《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 64 - 64. The wrong idea...


As she stared at the two girls with interest Steven's family stared at their son with despise. "You are really adamant not to help us? We are your own blood family. Did you forget that?''

He could feel his head hurting by now. "I already told you, you can NOT win against her. Do you think I am stupid and do not know your thoughts? And she is a good person. I definitely will not help you, no matter what you say."

"Ungrateful. You are my blood, how can you be so ungrateful?" His fathers face turned into a nasty grimace as he yelled at him. ''Thinking about you being loyal to an unrelated person makes me so furious that I really want to...''

But he stopped as he saw Steven's eyes becoming icy. This child is too dangerous for now. He can't provoke him. ''Then go away and do not come back!''

Steven wanted to give them one more chance. He hoped they would realize how powerful Jenny is after she showed it so much, but they didn't change. No, it became even worse. They found Jenny to be treated to their ideas.

Expecting from him to do something to her, are they dumb? Does he look stupid? He has no plan to do so. She is definitely someone he wants to follow.

"So be it." With calmness, he spoke these words and turned around. Not even thinking twice he left their RV and saw Jacob waiting for him outside.

"Hurry, mom actually told me to call you, but I saw you coming out. Food is ready, let's eat and sleep some." Jacob hugged his shoulders and pushed him inside. Just before he came in, he glanced at the other RV with a sarcastic smile. Stupid people everywhere.

Jenny made a whole bunch of food and smiled at him as he entered. "Go wash your hands and let us eat."

She already checked the trading site and saw many frozen foods as well, among that meat and vegetables. How lucky, but she planned first to eat what she had. Why buying more?

Just as she was about to sit down, she could hear a slight knock on the door. A female voice called her. "Boss, may we ask you for a favour."


"I'm Tyra and this is Latisha. Can you open trading panel for us, please?" Jenny looked around and saw no new walking zombies, then at the mountain of dead zombies piled up and nodded.

"Sure. Let me do it differently. I'll open a trading option near the truck over there, so everyone can come and buy what they need. Like that, I don't have to get out every five minutes. Tyra, Latisha can we speak with each other after a meal?" She had an idea and wanted to talk to them. "Bring the Green brothers with you as well."

The two women looked at each other and then accepted. "Sure. One hour?"

"One hour." Jenny walked to the truck that was a bit further away and opened five trading screens.

Actually, this ability she saw in her dream-past-life-vision. One of the traders had done a similar thing. But she didn't know how much he struggled to do that. His powers would wane after an hour and wouldn't replenish for the whole day. Her powers were quite high, so it was understandable that she could control better. But his problems, she didn't know.

Passing by them her breath stocked. These two had over hundred thousand of stones? Not showing surprise on her face, she just went inside her RV and before closing the door she saw people slowly gathering.

She shook her head. Let's hope they won't be that stupid to buy food now. They can do it in the other settlement as well.

Looking at the munching children, she chuckled and sat by the table as well. "How's the food?"

There was no need for an answer, as she could see their satisfied expressions. As they finished, children chose to wash dishes, so Jenny left to speak to the people, that were already waiting for her.

She pointed at the nearby empty bus. "Let's talk inside. I can enclose this place, so it can become soundproof."

Without talking they entered, saw her just putting her hand on the wall and suddenly no more sounds came from the outside. She sat down and looked at them.

"After the next sanctuary, I'll continue my way through the country. Humanity is close to extinction and I plan to save as many as possible. Now let's talk straightforwardly. Any of you wanna join me? It might be hard, but I'll do my best not to let it be arduous or deadly. But if you want to stay at the next safe place, I'll understand you."


They became silent but Green brothers were first to answer quickly. "We actually planned to ask you to follow you anyway. But now we can calmly do that. We feared if we ask you, you would be against it."

She shook her head. "No. Sometimes I'll need help. So we are set. Now Tyra, Latisha? Wanna come?"

They became silent. "Any rules?"

Jenny nodded. "Of course. My word is ultimate. Do not near yourself to the black crystal, it has strong radiation. I can, as I'm immune to it, but you two are just normal power users, you will get sick from it."

The Green brothers looked at the two women with big smiles. "You two are power users as well?"

All seven of them had powers. Green brothers all had strange powers. Electricity, magnetic powers, metal user, healer and water user.

Hearing them talking about their powers the two women became baffled.

Tyra stood up and smiled. "I'm a speed user."

Latisha smiled brightly. "I'm a wind user.''

Jenny chuckled. What kind of crazy luck does she actually have? "Good. As you can see, I have defensive powers. I can produce shield and have gained strange trading ability. Its probably alien technology, but who cares as long I can save many people."

They had to agree on it. She continued explaining. "As its alien technology, it uses the stones as currency. Who knows if this disaster was caused by humans or did Mother Earth just got pissed off about things humans did to our planet. Anyway, we are now in this situation."

The Green brothers had a question in their minds. "You got that RV from the trade, right?"

Jenny nodded. "Yes. Unfortunately, as you can see only I have that option open and only I can use it."

They nodded. The nearest man smiled at her brightly and then stepped forward. "Uhm. Did you say its alien technology? Does that means you will buy spaceship later on?"

She became silent and after a few moments of thinking they could see her furrowing her eyebrows. "I can't say what will happen in future. I know only one thing, for now, we must think about the near future."

He just nodded. "We will anyway stay by your side. By the way, can you explain to us about the black crystals?"

It was understandable that they wanted to know about it. "Just like you need simple stones I use black crystals to replenish my powers. There are more people that can use black crystal. Like those three children. They can use it, but only as an attack. They can get weapons and use them. But I plan to train them to become our world's Guardians."

Everyone became silent. "So that was your plan?"

Jenny nodded. "I'm teaching them common logic and basic knowledge. Later in I plan to find the teachers that already know how to use those powers."

Tyra looked outside. "Will they know about the world?"

Jenny looked at her with a serious expression. "They have to know past so they don't make the same mistakes in the future. If you all could teach them some of your views, I'd be more than thankful."

They all nodded and started making plans.

Tyra and Latisha planned to join her in RV when she gets next expansion on it. Jenny was actually happy about it but then stilled as she remembered her friend.

"There is one more thing I need to tell you about..." They could see her having difficulty explaining and were curious.

Tyra almost laughed as she saw Jenny feeling a note and more uncomfortable. "Do you have a man and you are hiding him from us?"

Latisha who was silent so far pointed at RV and chuckled. "Or a woman."

Just then everyone saw her blinking even more and became now even more curious. Latisha patted her hand and smiled at her. "So... its a woman. Don't worry. We will accept it. Luckily for you, our century accepts such relationsh.i.p.s." Then she naughtily winked at perplexed Jenny that wanted to answer, but the door opened and beautiful woman came inside.

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