《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 66 - 66. My son, Malek


"What? Did they become crew members? What about us?" Jacob poured as he saw, even on youngest Green the uniform.

"Jacob, I want you all to grow a bit and when you grow up, maybe it won't be the same choice." Jenny was worried about their future decisions.

Jacob chuckled. "Mom, if anyone chose to leave the crew they will lose the advantages. But I don't think any of us is willing to leave you. Just add us as crew. Later on if one of us chose to leave the crew he or she will lose the common advantages. For you, there will be no loss. Even if we change our minds in the future, which I highly doubt, it's going to be only out loss."

Hearing him talk about it so seriously Jenny gave up. "Fine. Who wants to join the crew?"

Of course, all three of them chose. Suddenly all three were scanned and added to her crew list.

Jenny looked at them. "Go inside. We are doing something to help Meira join the crew as well. You will stay here and control the situation. Don't let ANYONE get ahead yourself. We will be fast back. The place we will visit is just free miles from here."

She kissed their foreheads and quickly went out. She smiled at huffing Meira. "What is it?"

"Even kids are part of the crew. Ahhh. I must find that thing. I must become part of your crew as well." Resolution crossed her face and she sat in the motorcycle. "Let's hurry up."

They chuckled as they sat on the motorcycles and realized something else. The wheels never touched the ground. It seemingly floated above the ground for few centimeters.

"It is floating?" Latisha looked closer and smiled brightly. "It uses the magnetic field of the earth to do this. Reverse magnet. How amazing."

Jenny was stunned. She expected the motorcycles to be silent as her RV is, but this... she really didn't expect this to happen.

Tyra saw her standing a bit dazed there and chuckled. "We should hurry. We must get there and come back and her at least some sleep. To tell you the truth, I'm tired as hell."

Jenny looked at them in worry and sighed. "Why don't you go and sleep? We can go and take care of this just fine."

Tyra shook her head. "No" She sat down on her motorcycle and put the helmet on.

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Stubborn. But let me know if it gets too tiring for you. Don't over exhaust yourself. "

Tyra nodded. "I know. If I'm too tired I'd be a bigger threat to the crew than zombies. I'm not crazy. Let's go."


They sat down and went away while only one pair of eyes followed them greedily. "So, she can let others buy her vehicles. She just doesn't let us?"

"Husband, don't you think their stuff is different than ours?" As a woman, she could see clear differences in uniforms. Even tho they had the same black uniform, those had few signs in it. And they all had the same sign. Like part if a group.

"What do you mean?" He knew she had a keen sense of details so he listened to her explanation. Did they become a group?

"This is getting bigger. We must gather followers as soon as we enter that place." His eyes became red and he looked at the RV where Steven was. "First we have to deal with the traitor."

Not even thinking twice, his wife and daughter nodded. They are already were written off Steven. He became a traitor to their family.

At the same time, Jenny was amazed by the speed if the vehicles. She used her shield to slightly move the vehicles to the side just so much they could pass.

Luckily the street was not as filled as the main street so they arrived at the huge building in no time. But the strange silence made them become even more careful.

When they arrived in front of the broken fence, Jenny suddenly did something unexpected. She cut herself in front of them and smeared some of her blood on their uniforms. Then she rose her hand towards Meira and said something she would usually never say. "Spit."

"Wow." Latisha seriously was amazed and stary eyed at Meira. "Are you sure you don't want some of my blood. I don't mind supplying it to you from time to time."

Meira flicked her finger and hit her head. "Stupid. But thanks."

Latisha just chuckled and again looked at Jenny's clean hand in curiosity. "Why did you smear your blood on us?"

She chuckled. "That is the first thing I noticed. I stink to zombies. Literally. I'll explain everything to you later on. By the way, there, are two kinds of zombies. One you know and those that inhaled some if black crystal and gained some of the previous wisdom. Those are usually helpful. But, if he was a nasty person before, he won't change after this. He might become even worse. In any case, only those with intelligence will try to near us."

"Even if we stink to them?" Tyra sniffled but couldn't smell anything peculiar.

While they walked unintentionally one of the Green brothers hit a can with his foot. The can roll far away, hit a broken piece of metal that was as it seems hollow and almost like a gong, the sound echoed in the silence.


