《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 59 - 59. Unusual friend


Is it the power that they could use?

With a sigh, he gave up thinking about it and was silent until they came back.

Jenny didn't question him or pressured him to make quick choices. He was silently sitting near the fire and thinking about it.

His sister nudges him and he rose his head. Jenny and her children were already gone into their vehicle. His father motioned for him to go to the car and Steven sighed.

After they closed all the doors and windows everyone looked at him. "What happened?"

"She is much stronger than you can imagine. I saw her killing zombies without even changing expression. Her defence is so strong that even if someone attacks her with all the powers in a large group, she still would be safe." Steven tried to make these people stop hoping on something unimaginable.

His father narrowed his eyes and glanced towards Jenny's vehicle. "Then we must gather more power people and try. We can't have such a threat to our future plans."

Steven finally couldn't stop himself and snapped. ''Enough! You are indeed my father and I love you, but you are wrong with your thoughts. Pops, what happened to you that you changed this much? Please, give me back my goodhearted father back."

The three people just stared at him with astonished expressions. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Since you got your powers, you all changed unimaginably. Greed, anger, thirst for even more power and jealousy. Don't you see how strange my little sister became? I know we are in zombie Apocalypse, but what happened that you lost the good feelings."

His words made his father and mother just roll their eyes, while his sister snorted. "Brother, you changed since you met this woman. You were just like us before."

He sighed. "When did you see me intentionally harming someone or something? Since start on I was like this. The family I grew up with turned suddenly into walking and talking zombies with powers."

They were shocked by this sentence. "What are you talking about?"

"Sister was a cute kid now she looks like a small demon that can't wait to use her powers to kill, no matter human or monster. Brother turned from caring big brother into a greedy person that thought only about himself. And that greed was his doom. Mom, look at you. You still care a bit for us on the outside, but not really. You and father were good people, but now... And father, I don't know even where to start your changes."


His heart was aggrieved as he stared at the few people in front of him. His father smirked. "I was a rising sun but got myself someone that could betray me in no time. After we get to the safe city, you go your way. I don't need bothersome people around us. That is the best we can do for you. We won't kill you, at least not for now. But in future, if you cross our ways and don't bow to our direct orders, I'll personally rip you apart."

Steven couldn't believe his father's words. "Father, why? Why did you all change so much?"

The next morning Jenny calmly just came out, saw their expressions and coldly spoke. "What? You didn't expect me to cook for you again? You have now everything you need. Do it yourself. Who wants to come with me to rescue mission?"

Her cold words swept over their heads and they just looked at each other. Steven came out of the car and approached her. " I'll come with you."

She saw them avoiding her eyes and smiled at him. ''Good. Let's go then."

The three children and Jenny just left without even say anything while they came out and approached her vehicle. "Let's try a different approach..."

Jenny stopped for a second and smirked evilly at the direction where they were. "Your family is trying in this moment to steal my car? Or what is their deal?"

Steven rubbed his temples as he really heads headache. "I had an argument last night about their actions. But no matter what I said they blocked it completely."

Jenny patted his head and chuckled. "You were so loud that we heard everything."

His eyes became large and he suddenly saw the two kids laughing. "Your family forgot the silent surrounding. No matter how much you close the windows, it echoes. Your parents really have great plans, too bad they are turning dumber by the minute."

Jacob just patted his shoulder and smiled. "We actually had no plan to pressure you, but now it seems we can give you an offer to..."

Steven rose his hands up as he just gave up. "I accept. I don't care what it is, I will just accept it."

Jenny smiled at him. "Are you sure, we might turn you into our eternal slave and make you do things you hate most..."


Steven saw her theatrically moving her hands and making faces and started laughing. "Yes, my queen. I shall comply with your orders."

They all started laughing and moved on while a pair of eyes followed them with interest. "Oh well. Is she gathering an army of power children for later? A queen? In that case, shall I become her dark guard."

A smile appeared on woman's lips and she was about to move behind them as she froze. Jenny turned around and appeared right in front of her.

"Hi, I'm Jenny. Who and what are you?" Jenny could feel that energy couple times and she was finally curious.

"Hi, my name is Meira. I'm a vampire." The woman calmly stood in front of Jenny and bowed lightly.

She expected all kind of things to happen. Anger, disgust, fear, but what she got was two shiny eyes watching at her like something special. Like something precious.

Is this why these children follow her willingly?

This positive energy that emanated from her body was strangely quite attractive. She looked at her closer and approached her but realized that there was no smell coming from her. Nothing that would make her want to bite her.

"What is it?" Jenny could see looking at her body curiously, even sniffling.

"I...I can't smell you. How interesting." She looked at the children and sniffle the air bit no smell came from kids as well. "How?"

Jenny smiled and walked towards the kids that were calmly waiting. "Powers."

Meira walked slowly next to her and nodded. She didn't ask questions and just moved almost like her shadow.

Jenny patted kids heads and smiled at her. "We are going to rescue humans. Will you help us?"

Seeing her acceptance Meira chose to trust her. It was the first time after long to trust anyone. "I'll come." She didn't ask questions, just followed them.

But kids were curious. "What is your power?"

Someone surviving this close to the black crystal must have had some power.

Meira looked at Jenny that explained. "Meira's cellular structure change in a different way than ours. Her body needs blood to survive, but I have something that can stop that. She has powers but still has no idea how to use them. I'll help her later on. Until then she will stay by our side."

Kids heard her explanation and accepted it cleanly. Steven calmly looked at Meira and nodded. "In other words, she is a vampire?"

Meira could see smiles on their faces and her heart shook. No rejection. Pure and honest welcome. "Yes. But not like those from movies. I can kill thousands and drink their blood, but I can as well survive just well on rats and rabbit blood. Human blood just makes me... full of energy. And its enough one, once in the full moon."

"What about others?" Jenny calmly walked towards the nearest subway and walked down.

"There are others, of course. Some of them are natural-born killers, some are like me. Unfortunately, a vampire can't kill another. something in us is stopping it." Meira wanted to kill those few that were dangerous, but couldn't.

"I understand." Jenny heard stories before about underground organization that collected blood for their purposes. "Then the MAH organization..."

Meira sighed. "Few of us chose to just use donor blood. With that blood, we didn't need to harm any living being. Donated blood had enough cells for us to live normally. One blood portion was enough more me to stay out trouble for six months awake or five years sleeping."

Jenny smiled and spoke with the system silently. "Is there any potion that could help her."

"Yes, but there is a slight problem. To use that potion I'll need blood to mix in." Systems voice was echoing in her head and she pressed her lips. Too loud.

"Blood to heal a vampire?" She was curious.

"You can't heal her. But you can help her not to get hungry for a long time. I have three potions. One will make her be satisfied a decade, one for a century and one for millennia. But, for the blood needed would be same. For ten years, ten litres of blood, for century hundred litres of blood and for the millennia..."

She stilled... is there any blood bank?

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