《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 60 - 60. Blood, guns and the sword


''What is on your mind?'' Meira was curious about Jenny's expression.

"There is a way for me to get you something that could still your hunger for a longer time. But I'll need a bunch of blood." Jenny was thinking about systems words and smiled at her.

Meira froze. "What?"

Jenny nodded. "But there is a glitch on that. It has to be given freely. If it's taken from someone with fear in it or with drugs in its blood, then it couldn't be used. There are three options that could be made. One for a decade of no hunger, one for a century and one for millennia. So how many years so many liers of blood. So I was thinking about blood bank. If we can find one then it would be perfect. That kind of blood was voluntarily given." Jenny actually lied.

Any blood could be used, but she wanted to protect humans as much she could. At the same time, she kind of included Meira in the calculation. After all, she was human, just a tad bit different.

"Blood bank?" Meira suddenly had an idea. "Hospitals have blood banks."

Jenny nodded but her face fell when she thought about it. "What hospital have enough energy to sustain blood for such a long time?"

Meira suddenly became sad. "What can I do?"

"Let's get information. I will travel to the other side of the country. If we can gather enough blood bags on our way, then we might be able to help you out. And we can search for hospitals for donated blood. If we find ten litres if blood you will be fine for ten years at least." Jenny patted her shoulder and pointed at the city. "I need to find and save humans, can you help me with it?"

Meira lived for a long time and usually didn't trust anyone, but strangely, she trusted the young woman. "Good. Let's do that."

She was not hungry as she satiated her hunger with those people that were torturing those women. Too bad their blood can't be used or she would spit it out her body. That blood can hold her well for a long time.

"Humans in this city his in the underground railways. That is the reason as well why they couldn't feel the radiation coming from the top of the city. But you took the thing away, so they can come up." Meira was undead and that radiation meant nothing to her, but to normal humans would be excruciating.

She could feel it and now since its fine, the only problem might be the zombies.

Just as she was thinking about it they started appearing. Meira knew they were not interested in her but felt worried about Jenny and kids.


Suddenly a strange thing happened. Children and herself suddenly had strange uniforms on their bodies and were ready for action. Each child had powers and they used it to kill incoming raid of zombies.

At first, a few hundred were completely destroyed, but because of the noise more were attracted. Their rotten bodies were still moving as they knew only one need. To eat.

But as more and more approached, a strange thing happened. They hit at the invisible shield and clamoured around it. She was at first stunned buts aw their calm expression and knew that one of them had something to do with it.

Jenny and kids were using their powers until children were not completely tiered. She looked at them and smiled. "Now its time I buy few weapons. Anyone wanna have?"

The kids were tired but their eyes went shiny as they heard her words. With a wave of her hand, the bodies that were killed turned into dust and she opened screen where suddenly numbers starting running.

"This time I will not safe the stones with you as we must buy some weaponry. Chose what you like." She touched the screen and there were shown many weapons that they never saw before.

Steven got close and smiled brightly as he saw guns for them as well. "I would like to take the power gun. Look, the stone can be used as power. It has a million shots."

Jacob nodded. "The only downside is that you have to shoot properly to kill. Like with real gun."

Steven shrugged. "I will need to learn how to shoot early or later anyway. Now we have such nice targets here. Isn't it convenient?"

Jacob had to admit it was the right time. "Then I'll take one as well."

"Me too, me too. I want one as well." Kala was looking beggingly at Jenny and she chuckled.

"Fine. Each if you will get one power gun." She pressed the screen and saw that each gun was ten thousand stones, but shrugged. "Oh well."

Meira came closer and looked at the screen where Jenny was looking for blunt weapons. And she found one that looked quite scary.

Cleaver of Power. Fifty thousand stones.

"It is worth it." Jenny smiled at pressed the button. Suddenly a sword appeared floating in front if her and as soon she touched it the system could be heard.

"Cleaver of Power is usable only by its owner. If you pot power stones into its blade, it becomes stronger and bigger. The power for each stone is ten times. So one power stone, ten times the usual power, another power stone, twenty times stronger. It can be inlaid up to five power stones. The moment you take it, it will be bound only to you."


