《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 36 - 36. Lost her calm


There were cars that were just on the side of the road but most of them were just in an accident as they hit each other. The Monster just pushed them off the road and opened both lanes on the road.

If now anything came from another side, it would be thrown off the road as well.

Actually from the c.o.c.kpit of the Monster, they could see so much ahead. and actually most cars were really wildly parked in mid of road. Jenny sighed as she pointed at top of the buildings far away from them. ''We can see the city, but with this speed, we will arrive somewhere close to nightfall. Call other trucks and let them know. Wait. Look. Its sign for the gas station. Someone should go and check is there anything we can salvage? This truck can't go there. Let me off. Girls you are coming with me. You two wait for us.''

The guys nodded. ''We will wait.''

Jenny climbed down the ladder and jumped on the street. She looked around and saw the whole line of trucks stopping. She rushed towards the gas station and checked the pump. Luckily it seems there is gas inside these. She rushed towards the nearest truck.

''Tell the gas trucks to gather as much gas as possible. Drain it. All.'' She pointed at gas stations and the woman that was driving nodded. ''I know I should note so this. But are there maybe some snacks? Chocolate. I am dying to eat some.''

Jenny chuckled and rushed there with girls. When they entered they saw floor and walls covered with brownish signs of dried blood. She checked the store and saw everything they needed inside. One of the girls packed a few bags with chocolates and rushed out to bring it to the woman while they packed a few bags for themselves.

When they got back to Monster Jenny used radio to announce. ''Inside the gas station is a huge amount of snacks and food. One of the trucks should pick it up and we can share when we camp tonight. Let us enjoy snacks as long they are edible.''


She suddenly heard sounds of horn as they seem happily sounded. Soon two trucks parked by the gas station and people jumped out and rushed inside. As the whole truck line was really long the monster started again its work towards the city a bit slower this time until they got notice that the gasoline is filled and food is ready.

Jenny smiled at the driver and called. ''Can this thing drive faster? We have now enough gasoline so we can hit the road.''

The two men looked at each other clapped their hands and suddenly the Monter started driving faster while a bunch of cars were literally thrown off the road. Luckily for them, there were no trucks or anything that could be dangerous.

But close to town there was a situation. Bunch of school busses clogged the entrance to the town.

Jenny went out and looked at the street behind the busses. Luckily there were only about dozen of busses and they were only weirdly standing but not broken.

Suddenly he heard Mikes's voice on the radio. ''Jenny, I'm in a jeep near the Monster. What do you think we refill the busses and use them to transport people so we can have trucks free for our load?''

Jenny smiled. ''Fine. Let's do that. Get them off the road and get people inside.''

Bunch of people rushed out trucks and jumped don the driver seats. One by one the busses turned on and again Mike could be heard. ''They all work but are half full. I think its enough until town. there we will refill them.''

''Tell them to drive to the side street now until we pass and then drive after us.'' Suddenly she ha dan idea. She looked at the driver of the Monster. ''Do you have speaker option on this thing? I want to see if there are any survivors in this city. If they are we need to take them with us.''


He gave her a microphone and suddenly extremely loud sound could be heard outside. The windows on busses started shaking form the sound and she looked at him.

''Ups, sorry. Too loud. We were planning to use it as defence mechanisms against zombies. They hate loud noises. So they are trying to destroy it. But if they are hit by certain frequency the explode. We tried it out before.'' They snickered like two boys that invented a new toy.

The sound was still loud but not painfully loud so she started speaking. ''We are in the city to gather supplies. If there are any survivors, please rush to us and we will take you with us to the safe place. We are already many thousand people so don't worry. Its safe place.'' She could see the recorder and put those words on loop.

The two men looked ta each other and pointe day one of the cabinets. ''Ugh, if you want more people to hear that, you might s well use drones. They have a speaker system as well.''

Jenny started laughing. Truly boys. ''Fine. You fly around the drones. And tell them we are staying until tomorrow in the city.''

She changes her announcement s well calling them to come and find them until the next day.

Passing the main road she realized how crowded the city was. Filled with cars she sighed. ''Let's check the malls and stores on our way.''

She picked up the radio and asked on the official channel. ''Anyone here from this city. I have no map and we need to find a few things. So if there is someone who has map or knows the city tell me.''

Not long after one man could be heard. ''Miss, my name is Norman. I worked as a taxi driver here for two years. Could you tell me what are you looking for?''

''First, we need to get to the city Wintergarden to get rare plants like a cocoa plant, a banana plant and so on. We need to transplant them at our place. Then we need to find as many gas stations as possible to fill the tanks. If there are malls on our way, convenient store, pharmacies, get it all, we need as well hardware store, weapon store, police stations. We will raid it all.'' She had a clear plan. ''But first and foremost, any store with solar panels, water purification, solar cars, electro cars and other similar things?''

There was silence and then suddenly a multitude of voices were heard. ''Wow. People calm down. We will go straight. If there is any of these things ins straight line, tell me. So we can stop the raid, and go on.''

''Jenny, on the right side...'' Mikes voice could be heard.

She turned her head and saw fireball flying towards the Monster. She just waves her hand and it evaporated. A woman stood there with big eyes and blinked at the untouched vehicle. Jennys sighed and went out.

''Why are you attacking us? We came to pick you all up. Of course, you can stay here. But our city has power shield and can contain millions of people and we are about a hundred thousand only. So, wanna come or wanna stay. Either the way, don't mess with us. I won't attack you if you stay the hell calm.'' This was the first time in a while that Jenny lost her calm.

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