At first, they froze for a second while Jenny just walked forward. If nothing else, she can still use the shield.

The silence was suddenly broken by countless growls and screams. A huge amount of zombies gushed from everywhere and when they were near enough they stopped and then they started running.

Jenny smirked and pointed at them. "Kill them. We need stones. I'll turn on automatic collection. So don't worry about that. Meira, you come with me. I'm sure you can smell blood from far."

Meira nodded. ''Yes."

Sounds of the fight could be heard outside while Jenny and Meira rushed inside. They stood in a long, empty floor that was filled with all kinds of broken stuff.

Meira closed her eyes and moment later her eyebrows furrowed. "There is blood and one more vampire."

Jenny rushed to the door and called the crew. "I'll put a shield around you, just in case. Kill as many you can get, don't come out the shield, there is another vampire and we don't know is he friendly or not."

Suddenly a voice could be heard almost near her ear. "Who knows."

Jenny turned around and saw a beautiful man standing near Meira with strange smile.

Meira rolled her eyes. "Luckily it's just a dog that barks, but don't bite. Jenny, this is Malek, my son. Malek, be good and say hello to my friend. And be polite."

Malek bowed and then when her rise his head he fearlessly winked at her. "Hello. I'm Malek, Meira's precious son and vampire."

Jenny nodded. "Nice."

He opened his eyes in amazement. "Mother, you told her you are a vampire?"

Meira shrugged. "Of course. Malek. She has something that might help our kind. But until I test it, I won't explain more. Blood... Is there blood nearby?"

Malek changed expression. "Sorry. I took few bags before the coven didn't come. They took it all."

Meira nodded. "Good. At least they don't attack humans."

But when she saw his strange expression her face darkened. "Felicia?"

He could only nod. "She chose to go to the human's settlements or hiding points and drinks them dry. I think she is trying to become the Vampire Queen."

Meira sighed. "That fool. Does she think Lathe will just step down so easily? Felicia is just a few centuries old. Lathe is one of the oldest. Stupid child. Even I wouldn't dare to go against her. Let her be. Bring the blood bags you found. Maybe they can help me."

He rushed towards other end of hospital and Jenny and Meira followed him. He pushed away a few big closets and opened the kitchen.

Jenny almost laughed but then an idea came to her mind. Gather, gather, gather.

As he opened the fridge and started taking out dozens of blood bags he saw suddenly stuff disappearing nearby. Pots, pans, cutlery, seasonings, food...

Jenny happily opened a huge freezer. With a huge smile she saw so much food but started checking the dates. In her place, the food became timeless, but unfortunately here that is not the case.

Malek chuckled. "She is cute." Meira swung her head to hit him but he was fast gone out her reach. "Mother, I already knew that move."

"Stop messing around. Go check the pharmacy. She is interested in medicine as well." Meira waved her hand for him to leave and saw all the stuff in front of Jenny just disappearing.

When she came out Jenny went to the table and saw the bags. She spoke to the system. "Is this enough for the potion?"

"No. There are still almost two-liter missing."

"If we add our own blood, will she get trouble with it?"

"It will be fine."

"Another question. That potion, can we split it in half."

"If she drinks only half, she will be able to stop her hunger for only one year."

Systems answer stunned Jenny. "Wait. Shouldn't be half?"

"No. It looses almost 80% of its power. You probably want to give that man another half. One year should be enough for you to find enough blood banks for both of them to get longer periods in between."

Ten percent? Only one year?

She looked at Meira in worry and chose to tell her. "Meira, the potion can be split in half and each, you and your son can get one year. It seems the splitting of the potion will make it lose its power. So you can get one year and he as well. On our way, we can look for other ways to extend the time."

Meira gratefully hugged her. "Thank you."

Jenny nodded. "Let's go. I'll gather a few things we might need as well. And I really think we should clean up more zombies in surroundings. I need that extension. I want girls to join us in RV and your son can be with Green brothers, or we might get one more stacked bed for him..."

Meira saw Jenny's worried face and patted her head. "Calm down child. Everything will be fine."

Malek came in and saw them hugging. He stepped in movement. "I guess. I came in the wrong moment."

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