《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 43 - 43. The promise and the fear


Looking through their bodies the girls found a bunch of keys and started opening surrounding doors. They realized that this group of people gathered enough food for them to live for many years here.

Jenny used radio channel and called Mike as it was already morning. ''Mike, can you hear me?''

''Jenny, finally.'' A realized sigh could be heard from another side. ''Tell us where you are.''

He already knew they were done with everything and needed their help. As she explained she explained as well the situation. ''Mike, I plan to let these women keep all food and clothes these people gathered as their own property. The weapons and cars we will keep for further use. Here are so many solar cars. Thes people are maybe monsters but not dumb tho.''

''I will bring hundred people there to help packing stuff. The rest will head now to the nearby solar company and gather as many parts and solar panels as they can. I think we can count to be done around noon.'' He was already in the car heading there way as he explained.

Suddenly a boom could be heard and as he approached he saw one woman holding rochet launcher that had leftover smoke coming out of it while in front of them huge hole opened so cars could pass. He shook his head. ''What if we were on the other side?''

She just shrugged. ''Than that is your bad luck. But it seems you are lucky. You are still alive, aren't you?'' With sifting swing, she put the launcher on her back and pointed at a bunch of malnourished women that started leaving the huge hall. ''They need help. Jenny is in the storage rooms. She told us we can keep food for ourselves. Is it true?''


Mike nodded as he started making orders couple dozen women rushed to help people that started coming out while most strong people walked towards the place where Jenny was. ''If Jenny said that, then it will be done that way. But weapons and solar cars will be for official use. You can take any car on gasoline. Later you can use it as long we have gasoline and after that, it will be just another scarp metal. We plan to make solar cars for future use or similar.''

The woman shook her head. ''There are many other ways to make the car move. If you let me have a truck and two cars for myself and my friends with food that is appointed to us I will help the city make out normal cars vehicles that can use more than just solar energy.''

Mike gasped after hearing her words. With a huge smile, he nodded. ''If you can contribute to the city I promise you can even choose home for yourself or your friends, only you cant take the place that is already occupied. We do not evict people from their safe place. Only that way everyone will feel comfortable.''

The woman pointed at two women that just came out and then rubbed her temples. ''I already said to your friend that there are more people that are saved. More people from our company are there. If we could find them teher will be a bigger chance to make it work.''

Mike saw Jenny and two women coming out and giving orders and then coming over. He could see the determination in her eyes. ''I hear some other people are saved before.''

Jenny looked at building across the street and looked at the woman. ''I understand your wish to be together with those people again, but what is love there?'' She looked at her eyes and could see that didn't change at all. Or this woman was good lier or she really had no idea.


Mike pressed his lips. ''What is going on?''

She patted her c.h.e.s.t and felt strange anger rising. ''I have feeling that inside is something I should not see. But at the same time I know that I should. Mike, did you forget about important fact here? Where are those children? I saw many young people over teher in their teen years, but children... what happened to them?''

Listening to her words everyone froze. The women that just came out started shaking as they realized the same fact. The woman that stood in front of Jenny finally couldn't handle it anymore and just slumped to the floor. ''I forgot children... Hw could I? Monster... I am not less monster than them...''

Jenny approached her and instead of hugging her rose her hand and slammed her head. As she saw incredulous eyes staring t her she rose her eyebrows. ''Did that snap you back? They will need all of you to help them live. We have many children in the city. With time many wounds will heal. Some wills stay permanently but no matter what, we need your help.'' Then she turned her head towards others behind her. ''We will need all of your help. Mike, open the door and close it right behind me. I need to go alone there. If too many people come, they might be more frightened.''

Mike opened the door and as soon she came in he closed it behind her. He pointed at the women that could already walk. ''Any of you can drive? Choose cars for yourself. When we go back you will get your fair share of food. And teher are jobs inside the city. If any of you has ideas to improve our lives we will exchange it for city points. It sour currency that will help you buy things you might need in everyday life. But more about that will be given by the city council when you arrive. Ok?''

The women smiled and nodded. In that place were many cars and as they knew that solar cars couldn't be taken the all chose the cars they found those that were most comfortable to drive.

Inside the building a long dark corridor stretched in front of Jenny and made her feel slightly uncomfortable. Luckily she had shield so she didn't fear she would get hurt, but it is in human nature to feel a certain amount of discomfort in completely dark spaces. But teher was nothing else that could be heard. Just the sound of her steps echoed...

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