《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 51 - 51. Little girl with black crystal


The day was not a day as the lights were on the whole time. The dusty cloud that rose over her shield made their satellite connection hard as well.

But still, they got sporadic breakthroughs through the sand and dust and saw a half of the planet is under huge dust cloud. There was as it seems multiple hits on the whole planet so the clouds that rose hid the sight of what was going on down.

Mike rubbed his red eyes and looked at Mina that came in with grumpy expression. ''Jenny will leave in two hours. If she sees you like this, will she feel easy? Take some eye drops and come. Working himself to death...''

Actually he was fine, he just had dry eyes and rubbed it a bit before she came in. Jack stood by the side and looked through the computer data and sighed. ''Use eye drops. She is right, you look like you are about to faint.''

''I actually feel fine.''

''Still use drops.''

''I know.''

Taking the drops she just bought he went to the bathroom and slowly added drops into his eyes and then looked at his unshaven face and realized why everyone thought he looked tired.

When he came out Jack smiled brightly. ''I guess our Queen will have to come more often and nag at you. Now you look fresh as a spring flower.''

Mike just flatly looked at him and pointed at his people. ''It's four. Enough. Go home all, or do you all want me to come back to the office again and stay with you? If I see even one inside office after four-thirty I will stay up again whole night. That is not a threat, that's a fact.''

Actually, the shield was not like glass, it was breathable. Even that bit of oxygen in the air was filtered and brought in so they were quite comfortable. It's just that the cloud was so thick that they didn't know is it day or night.

Luckily, the clock worked so they had new rules until the dust doesn't come down.

Work until four afternoons. Lights are off at ten at night and turned on at four in the morning.

Personal light at home can be on as long as they want, but only one light at the time.

Interestingly the waterworks still were effortlessly working so it means that there will be no problem from that side, at least none for now. Jenny at that time concentrated and put safety should around whole thing. Now she can protect things even is she is not nearby, but only if she knows the exact destination. But not further away than fifty miles.

Slowly they drove the car towards one of the walls and saw Jenny speaking with Daria and Celia. Jack didn't plan to say goodbye as he was not one of the fussy people, but girls had tears in their eyes.


''Can't you take us with you? You are even taking Jacob.'' Celia got used to being always around her.

Jenny was quiet and then took a small package out her pocket and waved her hand. ''If you can touch this thing then you can come with me. But if you faint again, you cant. I fear that outside the radiation comes for the black crystals and only I and Jacob can handle it. For now.''

Mike and Mina were already far away but even they suddenly felt dizzy as she opened the small box. A tiny piece of the black crystal in size of rice stood there shining eerily. The two girls stepped forward and suddenly fainted.

Jenny quickly closed the box and put into her pocket again and rushed to the girls. She pointed at the car. ''Jacob, bring me a water bottle. Quickly.''

As Celia opened her eyes she could see the worried expression on everyone's faces. ''So strong. It's like ten thousand times the energy of the simple power stones, and ist just a tiny amount. You say there are more outside now?''

Jenny nodded. ''It seems there are humans like me and Jacob, that have the ability to use it as a power source. No matter what, I will go and gather power so it won't be misused against us. The city is big enough. For now, don't let anyone go out. Later if people choose to go out on their own, let them. We are not babysitters. If they want to die it's their choice.''

Mike nodded and gave her a big bear hug. ''You worry too much. I wish I could stop you going, but I guess it's your destiny. Just like it as my destiny to meet you. Jenny, this is your home, forever. Do never forget this.''

She hugged him as well then hugged Mina that already started crying river of tears.

''I will miss you.''

''I will miss you as well. We will be back, don't worry.''

Mina went to Jacob and hugged him.

''Watch over your silly mother and make her eat properly and rest often. She is mostly overthinking stuff.''

''I will do that. Thank you.''

Mina poked his cheeks and winked at him. ''Call me Aunt.''

He smiled at her and smugly winked back. ''You are too young to be my aunt. Maybe big sister?''

''You little sweet talker. I am older than Jenny, but thanks. Aunt will be fine. Be careful and safe, ok?''

At the same time, Jenny tried to calm the two women that held her tightly. ''We will be bored when you are gone...''

