《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 65 - 65. Crew


Her bright eyes looked at Jenny as she were her most precious person in the world.

Jenny could see mischievous smile in corners of Meira's luscious lips and rolled her eyes. "Stop flaming their weird imagination. Everyone, this is my friend Meira."

Latisha just made 'ooh' sound and nodded. "Nice b.o.o.b.s."

Meira looked at her boobies and nodded. "Thank you. My name is Meira."

Latisha looked first at Meira that was clearly mix of all kind of races and Jenny and nodded. "Nice."

Jenny rubbed her temples. "Stop imagining stupid things."

The five men were literally devastated as they saw beautiful Meira. They gained a tiny bit of hope when they saw Jenny's annoyed expression.

Jenny sighed as she looked at Latisha's eyes. This woman has a way too wild imagination. "Meira is a vampire."

First everyone became silent. Jenny used the chance to explain further. "It seams there are more of them around. I have a potion that can give her a chance to stay away from blood for a long, long time. But the problem is, we need bunch of real blood to mix it with the potion. That blood can, but must not be, only from humans."

At first everyone looked at Meira with big eyes and then saw Jenny that had calm expression. One of Green men walked towards Meira and looked at her closely.

"But you look normal." His face came close to hers and saw her smiling. Just then he saw two rows of beautiful teeth and two sets of pointy teeth on the sides. "How interesting. Does it hurt when you feed on someone?"

Meira shook her head. "You mean the person or creature that I bite?"

"My spit produces certain toxin than nubs the pain. And no, I don't have to drink the creature completely to survive. Only crazy vampires would do that. And yes, those exist. Anyway, after feeding, the same saliva has ability to close wounds, so the creature can live normally." She calmly explained.

Tyra nodded and then remembered something else. "What about new vampires? And how did the vampires start to exist?"

Meira rise her finger in air and shook it. "No. Vampires are born, not made. We mate just like humans. Only our birth rate is rather... very low. In past five centuries only one newborn vampire came. How we exist? I don't know. Some say we are from another planet, some says we are failed experiment from the Atlantis and some say we came to this flying rock before humans even existed. No one is certain what is the real truth."

Jenny had suddenly so many questions in her mind. But she could see her shaky eyes. She must be hungry and the huge amounts of food served for her to taste, was something she had to deal with. They were like walkinga nd talking food for her. She was already amazed by her good control.


Latisha came close and rose her arm. "You said it doesn't hurt and you can seal the wound. As long you don't dry me out completely, have some. Later we can check hospitals. Some of them have backup energy source for special usues. Usually fridges with medicine and blood. If we find enough blood for you, then you won't feel this weak for a longer time."

Jenny stared at calm young woman in surprise, as she held her hand under Meira's mouth. Meira just closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. ''Foolish child. There is another thing that is not true. We can be without food for years. I ate few days ago nutritious meal. Found an dying elephant. He got harmed by the black crystal and storm and I used his blood to feed myself. His death was peaceful and painless. I usually hate to kill, but if I let him alive, he would have suffered greatly."

They could see painful expression on her face. Jenny patted her head. "I have few ideas how to find the blood. But just in case you can't hold no more, let us know in advance. We can just gather blood from us and leave some for your use in the fridge."

Meira hugged her tightly. "No. You all are now my family. I don't wanna drink your blood. If I find it delicious and I'm always around, being near you will be too painful for me. Like eating your favorite snacks, it's there but you push yourself never to touch it. Forever. So, no. Your bloods I can't drink. But thank you for the offer."

Latisha seriously wanted to snap at her, but was stopped by Jenny. "Let her. Let me think about something... just a moment."

She started pacing up and down with a serious expression, but luckily no one bothered her. Actually, she had small talk to the system. "Are there any hospitals nearby that we could use. I want to raid hospitals and pharmacies. They are right. I completely forgot about many hospitals having emergency system."

Instead of an answer a map suddenly appeared in front of her, showing her nearby possibilities. Not far from where they were standing, was a side street and a few miles into land was a huge building.

As map was visible to all of them, they were shocked. Only Meira was not. "I think I know what that place is. No wonder it is showing it to you."

Jenny blinked her way in wonder. "Hospital?"

Map just showed huge building but didn't show how it looked like.

Meira nodded. "It's famous among us vampires. It's center for operation and deals with us vampires for decades. It sells blood bags from donations. That way not many of us had to deal with harming any creatures anytime soon. This past century was the best in our lives. After such a long time, we didn't have to kill any creature to live."


Jenny patted her hand. "Do you know the way there?"

