《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 49 - 49. The red meteor


As soon they gathered stuff they needed they rushed back home. The time was getting narrow and she had that undoubtful feeling of the doom. Just as they rushed inside the city the sky became red again and she jumped out her car and rushed towards the shield membrane and pressed her hands on it.

Mike jumped as well and did the same and Mina as well as they usually did it together. The Shield became thicker and thicker, almost like a thick wall. Her face paled as she let go of the wall and got hugged by Mina and bought to the nearby stone.

Mike looked ta the tick shield and then at her. ''What is it? Are they attacking?''

Everyone actually turned their cars off and looked at the young woman pointing at the sky. ''I fear something worse is coming than a simple nuclear weapon. I am happy we transplanted those things on time. I knew my feeling fo doom would mean something.''

Her voice was not loud but in complete silence, it could be heard quite far away. Everyone rose their heads and gasped as they saw multiple streaks of red light flying towards them.

''Meteors?'' Everyones thought was the same as they saw burning stones flying towards a certain direction as their backs got cold.

Just short few hours ago they were there, hiding. The meteor hit the town that they couldn't see but could hear as the sound of the impact was quite loud. Even the lad under their feet shook slightly but they could see outside the huge shakes impacting the surrounding.

Just then they realized that nothing happened to them or cars while outside the devastation could be seen. Everything moved, the earth, the streets, the mountains... A huge wave of dust suddenly rose high into the sky and enveloped them thickly not letting even sunlight pass tough the gaps.


Suddenly the city was enveloped into complete darkness. People shook in fear while slowly sporadical street lights lit up and gave them some light. Mike stood up and started making commands while people from here and there came down and showed them all the ways to their places that were given as temporary habitat.

''After we get light again you will be able to choose new places to live. the place s that already have occupants are naturally already taken. So you choose only those that are free. And do not get greedy. We have enough space for everyone!''

Jack came closer and pointed at his people. ''They will bring you to temporary lodgings. The food will be served soon and then you will join others with building the walls. Just as a safety measure. And just to say in advance. Who doesn't work, do not eat! As simple as that.''

Everyone was shaken but suddenly the realisation that they had to work to eat, but as they entered the restaurants and saw plates filled with food they knew that they won't be hungry at least anymore. People that were already there ensured them that they could get free food if eating and could save their own food.

the rule was working for ten hours and twice brakes with food. If someone wants to eat food as well has to use the free points to buy the food from the city market.

Actually most of them accepted that but just didn't want to help. So they just looked for an empty house and unloaded their stuff inside it and locked the doors. Their neighbours just shook their heads. ''The points are as well showing if you were active at building times. Later on when the inner city grows food, how do you plan to survive? You will have to work as well.''


One of the men just chuckled. ''I was a soldier I can get a job as a guard but saw them shaking their heads. ''Not anyone can get the guard job. Only the one's Mike trusts. And your actions will not be very good later on to get that job. Maybe you can get a job as manure boy or similar, you look strong.''

The young man stared at the old man with big eyes. ''Manure boy? Are you all crazy, what kind of job is that?''

The old man just rolled his eyes and pointed at the big building down the street. ''There is a jobcentre. You can take some of the jobs if you don't want to help building stuff. I get good points at the wall as Mike thinks that walls might be important later on.''

There was another reason why she planned the wall. When she leaves the place the wall be seethrough and strange things from outside will be able to see people walking inside. If there is a wall they won't gather in surroundings at least, trying to enter the city or waiting for people to get out.

She took boys hand and slowly sat down into the car and started driving towards her building. In the elevator, she looked at Mike and sighed as she saw the two girls comfortably sleeping in their arms. ''They must be tired. Mike. Tomorrow morning we will try talking to those people. But I think after this, they will rethink twice before even trying to get here.''

The door opened and they went out but stopped on the door. ''When do you plan to leave?''

She pointed at the big cloud. ''I will use this to leave the night after. You will turn off the lights so the two of us can leave the city without people noticing.''

Mina nodded and walked towards the door with one of the girls in her hands. ''Mike let them go home. She didn't sleep for days.''

Mike sighed and the door closed as soon as he stepped back. ''I wish she wouldn't take such step, but her powers probably will rise. The shield she produced right now is ten times stronger than the one before. And she didn't even faint. That means the black crystals really enhance her strength.''

She nodded and walked inside with a smile on her face while holding the children in her arms. ''Mom, I became a mother as well. Look these cuties...''

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