Jenny chuckled and pinched every their cheeks with her fingers. ''Bored? Then let me appoint you two as personal bodyguards of our King and Queen. You think you will be bored when you see how unreasonable these two are. They say I work too much, you have to kick the King our the office at four afternoons every day and Sunday no work. The world inside is the real world, the thing outside he can't change anyway, so why bother?''


Mike looked at the two girls that with shiny eyes looked at him and knew he will be in trouble if he really stays after four in office. ''Hey, I am your King, what about my orders?''

''We take orders only from her. You are under our protection, even from yourself if needed.'' Daria smiled at him winking at Mina that smiled widely.

Jenny patted his arm. ''There is absolutely nothing that should make you stay after four. Eight hours of work, at most! I will do my best to send you messages or even short stories about my travel. And I will try to send you pictures of the devastation outside. You should show it to everyone. If they still chose to go out after that... it's not your problem... ok?''

Mike nodded and saw her climbing into her car that she bought before. Few people changed her motor and made it into one that can use or electric power or common fuel.

What he didn't know she took enough fuel with her that she stored before and she plans to use the fuel until she doesn't find other places with it. If nothing else, they will walk.

She sat down into the car and was about to go through the wall when she heard the call. A woman with her daughters rushed with car towards her. As soon she stopped near her car they jumped out and rushed towards them.''Wait, just a second.''

A girl held a small box in her hands and motioned her mother to move back while giving the box up to her. ''I found the black crystal and only I can come near it. I felt the same energy coming form the two of you. Giving it to you makes more sense.''

Jenny and Jacob looked at each other and then at the small girl. ''Wait, nothing is wrong with you when you touch the black crystal?''

Jacob came out and opened the box that Jenny presented before to Daria and Celia and girl just stood there and poked it. ''It's small.''

With big eyes, the woman looked at Jenny and sighed. ''Her energy... is same.''

Jenny nodded and then pointed at the little girl. ''If I tell you you should come with us as you might be dangerous for your mother, will you do that? Or will you stay with her?''

''Is my energy just like black crystal? Making them faint?'' Her clear eyes were full of questions.

Jacob sighed and patted her head. ''Similar. Your energy, for now, is not bad, but if you don't learn how to grow it and control it might try to find outer sources to take away from. You might drain their powers after a while, or even their lives.''

Jenny smiled at the woman. ''Even then, I knew that this child had this powers but I hoped you will make right choices. Good, you came after I sent you a message. Actually, she wouldn't be able to harm you... she would implode and become just heap of dust.''

The woman shook hearing her words. ''But...''

Jenny sighed. ''The world is in child's hands, don't you know that phrase?''

''In future, they will help me help the world. If she comes with me she will be safe. I give you my word on that.'' Jenny came closer to the woman and patted her shoulder. ''Please, trust me. We will be back from time to time. And when I think her power base is stable, I will leave her here, with you. But now she is like a child that has an illness and only black crystal can stabilize it. And no I can't bring such a big crystal inside the city, do you want everyone to die?''

She could clearly see her trying to say that.

The little girl hugged her mother and smiled brightly. ''When I come back I will have even stronger power to protect everyone. Mom, I trust her. Big sister has the power of perception and I have the power of electricity. Maybe later my power will be enough to lighten the day, hahahahaha.''

Her mother poked her head. ''Is that reason you made me pack few of your things. Wait, is that reason you made me buy the same things as the boy?''

Jacob blinked a few times and looked at her. ''You bought same things?''

''I knew you two will be leaving as I heard you talking the other time. The moment you sent mom the message I knew that you already planned to take me with you, but I was not completely certain. Anyway, I am now one of your crew.''

Jenny sighed looking at the girl that was not even eight years old. ''Crew... You have to listen to Jacob and follow his lead. He is smarter than most boys his age. Let's go. I plan to check on the water plant.''

She safely put her into child seat that she already prepared in the hope she will come and Jacob quickly took the backpack and put it into the car. ''Let's go. Or Aunt Mina will drown us with her tears.''

The girl waved one more time to her still dazed mother and big sister that just nodded at her and then pushed her mother to the nearby car while Jenny just closed the windows and slowly drow out... into the darkness.

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