《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 61 - 61. Preparing everything


Something was been pushed away. Sort of dust started falling off the doors and with a large sound the door went open, showing a bunch of highly armed people staring at them.

"Nice welcome..." Meira sarcastically said while staring at few dozen of guns that were pointed at them.

Listening to her words people lowered the guns and saw the two women icily looking at them, while they put kids protectively behind their backs.

One man lowered his gun and smiled at them. "Sorry about this, but as we don't know if the zombies changed... we just don't know what to do."

Jenny pressed her lips. "Then we shall not enter your sanctuary. We have special powers and came to take everyone who wants to come to the next safe city. We will be waiting outside. The way is clear as we killed quite a bunch of zombies. Talk to your people. who wants to come we will bring with us, who doesn't its not our problem."

She just shrugged and walked away. There are people that want to be saved and then those that don't.

"Mom, what if they don't wanna come?" Jacob was curious.

Jenny was silent at first but then sighed. "We can't make them come with us. Even tho they said they were sorry because the guns, they didn't even think about inviting us in. Maybe they have their own way of surviving. Let's see what will happen."

Jacob just nodded and saw Jenny taking out the space table, chairs, pot and gas burner. "Lunch?"

Meira just stated at her with big eyes and chuckled. "This is amazing."

Jenny smiled at her brightly. "Yes, thank you. By the way, can you eat normal food?"

Meira shook her head. "No. I don't have a common digestive system anymore."

Jenny patted her hand. "Too bad. My cooking is truly not bad."

She saw Meira smiling and started taking out vegetables, seasonings and meat and froze. She almost hit her own head.

"System. The blood... Does the blood have to be human?" She suddenly had another idea.

System answered right away. "No. It doesn't have to be human."

Meira and kids saw Jenny knocking her own head and were worried. "What is it?"

Jenny rubbed her head as she knocked herself a bit too hard and chuckled. "Stupidity of the best. I just realized something. The blood. It doesn't have to come from humans. Later we can hunt the new changed animals and gather slowly what you need."


Meira froze and then started laughing. "This is so good. Actually I lived this long mostly by eating blood from those animals that had too many kids. Mice, rats, some birds and sometimes even bigger animals if they are to many. I won't mind using the animal blood for the potion."

With a smile, Jenny started cutting the dry meat and frying it in the pot and then gradually adding this and that. In end, wonderful stew could be smelt far and she sat down to eat calmly.

In the surrounding was not even one zombie to be seen. Meira felt a bit bored. "Can I go and kill a few more zombies?"

Jenny chuckled. "Sure. But gather the stones. When I am nearby the stones are automatically gathered. But when I'm not near, you have to do it manually. We need many stones for your potion. The ten-year potion cost fifty thousand stones, hundred-year cost half million stones and the millennia cost five million of spirit stones. And I need stones for other things as well. I plan to buy a new truck. Now I gave enough stones. And we can gather more stones after that, we must find blood anyway."

Meira knew she really meant it and nodded. "I will check the surroundings. Wait for me here."

Jenny nodded and continued eating while Meira left swiftly. She knew Jenny won't leave without her.

Jenny, on the other hand, saw few people carefully approaching and smiled. "Don't worry. We killed the zombies in our surroundings. Go and check if there is a car that works and that you can use for the trip."

She opened her screen and kids started commenting. "We have a shield, we don't need a special tank. Maybe we can take a van or Something like that?"

Looking at huge RV-s she almost got dizzy by the prices. Luckily they had enough stones.

"Mom, look at that one. Its the smallest but it can evolve. And you can put the other vehicle into your inventory or even sell it if you wish." Jacob pointed at one smaller RV that had bunker beds and one big bed. Bathroom, kitchen... Then her breath stocked.

"Am I going crazy or is this thing fueled with spirit stones?" That was something new.

Suddenly a system could be heard. "Yes. You need two spirit stones per hundred miles as it is small. Later if you evolve it, it will need more spirit stones."