Jenny was worried that the sword would be too heavy but still chose to take it. The moment she touched it, the sword had black mist surrounding it and she smiled brightly. "Niceee."

Even kids felt a bit envious, bit just a bit. The power guns were literally silent. Nothing could be heard as the bullets were nothing else than specs of light hitting zombies. Luckily, the guns were very light, so they could use it for a longer period of time.

Meira felt left out and approached shyly. "Can I have a weapon as well?"

Jenny took out two same guns from the inventory and smiled. "Use it well. I think you will be able to kill with this steadily."

It was the same two guns she gave kids as well. But she was sure that Meira would be able to handle double kill. If she is a vampire, there is no such thing as getting tired fast.

Jenny signed as she saw them firing at the approaching crowd. She checked her screen and saw that the numbers slowly were going back up. Soon she will gain back those spirit stones back that she just used. And more.

"So light and still strong. Let's see how will it work on zombies." She took a step forward and swung towards the zombies and the strangest thing happened.

The mist that surrounded the sword solidified and turned the sword into a long sword. That didn't change on the weight of the sword but got a bigger impact.

As zombies were tightly standing she usually would cut off few heads at the time, but this time few hundreds of zombies literally burn with strange black fire as soon they were touched by it. She gasped, but then happily smiled.

"Great sword!" She swung again and the same thing happened.

She couldn't see four people behind her staring at her and the sword with a flabbergasted expression. With a huge smile, she swung over and over again killing thousands in no time.

Meira just shook her head and turned the other way around and started shooting at zombies with pressed lips. She wants to kill many as well.

Just like Jenny said, her perception was quite good. The shooting was not even a problem as she had no problems with getting tiered, like normal people.

The two women started killing zombies like possessed, while the three children took food out their backpacks and munched on it. Luckily for them, Jenny always filled their bags with food, snacks and water.

Just like in previous times, the zombies became as it seems bit smarter and when they saw the danger they tried to escape. That behind could feel the danger as well and started walking away. But as they were tightly perched by the wall that surrounded them, many that were nearby couldn't escape.

"Wow, you are amazing. Truly." Jenny couldn't even perceive her motion, as that how fast her fingers worked.

She spoke to the system. ''Uhm, will the guns be fine with that motion?"

"Yes. These guns are made by me. It is not a normal human kind of gun that has those manual triggers. You just need to press lightly and she is doing it right. That is the reason why she had so many kills in such a small amount of time." It passed only one hour since they started.

She looked at kids that stood next yo Meira and copied her. "What about kids?"

"Their hands are smaller and they font know. So they squeeze just like in common guns. That is draining the energy from their hands."

Listening to systems words Jenny sighed. "Jacob. Come here."

Jacob came and she patted his head. "I just spoke to the system. Kala, Steven stop shooting and come here."

The kids stopped and looked at her. "The guns you hold have as it seems so calling light trigger. You just need to lightly press on it and it will shoot. You don't have to press hard. Try it the way I said and it will be easier."

As long the zombie's rate still around, she wanted kids to learn how to shoot properly.

Jacob tried pressing as softly as possible and it really worked. "Wow."

Luckily the guns had something like safety trigger and couldn't be used against humans. So even if they pulled the trigger by accident at one of their companions, it won't work because of the programmed safety.

The kids saw how Jacob was doing it and then at Meira's fingers that just lightly twitched and understood.

Another hour passed and most of the zombies already run away as they understood that this food is undefeatable.

They started moving and wherever they went the zombies would try to walk away, but most of them were getting shot.

Jenny took two guns as well as no zombie was near enough to be able to be cut down.

They slowly walked to the underground station and saw a huge sign in front of a huge metal door. "If you are human, ring a bell three times then stop and then three times again."

Makes sense. Zombies can't read, yet.

Jenny saw a trigger for the bell and pulled it three times then waited a few moments and then again pulled it three times.

Suddenly a sound could be heard from the other side.

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