《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 68 - 68. Making decision to stay by her side


Looking at them squealing mischievously, as they saw the u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r Jenny chuckled. It was a good idea to swipe all those storages in clothing stores.

They chose the clothes they felt most comfortable in and went to take a shower. Boys were quickly done, so all three bathrooms were in full use as soon girls started. Jenny saw Meira coming out of her bathroom with wet hair and comfortable expression. "I love the new style of bathrooms. So comfortable. I just miss lying in water and taking a long comfortable bath.''

Jenny chuckled. "After we finish with the next settlement I'll make new expansion. I am sure you all will like it."

With curiosity, she saw Jenny's face having a big smile and nodded. "Then, we shall do that. I'll go out with Malek and sit a bit. We need to talk."

Jenny nodded. "Go into the bus. It is soundproof. Don't stay too long, he seems to be tired as well. By the way, do vampires get tired?"

Meira stopped on the door and chuckled. "Yes. We sleep actually a lot whenever we can. We are fast, strong and can handle many days sleepless, but we overuse that and after that we need sleep. We might be not allergic to the sun, but indeed we usually prefer night."

Jenny nodded. "Then stay up at night and sleep doing the daytime. If that is more comfortable for you."

Meira patted her head and pinched her cheek softly. "The two of us will watch over you when you sleep. I hope I can get one of those suits soon as well. Then I will feel more like a part of your growing family."

Jenny smiled. "Don't worry. The blood is maybe not enough, but I have an idea."

Seeing her in deep thoughts Meira went out and closed doors. She saw Kala waiting in front of it and smiled. "Go in. Why didn't you go in before?"

Kala looked at Latisha that had a huge smile on her face. "Aunt Lat told me to wait for a while as the two of you need some fun. Aunt Meira, what fun thing did you play?"

Latisha was about to say something but stopped as Meira closed her mouth with one hand. "Aunt Latisha was just joking with you. Next time just go inside. Go now. You must be tired."


Kala rubbed her red eyes and yawned heartily. "Then good night everyone."

Meira saw other compartments closed and rose her eyebrows. "You seem to be too energetic. Should I send you Alex or Roy to calm you down?"

She saw Latisha's eyes thinking about the two brothers undecided about which one is better.

Latisha took her hand and winked at her. "Later I'll make both of them an offer."

Meira chuckled. "Good. We live in a time when such things are not really common, but not frowned upon. In olden times some women had many men's. Our own Vampire Queen has seven husbands. So don't worry." With a wink, she pinched her face and left.

"Hmmm. Multiple husbands. Should I take them all?" Latisha just closed her compartment and went to sleep.

The good thing was that as soon you close doors, nothing could be heard. Only in case of emergency would they hear outside things. Or if they open door or window.

Seeing the two people leaving the tiny RV the family scoffed. "She is crazy. How will they sleep?"

"Looking at the RV she probably has a big bed in the back and maybe slide down in front. There should be an extendable dinette as well. Boys on the dinette bed, the two women in a slide down and Jenny and the little one in back. The two will watch over the night and probably sleep in the main sleeping room throughout the day." His wife assumed and made it logical.

He still scoffed. "What's the point of having a trading option if you don't have enough stones to buy bigger RV. Maybe we should sell them ours."

His wife shook her head. "No. We don't know the living conditions in that place. It is better to have this, just in case."

He thought about it and saw a comfortable bed and all appliances inside and nodded. "Having this thing is better. If she likes it cramped, let her be. Let's eat something and sleep. We have a long way to go."

Meira and Malek went to the bus and spoke about things she found out for a long time. He started pacing. "If this really works, can we save father?"

Meira shook her head. "He is too deep in the bloodl.u.s.t. The rest of his sanity is long gone. I will ask Jenny if there is a cure for him, but I fear..."


Malek stopped pacing and looked at her. Her eyes were completely emotionless. "You really had a change of heart?"

Her eyes flashed with slight pain and she nodded. "I begged him not to kill those poor people. He eradicated the whole race and got insanity from it. Drinking blood indeed gives us more strength and we gain bloodl.u.s.t that makes us ultimate soldiers. But son, too much blood can turn us into something even worse than zombies that humans fear. Now he craves not blood, then killings itself. He is no more warrior, he is a mindless beast without a soul. Just a hollow body. Look at the zombie."

She pointed at one nearby walking. "Zombies were humans as well. With all the motions. But now they are nothing more than killing creatures that have the instinct to kill and eat. Your father is the same. Completely the same..."

She walked out and just touched the zombie that turner into a cloud of dust. Only tiny stone sparkled in front of her as he fell to the floor. She swiftly took it and put inside her son's hand. "Dead should stay dead. I am going to make the ultimate promise to Jenny."

He stepped back as the stone fell to the floor with a cl.i.c.k.i.n.g sound. "You really like her?"

"Yes." She saw his expression and flicked his forehead. "Idiot. I do like teasing her a little, but I like men "

He confusedly rubbed his head. "Then tell me."

Meira looked at the RV and became serious. "I have that strange feeling we will see more from her in the future. I want to stay by her side and see how she will build up the new world and what other ideas she will have in the future."

Curious. Yes, curiosity was pushing her to meet her. But not only that. The feeling of need to be by her side and to protect her until the end, made her anxious. This feeling she had only with one more person.

They continued talking, while Jenny tucked in Kala that fell asleep as soon she was in bed and went to the bathroom. Not to wake her up she put a soundproof shield around and called.

"Jenny! Finally!" Almost immediately Mina answered. "Do you know how worried I was?"

Jenny smiled and sat down on a nearby stool that summoned from her storage. "Hey, Mina. Sorry. So many things happened."

"Thank you for calling us. I'll tell everything to Mike. Call us now a bit more often." Mina reluctantly had to send her to sleep. After such tiresome things, she must be dying for sleep. But she still took the time to talk to them.

"Mina, I miss you. I plan to clean up this part of the country a bit, the streets as well and then come back home. But Mina I'll stay only one day. The situation outside is really bad. I am just a couple of hundred miles away from home, but it took me this long to get here. And I need to go to the president's place. There are bigger problems than just zombies. Luckily, our city is really safe. And yes. When I come back I'll enlarge the city wall the way until the powerplant and the river port. Only certain people will be able to go there and enter those places. I have a few ideas and I'll talk about it when I get there."

Mina could hear her yawning and sighed. "Go to sleep. Just call us at least once a day. Or tell Jacob to call us. Now go." She turned off the phone while a bunch of people stared at her with anxiousness. "You do know how much she likes to sleep? But this time I fear she will have a big problem. Anyway. She will come back here after cleaning the surrounding of the few cities..."

She told them about everything Jenny told her about. The more she spoke the more they became astonished and worried. Only two people became happier by second. "So she made a crew? Maybe we can join her when she comes back?"

They started waiting for her happily and anxiously...

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