《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 69 - 69. Close


As the first lights started slowly spreading over the silent street, people were getting ready to move. The sound of sirens woke them one hour before and everyone rushed to relieve themselves and prepare for movement.

Another sound of sirens made them all rush to their vehicles as the third will mean they will start moving. The Green brothers got on motorcycles and gave everyone notice.

Tyra and Latisha chose to take all the food and put inside the special storage that belonged only to them. They chose motorcycles they used the day before and soundlessly moved between cars in advance, giving Jenny the report about the street.

Roy, Alex and Stuart as well rode motorcycles but chose to check the cars behind, as some were always making or having trouble.

Once was a broken engine and they had to unload everything into another vehicle. Another time some of them pretended to have trouble and tried to steal motorcycles, but is that even easy?

Luckily Jenny didn't pay much attention to them or they would have been kicked outside shield immediately. And not only that, the Green brothers had powers and couldn't be fought with normal weapons.

All in all, they all had things to do. They drove until it was almost eleven when suddenly they found a cl.u.s.ter of cars that were just too bothersome.

"What?" Jenny stopped the RV and started walking between cars. Part of the street with the bridge was broken and there was no way they could just turn around. But looking at a huge amount of cars she suddenly had an idea.

She explained to the Green brothers her idea and made everyone flabbergasted. Bridge made of scrap metal?

Jenny shook her head. "It's luckily just short part. If we can connect this part with the other and stabilize it, then the rest of the way will be a bit easier. I can make the shield become a temporary bridge, but I truly want the street to be used in the future as well."

Alex thought about it and found a way. Everyone helped. Looking at how the skeleton of the bridge became evident, as the parts of cars slowly glued together with help of fire, magnetic power and metal, people became aware of how powerful this group was and stop having stupid thought. For now.

Bit by bit the structure became more pronounced. The cars they pushed forwards first were pressed with magnetic power and were set as the base of the bridge. Car by car was pushed by people and was slowly changing from driving vehicles into a new thing. The pressed base for a new bridge.


Part of people would take the gasoline out cars and trucks. Jenny used her power to envelope some of the vehicles from the other side and just dragged them off the bridge first. Some of them had gasoline and exploded. Luckily, Jenny let the shield around them completely protecting them, so it didn't change anything to the work that was already done.

Four hours later with a cheer, they slowly passed the strange bridge and continued their way. An hour later she stopped at one gas station and let everyone get gasoline.

As her RV didn't need, she said she got enough gas as the Green brothers would often drive in advance and gather gasoline from the vehicles.

Actually, she had that option to automatically gather gasoline if no one needed it. Looking at tons of barrels of gasoline in her storage she smiled brightly. She was not sure but had the feeling that she needed the gasoline. But for what?

Tyra slowly approached her and rubbed her temples. "They are fighting."

Jenny chuckled. "Let them. I'm not police or their babysitter. Tell them we are moving in five minutes. If they want, they can stay here. I don't care."

Jenny could see on the map that they are close to the place they were heading at and had no wish to wait any longer. She just wanted to get rid of the mess as soon as possible.

One of the men came forward and politely spoke to her. "I didn't buy much as the vehicle I drive is quite old. May I ask for a trading option when we get to the city."

Jenny nodded. "Don't worry. Find yourself a place and I'll open the trading option in your new home. Like that you don't have to transport it everywhere. And no one will know how much stones or supplies you have."

"Thank you. How long are you staying in safety?" He must first find a home to stay.

"Three days. After that, I need to go to other cities. From now on, whenever I'm near to some place, I'll open the trading option. There will be others that have the same thing. But will they come here, I doubt. They will go to the big city with lots of people. Anyway, buy as much as you can. Get seeds, growth fluids and you can grow plants even in water." Jenny explained everything to him as he was a calm person and listened to her intently.


He was traveling with a group of people that always did what she told them and never made trouble. So she just gave them few ideas.

After he went back they gathered together and he explained everything she told him.

She looked at Tyra that came back with an angry face and chuckled. "Why getting bothered? You told them, what they do it's their problem. Let's go."

The sound of sirens made everyone get shocked. People started running towards their cars while Jenny went inside and was about to drive, when she saw a huge truck coming towards her, pushing the cars away.

He parked to the side and a military car with two men rushed to them. She came down and looked at them with a calm expression.

Even from far, people could see this calm woman and people that gathered near her to protect her. Officer went towards her and saluted.

Jenny pushed softly Green brothers to the side and came forward. "Are you from the city?"

The soldier nodded. "Sorry about this, but the commander realized too late that the paths are crowded. So he let us clean the streets in the last couple of days. As we had no idea from what direction you would come, we clean as many main streets and side streets at the same time, but that is reason why we didn't clean so much. Sorry."

Jenny shook her head. "Good idea of cleaning the streets and I didn't tell you my position, so you couldn't know. But anyway, you all need to clean streets early or layer anyway."

The soldier nodded and saw a long line of people and smiled brightly. "So many..."

"There is another settlement in the city. They don't wanna come...Let them be. Will you have enough accommodations for everyone?" But seeing his bright face and nod she sighed in relief. "Then let's go."

The soldier rushed back to the military vehicle and she started driving right behind him. She didn't care about the group of people that still fought in the gas station. People that don't listen are not her problem.

The Green brothers now were all in their own vehicles and even Tyra and Latisha went to the RV. Tyra was sitting with Jenny in front, while Latisha sat down and played some board games with kids on the big table.

Actually, this was the safest thing they could think of. Tyra looked at the group of chatty people and closed the door behind her. "Too noisy."

Jenny sighed. "I am less worried when I see them loud and noisy. That means they are healthy and happy. The world is colorless enough, people will get depressions. Now we must save any human life possible. But some people..."

Tyra poked her arm. "Stop thinking about it. I plan later to make some soul food, would you like to cook something else for you?"

Jenny flatly glanced at her. "Do I look picky? And by the way, soul food is delicious. Take the food from my storage. Trust me, I have huge amounts stored. There us frozen meat, dried seasonings and fresh vegetables you need. In my space storage, fresh food doesn't become rotten. So take what you need."

Tyra smiled and stood up. As she opened the door laughter and voices could be heard and she realized that Jenny was more relaxed when she heard them. Her body and face relaxed and she sighed. This woman likes happy people. It makes her feel comfortable and serene.

At the end of trail, a group of people finally realized that the vehicles were moving and quickly rushed to their cars while holding what's left of the food in the gas station.

Just as they left, the truck went to the tail and followed them from a safe distance. A man was on the phone and spoke to someone in the city. "Most of the newcomers are calm people, but there is a group of troublemakers on the end of the trail."

"Don't worry. We will put them to the other troublemakers and let them enjoy community life. What about that woman?" A calm voice could be heard.

"She is in a small RV right behind the military vehicle. It seems she has a group of people as her crew as they all wear the same gear." He reported about it.

Actually, they chose all to wear the same gear just because they wanted to show that they are part of Jenny's crew. She was worried that there will be a big mix up and made them wear their uniforms since the morning hours.

And it proved the right decision...

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