The bigger, the bigger expenses it had. And the price was actually not that extreme. Fifty thousand stones. But then she almost hit herself. She has so many spirit stones at the moment, that she forgot that it's hard to gain them. And it will be harder in the future.


She then remembered those three people that were trying to open that vehicle and chuckled. "Steven, I think I'll scare your family a bit."

Steven just shrugged. "It's healthy. A bit fear is something they need."

She just wanted to see how he will react and sighed deeply. Did they change so much that this child gave up completely on them?

In front of those people, that vehicle disappeared but instead of being scared, they became angry. "Is she leaving without us?"

Somehow they knew it was her that took the vehicle away. But was stunned when they heard her voice. "Stupid. I am just annoyed when you try to take what is not yours. Because of Steven I still hold the protection shield there, be grateful. Soon we will move. Be ready, I'll let you know when we go."

Then there was no more voice and the man paled and looked at his wife. This woman can control this shield even like that? That means they truly had no chance at the moment doing anything.

On the other hand, a few dozen people rushed to find vehicles while Jenny stood next to one medium-sized RV and waited for Meira to come back.

The leader of the group came to her and sighed. "I heard you have a special ability..." He looked around and waved his hand.

Jenny nodded and smiled. "How many are inside?"

The man sighed. "We didn't count it completely. But it should be over thirty thousand."

Jenny was stunned. For normal commoners to kill so many zombies is quite a lot. "System, how many stones around inside?"

"30567 stones." The answer came promptly so Jenny opened the box and took a small bag out and started counting stones. She took the 567 stones out and gave him back.

Actually everyone was stunned by her action.

Jenny looked at them calmly. "Show me a plan of the city."

Suddenly a screen opened up and she looked at the city and found what she wanted to see. "There is underground well in that district. Water is most important for survival. I can make a shield for smaller settlement." She pointed at the few buildings and a small park near the well. "My recommendation is that place, but you make your own choice."

The man looked at the greenery and smiled. "I understand why you say that. We accept it."

Jenny saw Meira coming back and pointed at the screen. "We are going that way. Are there any zombies left?"

Meira looked at the city map and shook her head. "Didn't we clean that part of town just a while ago?"

Jenny nodded. "Yeah, but can you check the surroundings? I'm going to help these people with safety shield and their transport of personal belongings." Meira nodded and with swift step rushed away.

As she turned around, she saw their flabbergasted expressions. With calm expression, she shrugged. "What? We have powers. As simple as that. Now, hurry up. Those that want to leave with me, gather enough gasoline in the surroundings for the trip. Hurry."

The few dozen people rushed from car to car and extracted gasoline, while Jenny went into the RV and smiled brightly. "Nice!"

From outside it was small, but inside it was huge. One big bed in background and two bunk beds. Huge bathroom, big kitchen and dinette big enough for all of them. And the best thing... all their food from other vehicle appeared here.

The kids chose to separate the bunk beds. Steven and Jacob in the lower bunk, while Kala was in the upper. But Jenny shook her head. "Boys are too big to be cramped inside together. Kala, would you mind sleeping with me?"

She just shrugged. "Sure. I don't mind."

Jacob smiled at her and patted her head. "At next extension, I'll add one more bunk only for you. And it beddings will have the colour you chose."

She smiled at him. "I'm fine sleeping with mom, but if there is that option, I want it pink or purple."

Jenny chuckled and left them inside. They had their toys transferred so they could play games or watch movies. For now, they could just wait inside.

"Jenny, there are not many zombies left. The rest I led towards the other side of town." Meira felt a bit tired.

Jenny patted her hand and pointed at the RV. "Go in and wash up. You look like you have been through all the spider webs in the city. There are clean clothes in the closet. Later, I'll give you something."

Listening to her words Meira nodded happily and went inside, while everyone looked at Jenny in astonishment. Washing up? Now?

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