to persuade. He just wanted to see if any of them wouldn't mind.

Kids quickly lined up and as the scanning proceeded fast, they were scanned in no time.

"Two fire users zero level. One fire user first level. One wind user zero level. Two nature users, both first level. One earth user zero level. One mind user first level. One water user first level." Jenny whispered as she read the data.

So many children broke through the first level. "Good. Listen. They don't have to fight to hone their powers. You can send them to help the surroundings. Fire users can learn how to melt metal or things like that. Water users can learn how to control larger amounts of water. Earth user has lots of things that he can help with. Like preparing the ground for planting. Wind users can try to control the wind. They could use it to blow away the dirt from streets or dust. Start small. With small things. I'm going to come back and see how they are progressing. There are so many people I need to save and help grow their shields. So, I won't be able to come soon. And this town has its own trader. By the way, she must grow her powers as well. She can't put up trading panels only for few people. Her power might deteriorate. OK?" Jenny explained and sighed as she looked at the screen. "It is time for me to check my powers. By the way, in the city, I put a power shield that will stop power users from abuse their power. Like that commoners are protected."


The Commander nodded and as she stepped inside the scanning pod, it changed color.

Suddenly a screen opened up and her data could be seen. "Fifth level? Oh?"

Everyone gasped. Not only is she the fifth level. She had so many powers in the fifth level that the commander became solemn. She was not only having shield ability, she could destroy as well. But her choice is to not talk about it and not use it.

He turned his head towards the people inside and growled. "No one is to talk about her data. Erase it from the frame. If others find out how powerful she is, they might want to challenge her or even attack her. If they think she only has shield power, they won't feel threatened."

They all agreed with her and soon all the data was erased. In her head, the system's voice could be heard. "I erased it properly even from the backfiles. Why did you let me show them your data?"

"I want to see will they trust me after that more or less, or if they are connected to the other cities. Sometimes insiders and spies might become a bigger problem than zombies and evolution." Jenny answered in her mind and then looked at the older doctor.

"Doctor Stevenson, could I ask for something strange?" She pointed at the nearby office and he nodded.

Inside the office, the doctor nodded. "We can give you only animal blood. We are saving human blood for rare experiments and in case someone needs an operation. There are not many willing to donate."

Jenny nodded. "Don't worry. Animal blood is fine as I am going to extract plasma from it and mix it with the medicine from the trading system I gained."


He curiously looked at her as his mind was busy with new things coming from this young woman. "The system... Is alien technology?"

She chuckled. "Yes, but even if I die, you won't be able to find it as it is attached to the soul part, not the body part. If you understand."

It was good she said that as he had the idea to experiment with the other trader, but gave up. If this dangerous woman finds out about his thoughts he might perish in no time.

Her lips had a seemingly calm smile but he could see iciness seeping from her eyes. "I understand."

With that, the whole idea was closed and thrown away.

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