《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 50 - 50. Empress of the New World is escaping


As soon they went out of the elevator she sighed deeply. ''Child, this is our home.'' Then she hugged his thing body and smiled at him. ''Welcome home, my son.''

Jakob hugged her and pointed at the whole plant garden. ''Too bad we can't take this with us...''

Jenny looked at the plants and sighed. ''We can't do that yet. I will let people take care of them and transplant them to another place so other people can have some proper food. It would be wasteful if it withers here. Only flowers and threes I will leaver here. We need them for bees. After what just happened these bees might be essential in future.''

He saw few bees lazily flying towards back of the house. ''You have bee stock?''

She patted his head. ''Of course. Not only that. I have the whole bunch of food that we can take with us. I wills how you tomorrow. Now let's go inside. I will cook something nice for us.''

After dinner, she showed him a bathroom and took his clothes to wash and dry while he was in the bathroom while giving him some old clothes for now. ''Tomorrow we will pack few sets of clothes for you. We will need it anyway. Let's go to sleep now.''

She waited until he was deep asleep and turned her gear on. ''Show me storage area.''

Seeing huge storage she went downstairs and chose to take all the food from inside to half of the space. The other half she chose to take two beds and many other things she might need. Seeing not even half-filled spaces she realised that she could take more.

She walked to the balcony and put inside one of the spaces few plants, but saw that suddenly they lost their colour she took them quickly out. ''It seems it has a vacuum inside. Then for now only, dead things can be stored inside. Well, that is fine as well.''

She yawned and slowly laid down and fell asleep instantly.

Next morning a strange sound woke her up. She dazedly stumbled through the door and saw Jacob trying to cook breakfast. Half burned bacon on plates and the strange-looking omelette was the product of his try.

She just sat down and smile d brightly. ''My son is the best, now let's eat.'' When she tried it she could see that he was not sure how much salt to put so he put less so she smiles d brightly. ''This looks fine but tastes really good. My son is the best.''


She rose both fingers up and started gobbling the food down. He tasted the food and saw that it tasted normal and sighed in relief. ''At least it's not bad.''

She patted his cheek softly and smiled brightly. ''You did well. I will show you the way to the clothes store. As a child, you get clothes for free. they will give you three sets of clothes in three sizes. Take all that I can store it for later on.''

He nodded and then stopped. ''Mom, what kind of clothes will you usually wear?''

She stopped eating and nodded. ''You plan to wear similar clothes as I do. Take winter parka in three sizes with all the gear like warm shoes, u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r and stuff. Then the of army looking stuff. I think there are many that look like that. Whole sets. And one set for summer with t-shirts, pants and jackets in jeans. And sports shoes. And bunch of u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r and socks. Please...''

He chuckled and nodded. ''I will do that.'' He knew she will do everything else she will take care off.

As soon she entered the main office everyone respectfully greeted her. With a smile, she greeted everyone back giving them feeling of importance. The day before many realised one more thing, Mike did have powers, but she had probably power fo foresight and in such days, that was more important than anything else.

The connection was terrible. ''Save Heaven, Save Heaven, can you hear me?'' They already accepted that name.

Jenny looked at breaking up a picture of the president and his staff that stood there impatiently. She smiled at them. ''The connection is bad. I warned you before that things will get worse.''

He nodded and pressed his lips. ''There is a sign that more of these things will fall down. I will not come there. But that city is still under my command.''

She started laughing loudly. ''Command? No one can command us anymore. Please command people around you as I fear they will try to piss me off. If they do the stupid things we might not share information anymore. I have no wish to argue with anyone. And if you really throw nuke over here think twice before doing that. The moment you choose that step we will become enemies, and you certainly do not wish us to be enemies.''


Her eyes suddenly became black and he stepped back as he saw the scary sight. ''Y... you are monster.''

She shrugged as her eyes cleared. ''You think I am only one? We have many here that are just like me or even stronger. Thinking to attack us, you need more people that are powerful than I do. Now listen to me.''

She looked at Mike and he came closer. ''Mike is head of the city and our president or king. Whatever it is, he is the head. Speak to him with given respect. When things calm down we can trade things at the neutral territory that we will choose in future. Right now the things don't look good. I fear that after this many things will get even bigger and stronger. How are you all surviving? Did you take care of the future? Like plants, seeds and animals?''

He nodded. ''This place is the safest place in the world. Sorry, the second safest place in the world. We have everything we need to survive.'' He changed his tone and respectfully started talking to her.

She nodded. ''Good. Stay where you are and do not move too much. I saw zombies becoming stronger, faster and I fear intelligent. I do not know how nature will change after this but things will change to worse definitely. For now, be safe. If I get a chance I will talk to you. I will give you my satellite number and when the time comes I will call you directly. The connection is getting worse. I think it because of ancomming meteorites. Let's hope we all survive this.''

He could see her worried expression and his heart shook. Even with her shield, she was worried about the future. The connection slowly faded out into intangible noise and broke completely off. He looked at the people surrounding him and shook his head.

''Don't touch that place. We might need their help in future. How are other shelters? How many people survived?''

A man looked ta his laptop and shook his head. ''From over seventy shelters only fifty-two were left safe. Other were raided by zombies from inside out. It seems some people went inside with virus and turned shelters into the boiling pot.''

The president sat down and held his head. ''How many survivors?''

''With all shelters and us about sixty thousand, not more.'' Not many people were willing to go to the shelter so the shelters were mostly empty even tho they had enough space to save more people.

President rose his head and chuckled as he whispered. ''Save Heaven has more people than we all together. I guess they can proclaim themselves a country. Be respectful to that Mike and check that girl. Find out who she is...''

Somehow she reminded him of a person he knew from before. Slowly he went to the office and picked up the safe line. ''Hello. Mona, I think I need to tell you something...''

Jenny looked at Mike and smiled. ''Mr. President? Or should I proclaim the Kingdom? I would prefer that or the people might think they had a chance to become head of this city.''

He realized that she was thinking about the future as well and nodded. '' We will do as you say. Your choice.'' As a commoner, there was no way he would be able to keep his head position if they voted for the head of the city.

He looked at Jack that just rose his hands up. ''Just take me as an advisor, minister or general. We can implement many laws but we should not make them too complicated as many people might use it against us.''

Jenny saw two men and a few other people joining the discussion and walked a few steps back. She knew that he had enough people by his side that will protect that position of his and himself even if hse was not nearby.

Mike could see her from the corner of eye sneaking out and rolled his eyes while looking at Jack. ''I guess she just wanted to get rid of responsibility.''

Jack chuckled. ''But her place as Empress of the new world will always await her. You can become King. But her place will always be higher. I hope you do not mind?''

Mike shook his head. ''I do not. But I fear she will. She loves to laze around and just sleep... a lot.''

Everyone started laughing and saw her clumsily sneaking out and running away. Empress of the New World just escaped. But the two men looked at each other with a smile and continued to discuss about future laws and regulations.

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