《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 70 - 70. Bothersome people everywhere


Huge walls appeared right in front of her eyes. The city was still building up more space, as she saw the building machines moving their big arms here and there.

By the length of the wall, she was sure that the place inside was as big as Save Heaven City. Maybe even bigger.

The closer they got, the detailed the walls became. And not only that. Growls of zombies could be heard as they walked towards the trail. Jenny blinked and the vehicle in front of her was enveloped into the shield and stopped the hundreds of zombies to attack it.

The shield pushed the zombies away and soldiers could feel cold sweat tickling down their back as more zombies arrived. But strangely they have just pushed away like before, so they could arrive at the city gate in peace.

The huge gate opened and the whole squadron of soldiers came out and started shooting wildly towards the zombies, making Latisha laugh that stopped playing and was sitting now next to Jenny. "Are they crazy to shoot at us?"

Jenny chuckled. "No. They only are trying out how strong the shield is. After all, they have to pay a good amount of stones for protection shield around this place. Why do you think suddenly only a few hundreds of zombies appeared even tho we didn't see one alive for a long time."

"Oh." Latisha just realized that indeed for a long time they didn't see even one zombie on their way. "They cleaned the surroundings?"

Jenny nodded. "Not only that. They left those things in the gas station on purpose to see who will make trouble and who is following the rules. It set up since the bridge."

The bridge was blown up. She knew it. But as her team repaired it she saw few birds flying over their head. Do they think she is stupid or they didn't care what she thinks? Either the way, she didn't care as well.

As she passed the door the soldiers pointed at a huge empty parking place nearby and cars and trucks started parking.

Jenny looked at the kids and then at Meira that looked at her sleepily. "You go back to sleep and kids stay inside. Tyra and Latisha will come with me. Jacob, lock the door."

Everyone became serious as she went out. Jacob closed the door and locked it from inside and Jenny put another shield around it. Just in case these people have again some stupid ideas.

A short man in uniform rushed towards her, saluted, and then smiled. "You must Jenny. I heard you have your own crew. Tell them to follow my men and park your vehicles elsewhere."


Jenny looked at Latisha and she went to the door, opened it and sat in driving seat. Jacob could listen to their talk so he unlocked the door in time.

Two soldiers in a military vehicle drove closer and she waved at Green brothers. "Go after Latisha."

Two just nodded and drew behind her RV while Alex and Tyra stayed by her side.

Looking at their uniforms and their cautious demeanor, the man just nodded and was to leave when he saw few cars following the three vehicles. "Are they with you?"

"No." Jenny sarcastically smiled as few people added themselves to her own group.

He shook his head. "Troublemakers everywhere."

Jenny didn't answer and just gave a slight nod as she looked around. He knew that conversation was over, as his soldiers stopped vehicles that followed them behind.

"Stop! You can't pass here!" They clearly stopped them going behind Jenny's group.

"We came with her..." One of the people tried to explain, but saw on their faces that they already made a decision no to let them in.

"General said only her crew can come. And she reported to us already who is in her crew. So, no. Please turn around and join others." He pointed at the big parking lot where soldiers calmly went from vehicle to vehicle and just took notes.

They didn't touch private possession or asked for it. Seeing their calm demeanor, the people calmed down and went there as well.

Unfortunately for them, they were marked as troublemakers and were sent towards the other side of town.

Luckily for Steven's family, they were calm and answered all questions calmly. So when it was time to get accommodation, they luckily got a house with a big enough garden.

So they parked their RV right in the garden and entered the house. It was livable so they were actually gloating to Steven's bad luck. But suddenly outside was huge clamor so they rushed out and saw trading panels.

A soldier stood next to the trading panels and yelled. "The trading panels will be open for only three days. The only currency it uses is the stones found in zombies. Every street will have ten panels so don't fight."

"Father, should we not wait for our turn as well?" The girl looked at the long line of people standing there and waiting.

He just shook his head. ''Let them stand. After they buy they can't reuse the panels until the next day. So they will give up by tonight as tomorrow will be a bigger line. So let's take care of our stuff for now. We will shop in the panel in a couple of hours." He pointed at RV and started moving.


"Husband, let's leave some supplies inside the truck and let's secure it. We should refill water, oil, and gasoline." She didn't trust any peace. It was always good to be prepared.

"You are right. Let's do that." Who knows will they need to use it soon again.

As they took out only a couple of boxes and a few pieces of baggage, people thought they had nothing else. But some people had to act stupidly and learn their mistakes the hard way.

"Mister, I like this RV quite a lot. Come I'll give you five stones for it." A man with scars all over his face smiled at them with his almost rotten teeth.

"No." The man just locked the RV and was about to enter his house, when the scarface man stopped them from going anywhere.

"I said sell it to me. I'll give you ten stones." His face became ugly and scary as they continued talking, but to his surprise, neither one of them was looking afraid even a bit.

What made him wonder even more was the little girl that came forward and smiled at him. "Uncle, let's play the game."

He looked at her and then her calm parents. "G... game? " Suddenly something deep in him made him step back. All his senses were screaming danger.

The girl stepped forward one more time and as he tried to back off, he fell down and looked at him with a big smile. "You run and I'll hunt you. If you escape my attack, I'll give you a hundred stones."

The man stepped back again, stumbled and plopped down on his behind. His face was completely white and he just whispered "Monster'' again and again.

The little girl saw a soldier nearing from the side and furrowed her eyebrows. " Father, this place has too many busybodies. I really want to eradicate them all."

"Slowly. Everything needs time. Let this idiot go. And about the busybodies... let's deal with them when that woman is far enough." He pushed his daughter back into the house, while he looked at the man with a clear murder in his eyes.

With a shudder, the man jumped up and run away as fast he could. Scary, just too scary.

While on one side people had their own ideas, on the other side Kendra was sitting in front of an older officer and calmly listened to him.

"Can you make a shield that can't be penetrated with bullets, atomic weapons, or similar? Is there such a thing possible?" His face was calm but his eyes wavered.

"If I make such shield people with powers won't be able to use their powers inside the walls?. You will be safe, as long people in the town don't try to kill you with common weapons." She was straightforward and seriously looked at him.

"I understand. As long commoners could be protected in town, I'm willing to do anything." He gave one soldier a sign and they started bringing large boxes.

Her system started recounting. "Seven boxes filled with stones. Seven hundred thousand stones and seventy-three stones altogether."

She closed her eyes as she suddenly felt dizzy. Seven hundred thousand!

With a smile, she opened the second box and took out seventy-three stones and gave it to him. As he looked at her in wonder she chuckled. "I like round numbers. These are added over the round number. Now about the walls. Show me the surroundings, I need a clear concept of the city to be able to spread around it."

"I understand. Let's go to the helicopter. Like that you'll be able to see better." As he walked out he pointed at the rooftop. "We have multiple helicopters and planes, is it actually possible to fly inside or outside the shield?"

Actually, she had the plan of the city given by the system, but it would be strange if she just make a shield without knowing from where to where. and she had no wish to let them know about her real thing. So if she asked about the approximate map, there will be less trouble.

"The shield will be high and bright enough to fly inside. In case you get out, you'll know. The difference will be quite obvious. I tried cleaning up the streets from Save Heaven City to your place. But I give a new task to you and your people, clean the streets completely. In the future, I'll stay over there."

Save Heaven City is self-sufficient. They actually didn't need anything. But trade between cities will start early or later.

Just as they came on top of the building, an unexpected thing happened.

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