Meira's face became bright. "Yes, of course." She could literally see an idea coming into this woman's mind.

"How fast can you run?" Jenny had idea and looked at everyone.

Green brothers looked at her and then looked at the map and smiled brightly. "Why run? We can drive. There is a truck full with motorcycles. If you can use shield around us, there will be no harm."

Suddenly she smiled at them. "Let's do that. With motorcycles we can turn light on as well so we will see our way. Who will stay here with kids?"

She saw them all unwilling and on the end they let youngest Green brother stay. He was already sixteen and filled with adventuristic energy. "But why me? The girls are going..."

He stopped talking as he saw their expressions. Latisha came to him and then hit his head slightly. "We will travel all over the country later on. She just wants you to stay with kids so others won't panic when we leave. Looking at her face, she would rather bring them with us. But we can't let those people get all worked up. It's too bothersome. Your magnetic energy is quite handy in mid of such crowd of metal. Try cultivating it while you are here."

Jenny came near him and patted his shoulder. "Latisha is right. Your power is rare. Try using it on nearby cars. With power of magnetism you can scan them, or connect them, move them. Look how far your power goes and how much energy you loose before using the power stone to replenish your energy."

He understood her words and suddenly became bright. "I will do that. Since this started we would occasionally user our powers, but even I can see its lacking."

Jenny smiled. "While we are gone and you do not wish to use powers now, you can relax inside my place. There is full fridge with cooked food. Don't be stupid and eat comfortably. We have bunch of snacks and you can watch movies and play games with kids. Trust me, you will not even notice how fast time passed."

With everything been said they chose to rush.

The Green brothers chose to bring the motorcycles. Only Jenny refused with a smile. Tyra chuckled. ''You'll buy one from the trading centre?"

Jenny nodded. "Like that I can keep it inside the storage. Omg, storage... I'm so stupid."

They looked at her in wonder. While she mumbled something. They couldn't understand so they just waited.

"They are part of my crew. If they drive near me, can't they use one of my vehicles?" She thought about something.

Suddenly strange thing happened. All seven people have been scanned. In front of them suddenly a new screens opened.

'Crew option':

- Can be used only if you are loyally staying as crew together.

- Can use vehicles in trading Chanel.

- Can use protection suits.

- Can get ability to utilise black crystal.

- Crew members automatically become immune to the black crystal destruction power but only until certain point.

- Leaving crew will cause the crew member to loose the given advantages.

"As a crew we get advantages?" Tyra was flabbergasted about the options it showed.

Jenny sighed. She got this option after taking in the black crystal energy she got from that alien. The three kids already had those advantages before so she just let them be. If they chose to become part of the crew when they grow up, she will let them.

"I have vehicle I used before this RV. It has one bad, full kitchen and fully working shower. But it's ugly as hell. Anyone wants to drive it? Girls?" She could see them shaking their heads.

"We will wait until the new extension on your RV and will just join you inside. Until then, we can drive car, you can give them to boys. That RV there is too small for them all to sleep together inside." She pointed at the small RV Green brothers drove.

Jenny went out and walked towards simple RV. She looked inside and rolled her eyes.

Two small beds and they are five. One simple bath and kitchen. One must have slept on the seats. Yes, tehy need aloner thing. She pointe dta the bed over the driving seats and tehy shook their heads. ''It's broken.'' So she made a decision right away.

"Who wouldn't mind the ugliness of my old vehicle?" Jenny suddenly saw two hands going up.

Suddenly between their RV and hers, a new vehicle appeared and they nodded. Seriously ugly, but that didn't matter to guys.

She suddenly summoned multiple bikes and smiled. "Put protection gears on. As my crew I can buy vehicles for you as well. But, I have to save money for expansion. So I can't buy to many things OK?"

They happily looked at the motorcycles and suddenly one of them exclaimed. "They are silent!" The motorcycle was turned on, but was soundless.

Jenny smiled. "These vehicles use power of stones. Not a common gasoline. Gear up."

Only Meira pouted. "And me?"

Jenny sighed. "You can join crew after you drink potion. Your momentary scan showed you as threatening, so the only option is to find blood as soon as possible and change your statues soon."

Meira understood. Her kind is indeed quite dangerous if they get hungry, really hungry. With a smile she pinched Jenny's worried face. "Then let's go. I want to be part of your group as well. I'm always alone. Being part of your crew, not bad idea tho."

Jenny rubbed her face and agreed. Having such strange crew was not bad. Too bad those two women were too far. Maybe later...

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