《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 71 - 71. A promise


Jenny saw angry looking woman walking right at her. "This is my city. You dare to open trade in here?"

She suddenly remembered this woman. In past, they called her Goddess of Trade. She saw her only once, but from far away.

She was always surrounded by high officials and the army. Only those of higher ranks could buy in her shops. Commoners had to wait for Travelers.

She let others help with her tasks so she never had problems. Who would have thought she was here.

Jenny calmly looked at the woman and nodded. "I understand. But I'm a Traveler. I can't break my word. If I didn't make a promise to leave open trading channels for three days I would have stopped it now. But a Trading promise is unbreakable."

Her system already told her about the possible situation and told her about this rule

The woman froze and looked at the Commander. "Is it true? Why didn't you tell her about me?"

Commander Jones calmly looked at her and calmly spoke. "We never gave you officially promise that you can be the only trader. She opened multiple channels, so everyone could buy supplies. And she is the one with shield power. Could you excuse us? I need to show her the surroundings."

Jenny stopped him. "Could you wait for me a bit. I must speak to her. It is important."

Commander nodded and went to the helicopter and everyone stepped away, leaving two of them alone.

Jenny shook her head. "How foolish, if I don't want someone to listen, I'll just use my shield."

With a wave of the hand, a thick shield appeared around the two of them and suddenly all sounds from outside were gone.

With a smile, Jenny rose her hand towards her. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Jenny. I have a few special skills as you can see. Your name is Brianna, right?"

Brianna blinked at her in wonder. "Did we meet before?"

"Actually, yes. But not long enough for you to be able to remember me. Listen, I truly had no idea you were here. I'll give you my number so you can stay in contact with me. Now I have to really go. I have a new task and its to protect the city. By the way, do not travel much outside the city in the next two months. The zombies are changing and I fear that many things will change for worse. Try gathering as many surviving animals as you can. Trust me on this. I will leave one part of the safety shield as safety for animals. I will explain to you when the time comes. Not now." Jenny patted her shoulder and let her gaping at her soundlessly in wonder.


When the helicopter was gone, Brianna became serious. "Animals? Zombies will change? It seems my plans have to change as well. Jenny... It seems I need to have her by my side. That shield skill might be quite helpful in the future. Very helpful."

Jenny calmly was sitting next to the door and looked at the city under her feet. As she had headphones on, she could talk to the pilot and commander.

"Try flying as high as possible with the helicopter and that will be the highest point of the shield. Commander, I have another request for you. I will make your shield a bit stronger than you paid. But... I will make another big shield nearby. That shield won't save humans, just animals. Your task is to gather as many species and just bring them there. Don't worry, animals will know it's a safe place." She calmly looked at his surprised expression and pointed at the huge sea nearby. "If you do as I ask, I'll add that lake as a gift to you. It is a sweet water lake and it could be used for drinking. I will make a special shield around it so nothing could harm its quality. Just in case some people get weird ideas."

Commander looked at the huge lake and had the stars in his eyes. "I actually hoped you could add more buildings and the park into the shield, but the lake..."

Jenny chuckled. "Of course you can't disclose how much you paid to anyone as it will be our secret. I usually planned to ask for millions of stones from bigger cities. I need those stones for special tasks I have to finish. Oh, I need something that I can't buy in the trade for money." Actually, she never expected the cities to have such a big amount of stones, but everyone has their own secrets.

"What is it?" They were already almost back and Commander almost freaked out as the sound of the helicopter became mute. He looked up and saw the rotors still turning. At that moment he knew he was inside one of her shields.

"I need blood." Jenny became serious as she continued explaining. "It doesn't have to be human blood. I need certain things from blood to help friends of mine with a rare disease. I can help her with a potion from my trading channel, but I need blood. Is there a way?"

Commander Jones blinked at her and then smiled. "You said there is no need for human blood?"

Jenny nodded bit seeing his big smile she suddenly had a premonition. Luckily she was wrong with assumption.


Commander went to the window and pointed at the faraway factory. "We have few specialists there that are trying to find a cure for zombies or at least protection in case of a bite. They are using as human blood, as well as animal blood for tryouts. We... we slaughtered most of the animals as we feared that they would change as well. The scientists collected the blood before butchers used it's meat and for food. But we can now see that it was a huge mistake as no animal changed."

Jenny shook her head. "They did change, you just didn't see it. Can you take me there?"

As the helicopter was still in the air, he nodded and the pilot changed under his orders the destination. He was not curious about the potions as he used some special things from Brianna's trade as well.

Looking at the huge thing, Jenny's hair rose in the air. How many animals had to die? But then almost hit her own head. She is a meat-eater as well. She can't have double standards.

The problem now is that many animals died or are about to change. Humans are already on the verge to become endangered species.

The biggest problem was never Mother Nature, then humanity itself. More deaths were caused by human negligence and greed. All she can do is to help humans survive outside factors. But to save them from themselves... she is unable to do that and unwilling on top of it.

As they stepped out of the helicopter, few people in white medicine clothes stood there and awaited him with a smile. "Commander Jones... How can we help you?"

Suddenly an alarm hit in her head. The system warned her. "This place has huge amounts of zombies, I recommend shield."

She calmly looked at the had that was waving in front of her and calmly looked at the older man. "Sorry. I have OCD. Don't touch me. Another thing, why do you have so many zombies here?"

Commander and doctors looked at each other and he shrugged. "She has special powers. Show her what you are working on."

The doctors went slowly towards the nearest elevator and as the old man took a card and swept over the card reader.

Suddenly a strange voice could be heard. "Going down to 6 D section."

Looking at the numbers found down to zero and then continuing the way down without stopping, she knew this was not a simple meat factory. These kinds of things were impossible to be built now, after the apocalypse.

That meant only one thing, it was there from start. Her straight face and calm eyes made them nervous. Usually, people got nervous because of such things, but she was completely calm.

Jenny turned her head and caught his expression. "I don't care what you people do. As long as you don't try to harm humanity further. If you do that and I find out, I give you my word, you will wish you never met me in your life."

As the hallway was empty, her words echoed and made every hair on their body to stand. They could see that she really meant it.

A few dozen people were busily arguing about something and another few dozen rushed from one fridge to another with a pale expression.

Commander Jones suddenly had a bad premonition and yelled. "What the hell is going on here?!"

They froze and as a young child blinked at him with a smile, but suddenly furrowed his eyebrows. "This is strange."

Jenny flattened her lips and came forward, pushing in passing the stunned people away.

When she stopped in front of the boy she rose her hand and flicked his head so hard that the sound almost echoed in the room.

"Ahhh, are you crazy? Are you trying to kill me? Wait, this is impossible. I do not feel pain. How...?" The boy looked at Jenny and wondered.

Jenny rose her hand and pointed at his head. "You want to get hit again? Release them, now!"

The boy pouted and suddenly eyes of doctors became clear and they looked at them in wonder. "Who are you?"

Commander came forward and looked closer at the child. "How did you get in here?"

"Trought the door." The boy cheekily snickered and saw Jenny's angry face. "Seriously!"

Looking at his face, Jenny knew that there must be a bigger story behind it. "Then let me rephrase the question. What is a small child doing here?"

The boy rubbed his head and sighed. "You will never believe me if I tell you."

A sudden thought crossed Jenny's mind and she grabbed his hand, stood a bit away and made a soundproof shield between the two and the rest of the crowd.

With an open mouth, he saw it happening. "Wow."

"Don't worry now. It's a shield that no one can break or hear inside. That is my power and that is the reason your power didn't work now. Now speak, what is going on?" Jenny stood there and gave him slight smile.

He just nodded and started explaining.

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