《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 39 - 39. New friends or foes?


Coming into the big diner and seeing all the people happily eating and chatting Jenny smiled brightly and went to the counter. ''What do we have today?''

the young man smiled brightly. ''Meat patties, sauce at your taste and french fries. Its fastest option.''

''I'm quite a hungry, may I have two portions?'' Jenny saw some people taking more so she had the same idea.

He just chuckled and fille her plate full with burgers, fries, sweet rolls and juice. Mina looked at her full plate and paste here belly. ''For me, same please.''

Everyone seems to be making those fast cooked burgers as it was fillings somewhat and at the same time, quickly prepared.

After eating her fill she brought the empty plate back and winked at him. ''Tell the cook the dishes were marvellous.'' Making everyone laugh and cheer.

As she left she saw Mike coming out of the store with a big smile. ''We found more than we expected. There is a huge storage room behind. We found batteries, spare parts, some construction books and materials and much other stuff. I am hungry so I will join them.''

Mina slapped him behind in passing making Jenny snicker. ''You two showing love, making me single lady quite shy. Look I am blushing.'' But looking t her pale complexion there was no sign of shyness or any blush so Mina started laughing and chasing her around.

As more people came from the sidestreets and saw the people coming in and out they were hesitant.

Jenny saw them and went there. ''There is enough food for everyone. Go eat. If we don't eat it now, who knows when will we eat this ever again.''

they looked at each other and slowly a long stream of people stood outside the restaurant and joined the food feast while inside people changed the positions. New people started frying while those that did before went to rest.


Up until midnight large crowd could be seen in the restaurant and on end they fried rest that they found in the freezer, packed them and left on the counter for people that didn't eat or wanted to take more.

The woman and her daughters came just then and filled their stomachs as well and when they wanted to take some into their bags they heard a voice on the door. ''Trust me, no need for that. tomorrow we plan to cook some fresh food. There is frozen food at the other restaurants so tomorrow the breakfast will be a fresh bakery and sweets. Or do you prefer burgers?''

They looked at Jenny and the two girls smiled. ''Actually, we prefer burgers. they are more filling. In the other city, is there some greens?'' Fresh vegetables were not seen already for a while.

Jenny nodded. ''We have many good things there. Children, really old people and people that are really sick get food for free. Everyone else must work for their food. You get work points. the food is cheap but other things are not. Like the solar panels now. They will cost a thousand points. But if you had your own food and solar panels before of course nothing. It's your own property. By the way. If you have something you want to take with you to the city, we can give you one truck.''

But the woman shook her head. ''Actually, I just got a new job in the city few days before this happened. So I had rented an apartment and not many things with me in the first place. But I found an amazing car for me and kids so I am good.''

Jenny looked at the big jeep with huge tires and started laughing. ''Niceeee. But the gasoline that it uses is just no. But do what you think it's fine.''


The woman sighed while she chewed. ''I planned to get one of the solar cars but I couldn't get to them from barricades. the gang is holding them tightly.''

Jenny and Mina looked at each other and sat next to them. ''Tell me more about the gang.''

''They call themselves Cold Ones. And they are really cold. They would ice-cold kill people that do not do as they tell them. To save my children I had to use many times my powers... sorry about the attack, but my child's power seemingly does not work on people with powers. Just commoners. But she gets tired and her head starting to hurt.'' She patted the child head as she spoke.

''Tell me something. You said you caný control them. Does that mean that they all have powers?'' She looked at the little girl.

The girls cutely pouted and shook her head. ''No. It's more like similar mind force I am using, only stronger. Most of his people are nasty men so I got a headache as I tried to avoid their nasty thoughts. But it's hard. They do so many bad things.''

Jenny's eyebrows scrunched. ''We will check them tomorrow morning. You girls eat well and go to sleep. By the way, there is milk in the fridge. You should drink some.''

The girls rushed to the nearby fridge and picked milk from it in small packages. jenny saw their happy expressions and sighed. ''Our Save Heaven City will be a good place for them to grow up. We already have schools and playgrounds. Oh, I need to warn you something. Only those that work for city protection can use their powers. The moment they enter the city, her powers will be useless. You have firepower right?''

The woman nodded. Jenny pointed at Mike. ''The power users get triple payment. So just tell him. You can get your own house or apartment fo your choice. Of course, if there is no one living already there. We do not kick people out of their homes once they claim it for themselves.''

Woman nodded. ''I always wanted a house with garden. But at the same time, I want to live on the top floor and have no one over my head. If we could find one of those two...''

Jenny sighed. ''I know one building that is about be renovated and have an apartment with huge balcony. What do you think about that?''

The girls just came back and smiled brightly. ''We take that.'' The woman hugged the girls and chuckled while Jenny and Mina looked at each other. Happy kids are their future...

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