《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 34 - 34. Making quick decision


''I am your president! I order you to open the gates for us,'' he yelled but then heard her coughing through the phone. Not long after that, he heard her laughing. No matter how he wanted to continue talking she couldn't stop.

After a while Jennys aw phone was till one and wiped her tears. ''Oh, this was a good one. Man, a few months ago I would have jumped to do anything for my president, my country and my people. But those times are over. Tell me one good reason that has nothing to do with politics why should I accept you here?''

The voice stilled and then he admitted. ''Because we want to survive. We need to survive.''

''Need to survive... '' Jenny rubbed her temples as the headache came again. ''In that case, ist still where you are. I know you won't believe this, but outside things have changed. I have no idea how you wanted to bring all those people here.''

The voice was surprised. ''What people?''

The silence from both sides became heavy. Soon Jenny's low voice could be heard. ''As I understood Mike, you are surrounded by tens of thousands of people. You as president want to give them safety right. So tell me, how do you plan to bring them all here trough whole zombie tide?''

But no answer was an answer as well. Jenny could literally hear background people talking as he probably held the phone with his hand. Suddenly his voice could be heard. ''I will leave vice president here and will come to safety as soon as possible. With an airplane, I can be there in few hours.''

Jenny chuckled. ''Mr. whoever you are, you misunderstood my kind words. I never gave you a permit to come here. And even if you come, you and your people would live here as commoners. Are you willing?''

''What?'' His voice rose. ''You would dare...?''


''I would.'' That was an ice-cold answer he could get. ''You are nothing to me or to my people. Here everyone is working hard to survive and have a future. What did you plan to do after coming here? Taking over and trying to rule my people. You must be kidding. Mike is amazing and Jack as his Vice will be as well amazing. We do not nee unrelated people rule over us. Do you want to come? No problem. But the moment you and your people come, you will be disarmed and given job just like anyone else. You can choose between three jobs, Farmer, builder or guard. No other options.''

''You... you even dare to say that so confidently. If you don't take my offer I will get angry and if I get angry...'' His treat was open.

Jenny smiled but calmly spoke back. ''In that case, give me ten days. I need to speak to my people. If they chose to bring you in as head so be it. If they say you can come only as a commoner so be it. We will vote. After voting, we will call back. Is that fine?''

''I give you three days.'' His voice seemingly was quite happy and confident.

''Not enough. We have hundreds of thousands of people here.'' She exaggerated a bit. ''We need to count votes. Not that you say later that we chose wrongly.''

There was again murmur from the other side and voice again spoke to her. ''Then five days, not minute more.''

''Fine, in five days, we shall talk again.'' She smiled brightly and called Mike.

''Mike, I fear that fool might send nuke at us. He is crazy enough to do that. But sheld can handle that, trust me. We have five days to handle outside matters. I have no time to rest. Gather people and let's replant as many trees and plants as we can. After that, we will party live. So they can see we don't give damn.'' She knew that such a situation will appear early or later.


Mike sighed. ''Jenny, I will call Jack. He should go with you and I will sleep for one day. Is that ok?''

Jenny started laughing. ''You dumb a.s.s finally realized that you are mortal? Go to sleep for five days. Jack can handle that. And get shifts. Your people are not computers. Even a computer or robot gets broken if you overuse it.''

Mike chuckled. ''Fine.''

Soon Jack called her. ''Hi Jenny, its Jack. I took over. He told e what happened. Shall we start first thing in the morning?''

Jenny rejected that idea. ''Its just midday. Did he tell you everything about me?''

Jack sighed. ''You are the shield and your blood and body are disgusting to zombies? Yep, he told me. I promise no one else will know.''

''Good. Now call people out. We still have enough time to gather things in the surroundings of our city. Ther are whole wheat fields that can be used already. Then there are many fruit trees. And we can check for anything else edible or maybe as healing material.'' they needed as well healing herbs.

Jack thought about it. ''We can do that. Ther e is one more thing that we could do tomorrow. In the nearest city, there is a famous city garden. If we could dig out all those tropical plants and vegetables, maybe our product might be saved.''

He could hear her walking out as he heard door closing and her rushed voice. ''We can talk about it in the car. Tell girls to meet me downstairs. Sound alarmed and make the official call. We need to handle many things and we have just a little bit of time.''

She was halfway down when she could hear his voice from the speakers. ''Here is Jack. I am Mike's Vice. Please everyone who can help us to come and gather as many fruits outside. We were assured that is safe so I will ask anyone who wants to help to come. It's for all of our survival. I hope many of you will come.''

When he ended, suddenly multiple trucks could be heard and a long stream of people started walking towards trucks to drive out. Jenny saw the two girls already sitting at the back and Mian in the front seat of the car. The cars are all the time open but no one ever touches them.

She sat down on the driving seat and started driving right behind the big Jeep. Trough the radio she spoke with Jack. ''Go straight to exit of the town to the nearest field. It's clear now and those zombies already cleaned most of the zombies in surroundings. It is time we finish this up fast. Until tonight we should be able to handle many things.''

He sighed. ''We have no sickles. How should we do this?''

Mina rolled her eyes. ''Are all men useless? Use knives!''

He could hear her words and became silent. Jenny sighed. ''She is right. We have no time for other machines or making sickles. Everyone should use knives. These days everyone has knives so I am sure that will be fine.''

Listening to her calm words Jack sighed. Í know. I was just asking myself that question when she said it. She just astonished me as I had the same idea.''

Mina and Jenny rolled their eyes and the two girls behind them as well. ''Yes. Now stop. Let get everyone out the trucks and start cutting the stalks carefully. Every single seed will be a matter of survival in the future. So be careful. please...''

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