《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 35 - 35. Going to raid nearby town


When hundreds of people work together is a feat but when a thousand people do the same it a miracle. Looking at the fast action Jenny became quite content. Even if she leaves these people if they work together will be able to handle many things.

Half of the people went forward and cut the wheat stalks while the other would check the floor and gather as many seeds that fell on the floor. They all realized how many they gathered after one truck full of leftover wheat seeds left towards the town.

Mike shook his head. ''The seeds that fell on the floor will be used to grow new wheat and those on stacks will be kept safe for another time.''

One day they took care of wheat and corn that they found on farms near the town and the other day they started digging out all kinds of trees. They found on one farm few dozen of bee swarms and brought them to town and left them in different kind of parts of town to be used as help.

There were even a few farms with vegetables in greenhouses they found on some farms were amazing help. One farm even had normal chicken, pigs, sheep and other animals.

Seeing that Jenny rushed around and found animal trucks. With a cheer, everyone rushed to gather the animals and plants.

Jenny went to Jack that stood next to one truck and pointed at multiple barns. ''Why letting animal feed to waste. Let's stop at every farm on our way home and gather all the feed that we can find. Did you find something in houses that we might be able to use?''

Jack pointe day few people that took windows off the house and sighed. ''they think that glass is useful.''

Jenny hit his arm and pointe day his head. ''They are right. Do you think there is any glass factory working? We can put glass ins storage area and it can be there until we need it again. Gather every piece of material you can find. Clothes, covers, blankets, curtains... We need to take all the ploughing tools we can find. After while the machines will be useless as there will be no gasoline or similar. I planned to go with a couple of hundred people to town and get as many solar panels and solar cars as possible. Electric cars as well and anything that could be used in town. We have only these few days.''

Jack could only accept her idea. There was no loss if they do that. ''Fine. Mike can take over the town and I will come with you. The girls as well.''


Jenny shook her head. ''Not this time Jack. I will go with a few people I choose. You and other power users will stay here. I fear that man will try something before I'm back and I need you and Mike to be here."

Jack pressed his lips. "I heard from Mike you want to leave us..."

There was suddenly silence and when he turned his head he saw Jenny staring at busy people with a sigh. "Jack, just like you said, my powers are changing. Literally changing. I don't know how much will I change as well. I want to be far away when it comes to a critical point. If there is no problem with it I will come back. This city is my home. I don't care who rules it as long I have my home where I can go back to."

Jack had a huge wish to hug her and tell her that this will be always her home but could feel alienation from her. All he could do is to pat her shoulder. "We will wait for your return then. When are you leaving?"

Jenny looked at trucks and saw at least thirty trucks that seemed empty and more trucks coming back from town. "Jack, what about I take twenty trucks and a bunch of people and go to the town right away?"

Jack pressed his temples as he saw her determined expression. "We are almost done here. Take twenty trucks and few empty gasoline trucks. Maybe you will find more gasoline there."

Even if she doesn't find solar panels and vehicles she can maybe bring more gasoline. "But take at least girls with you."

Jenny nodded. "We will probably stay there over the night. Let's hope we find survivors there. Tell people to take enough munition with them. You should go to the next farm and then straight back to town. I'll use the satellite phone and will call you as soon as I'm in the city."

Jack shook his head. "Let others call me and give a report. I am not sure to do they listen when we use satellite."

There is that possibility so she just accepted his idea. "Fine. Tell them to get into trucks. twenty trucks, two hundred people and five trucks for gasoline. I will need the Monster."

The Monster was a huge mining truck that they added thick metal in front and it cleared the way on streets for their trucks and cars. All messy cars that are on their way would end up aside and the streets would be free again. Jenny ranted anytime that they could reuse the cars and parts but since they were all needed to go to the town she planned to ransack all the stores with parts and bring back as many things as possible.


Jack, of course, accepted her request and called the drivers from Monster. ''Tell me, how much space do you have up there. You need to go with her to the nearest city and bring as anything as possible. As well we need to check are there any survivors as well.''

The two men nodded. ''Luckily we use it only to clean the street. He is almost full with gasoline but you will need to bring more for him.'' The Monster is as well extremely big spender. He would spend almost ten times more gasoline than ten trucks. But they put in his storeroom enough gasoline only for him so he was good so far. Of course, they would want to add more.

When Jenny climbed up she thought there would be tight space, but she was astonished to see huge space. She looked at them with a surprised expression and they had huge smiles on their face. ''We changed this space a bit. This truck is now so safe even if zombies attack it, nothing could happen to us. The sides we reinstalled everything new with reinforced steel from the wasted military. Inside we added couple air conditioning that are supplied by the solar panels that are included in the steel. Its new kind of thing...''

The happily explained everything about the truck while Jenny nodded. ''Everything is fine. You even added a bathroom and kitchen. But this thing is just too big. It literally wastes the gasoline.''

The two men nodded. ''Actually, we saw something we like on the shipping yard but didn't dare to ask for it. Its new kind of vehicle that can travel through all kind of terrains including water and sand. And even if turned it is not a problem. They use similar things on their inspections on other planets. If you want something safe, you can take that thing. It has a huge tank and uses all: electric energy, solar power, gasoline, propane...''

Jenny and girls gasped in wonder while they looked at the road in front of them. Jenny pointed at the highway. ''I think that place will be filled with trucks and cars. If we see trucks we will check them for gasoline. Every ounce can matter life and death.''

One of the guys smiled. ''There is a company I know that produces cars. Should we go there and get parts?''

Jenny nodded. ''But we will do that tomorrow before we go back. I think we can find many useful things in the city. Wait, why is the lien behind us so long?'' She picked up the radio and called Jack. ''What is going on? Didn't we say just twenty trucks and two hundred people.''

Jack sighed. ''Mike arrived with one huge amount of people and they chose to follow you.''

''What? Mike is there as well?'' Jenny rolled her eyes. ''Didn't you tell him I need him in the city?''

Jack started complaining. ''When he heard about your idea he became even more stubborn and Mina was there as well. They chose to follow you. Sorry, I couldn't stop them.''

Those two stubborn people. ''Never mind Jack. How many people re our with me?''

''All together over fifty trucks, three busses and fifteen gas trucks.''

Jenny pressed her fingers on her head. ''I understand. Go back to the city and take care of everything. We will be back tomorrow. Latest day after in morning.''

''Please be careful. Didn't you say that zombie tide will arrive soon?'' Jack was truly worried. He knew that city was safe but zombie tide seem to be scary as well.

''I will. We are going to check and father as many things we can. One of the drivers said that there are few factories there. I think with this many people we can visit factories as well.'' That way they will gather everything from same spot.

''Good. Gather many things, but don't forget that your safety is in the first place.'' She could hear worry from his voice.

''Jack. You and your people must enter the town before dawn. After that, you won't be able to leave or enter. I will lock the shield completely until we are back. Like I said. I fear those people will try to pull some weird play. Call Mike or Mina if that happens.'' In this case, she didn't need to use her phone. Those two people were there after all in her group.

After they stopped talking she turned her head and saw the main highway between cities. And it was a real mess. Luckily they had Monster...

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