《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 54 - 54. The ugly thing


"Tell me what did you just say, what is that rambling about you coming here." His voice became panicky.

"I left Save Heaven City. Mike is King and Save Heaven City became a kingdom."

"Is that reason you left?" He was just wildly guessing.

"No." Jenny chuckled. It was, of course, logical that he might think that way.

"Then what made you in this situation leave and how the hell...wait. You said you are outside?"

"Aha." She waited for him to gather the puzzle parts himself. "If you understood then wait for me. It will take me time as I have a few things to do before coming there. Take care and be ready to fight raids. By the way, zombies have soul stones or power stones, however you want to call them... Gather them and as much you can. The more you gather the better and the bigger the shield I will make for your place. I get paid only in those stones. OK?"

"I understand. How long?"

''A few weeks or even longer, its crazy put here. The land is scarred by the impact. I am going to check first the meteorite and then drive down the river. Just gather the stones and pray I come on time. Gather as many weapons you can. I fear those with long nails can dig. You can be only safe if your walls are out metal.''

''Our walls are made out many proved materials. So, for now, we are safe but if you could come, we will pay you well.'' He knew that there was no way around it. To get a protection shield he was willing even to use nuclear weapons as a threat.

''I take only the soul stones. Money, gold, and similar things mean nothing to me. I am a power user and need many soul stones to erect strong shield. Our people killed huge raid of zombies and I could do impenetrable shield for Save Heaven City. Without soul stones, I won't be able...''

''I understand. We will gather many.'' He understood that much.

''The more you gather the bigger I can make it and stronger the shield can become. Normal logic. I have to go now. The dust is settling down and I need to rush as long there is light I can use to move forward. We shall talk again.'' She just said short 'bye' and ended the conversation. No time to explain details.


He went out safety room and they saw him with glowing eyes smiling at them.

''President, is there any good news?''

''Yes. The power user that made shield around Save Heaven City is coming our way.''

''Isn't it Mike?''

''We assumed it was him, but as it seems it was someone else. The person told me that it will take weeks to come here as the land was impacted by the meteor. To make the shield some kind of soul stones are needed. The more the better.''

''You mean that?'' General Lomax took out his pocket small box and opened it. ''We found these in zombies but do not know what are they good for.''

''If we want to be safe like that Kingdom, we must gather a bunch of these.'' His sentence made them perplexed.

''Kingdom. What kingdom now?''

''Oh, yes. Mike is the King and Save Heaven City became Kingdom. Be polite. I think they will produce food and we will need time to start producing our own. If we can.''

''Kingdom...'' General looked at the stones and furrowed his eyebrows. The control slipped out their hands slowly. What if other cities... But then got an idea. ''President, we can use that person for us. It will be good for us and for that person.''

''Speak. What kind of devilish idea you have?''

''I will accept that Save Heaven City becomes Kingdom. It is anyway way up north. But nearby cities we have to hold in our hands tightly. If we make them believe that the person is coming in our name then they will stand still and stay as part of our state.''

President nodded. ''Good idea. Check the map and the cities on her way to us. We can contact the cities and then send her the data and ask her to help them. Of course, they will have to pay themselves the costs. Our city must become the biggest and strongest. Gather soldiers and let's start killing. We must make this place as safe as possible. But send to the nearby cities weapons to fight the zombies and monsters themselves. Like that their alliance to us will become stronger.

''Yes sir!'' General saluted and left and then remembered something President slipped through his speech. 'She'... If that is that woman it would be good. She is interesting, very interesting.


On the other side of the land, a woman drove the car with a huge smile on her face while a huge cloud of dust rose into the air. ''Money, money money...'' She hummed the song even those she didn't know the words to it.

Just thinking about the huge amount of stones so she happily tapped the wheel and manoeuvred around bigger things while smaller ones were just pushed away by the thick wall she made around the car.

''Mother, you could just buy one of those vehicles. Even tho they are weaker than this jeep but does it even matter? They are much comfortable and we can sleep inside.'' She opened her screen and he pointed at one of the strange-looking vehicles in inventory.

''Isn't it bit small?'' She wanted a big van with beds and everything.

''Mom. This thing has only one bed. But it's big enough for three of us as we are small. And it has a toilet and a kitchen. On top of it, it can drive on the water as well.''

She slowed down and then stopped. It didn't matter where she would stop as there were no roads no streets just plain wasteland. Looking at the vehicle she nodded.

''It's pretty ugly but the interior will be enough for us three. It's pretty expensive tho.''

Looking at the astronomical number she felt cold. They got almost two hundred thousand stones but only this thing would take most of the money.

''Mom, look. Later we can take the land, earth, water vehicle. But for now, this is better than the jeep.''

''Sigh, fine. So ugly. Well, it is good for use. Look I can add small space unit inside. Maybe for gasoline?'' She added more space and in front of them, the vehicle appeared. She actually hoped that jeep would change or something of the sort as she was too lazy to take all the stuff to that thing, but as it seems it was vane dream.

''I wish we could choose colours.'' Sighed Kala.

''And what colour would you put on?'' Jacob teased her while poking her cheeks.

''Pink. of course!''

''Pink... my goodness.'' Jenny just imagined the thing in neon pink and was actually happy at the inconspicuous colour. Even tho it was ugly but if it stands still it was no different than a rock from far.

''Mom, I am going to rip off the mirrors.'' The boy just tried to pull the side mirror and it didn't budge even a moment.

''What do you need that for?'' Jenny just came to by and snapped the thing easily and gave it to him.

''You never know. Can I have the other two as well?''

''Are you hamster?'' She broke off the other as well and the one inside the car and gave it to him.

He greedily looked at the comfortable seats and then checked the seats inside the vehicle but with relief, she saw his satisfied face. He wouldn't? Right? She opened her options and went to ''Gather Liquid Fuel.''

''This option is convenient.''

''There are many more. But we can't use them now. This is great. You just need to be near something or vehicle and you can drain its tank. Great against enemies tho.''

''But they can use that power on us as well.''

''You have a shield, they can't.'' Jacob victoriously smiled at her while he munched at icecream she took out frozen section in her space. ''This icecream still tastes amazing.''

''Of course.''

She sat in the vehicle and watched the storm brewing outside. The wind became stronger by the minute so she stopped and anchored her shield. They chose to sit and enjoy food and kids watch some old cartoons and chuckled while sitting on the bed.

Jenny was about to join them when she saw far away a car moving slowly as the wind didn't let it proceed. What the hell are they trying to do? The wind is too strong to drive now...

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