《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 38 - 38. Raiding town, saving survivors?


''We filled all the tanks we could find and there is still gasoline. What should we do?'' Mike could be heard on the radio.

''To everyone, go to Mikes location and refill your tanks. Everyone. Get as well more trucks. I saw a dozen trucks on the nearby parking lot. Let's fill them up as well. Now, let's go through the town and raid as anything as we can.'' Jenny knew that there was a bunch of people living in the city but if they make huge sound maybe they will come out and join.

And that really started happening. From high buildings could be seen many people running out and waving their hands. Some people came from the side street and few people came to as for help as there were many people in hospital and retirement homes that can't leave.

''We found the company that produces and one that sells the solar equipment. Should we go there?'' Mike's voice was visibly elated.

''Sure. Let's do that. Mike, soon is evening. Let's gather those and then let's prepare some food for everyone. I am hungry as hell.'' It was the official radio channel where they spoke so when they heard her words many horns hooping. ''Yes I know, we all are hungry. Shall we go to the nearest huge restaurant and just make some food?''

Again the sound of horns vibrated trough the town and Jenny laughed. If those hidden didn't hear them so far, now it was impossible to say they didn't.

When they arrived at those two stores she was completely in wonder. Not even one solar panel was missing. How can they not think about such a thing? But good for them then.

As they entered the store few zombies came out then stopped in their tracks and then tried to run away. Its seems that her smell was truly devastating for them. She pursed her lips and got near but the nearer she came, the faster they tried to run away. Just when she touched one of them he started burning and turned into dust, leaving just a heap of ashes on the floor and small stone.


Jenny picked up the stone and put into her pocket and then playful dived between rest of the zombies turning them into walking candles.

Mina and girls stood there completely flabbergasted while rest of the people stood outside and could see what happened from outside.

She sighed as she saw their expressions. ''I told you my powers became stranger. And I am not even using my real power. Mina, do you understand why I must leave?''

Mina shook her head. ''But if you have that power and zombie tried comes, you can just...'' She wanted to say more but stopped as Jenny literally started snacking on those stones.

She remembered when she tasted it last time and felt nauseous. ''Do they really taste good?''

Jenny stopped eating and thought about it. ''How should I explain? It's like sweets from the store with different kind of tastes. But I do not taste fruits or such, just sweetness with different kind of variations. Like some are sweeter than others.''

Looking at Jenny's face that clearly showed delight, Mina just shook her whole body. ''Jenny, I love you but the taste I felt last time had nothing to do with sweetness.''

A chuckle could be heard from the door. ''You are too curious. Jenny, it seems your power really rose quite a bit.'' Mike came with a smile but his face became serious as he spoke about powers.

''My powers are way too unstable. Outside, no one can harm me. Neither human, cultivator, plant, zombie... Maybe aliens?'' She chuckled but then became serious. ''I fear that after I leave it will take me some time to really understand what is my power about.''

Mina came closer and hugged her without fear that something would happen to her while people outside gasped. But as nothing happened they realized her power is deadly only for zombies so they relaxed. They already knew that some people had strange powers so having someone like Jenny that can destroy zombies by touch made them feel even safer.


The woman from before stood there with her children and wrinkled her eyebrows. ''It seems there are people that are even more powerful than us. Should we go there and try our luck and live comfortably?''

The little girl with a doll shook her head. ''I could hear thoughts of the nearby people. It seems she is leaving to train her powers. We should do the same. But after that thing happens. I think she said truth as I can hear the same thought from their main force. Strangely. I can't control any of them. Let's first see what will happen when she leaves. It is maybe because of her.''

Her mother pointe day Mike. ''What about him?''

The girl shook her head. ''I can't see any power from him, but he might be variation like those from underground. Better be safe than sorry. Let's get our car and bring our supplies with us. We might nee them when we leave.''

They turned around and left while Jenny's eyes followed them. A cold light passed her eyes and Mike saw it but she just shook her head and turned around. ''Let's clear this place. We need to eat something. Every time after I consume these things, I become hungry for normal food as well.''

Mike pointed at one restaurant across the street. ''There is few dozen of people making food for everyone. We found many things in their freezers so I plan to take that with us as well.''

He found a few freezers that will be perfect to drive away from the frozen food. Food is never too much. After all, they have so many people now in the city. But thinking about a huge amount of food in their storages he smiled brightly. ''Let's eat as many of fresh and frozen food as long we can. At least until our food doesn't grow big enough.''

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