《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 32 - 32. Her new decision


She stepped away from the window and pressed her hands on her temples. The pain was really excruciating but when there was no sound she felt a big relief. As soon the two people left the higher floors she spread a new shield and cut herself from the outer world completely.

Like in a soundless vacuum she could hear her own quick breathing and tumps of her heart.

Slowly she concentrated on that and closed slowly her eyes.

A week later Mike and Mina again tried to go up and still couldn't pass the shield. The elevator stopped working so they had to walk upstairs and still couldn't pass towards her level. Mike was worried while Mina just sighed. ''It seems she really doesn't want to leave for a while.''

Mike nodded. ''Actually, I promised her few weeks of rest. I guess she didn't trust me enough.''

Mina rose her eyebrow. ''Well, with good reason. Not only two days later you went to look for her. since then you are coming here every day. Instant bothering s well? If yous aid a few weeks, then it is a few weeks. She will not let anyone in until she didn't rest. This time you even begged me to come with you. Tsk. Do you think she will change her mind? She is famously hardheaded.''

Mike sighed. ''Those zombies came back and are roaming outside waiting for her to come to her senses. I need to find out what they are saying.''

Suddenly a voice could be heard. ''Idiot. I am talking to them right now. I still won't leave my place until I am not sure that my power is stable. It seems I gained another power and I fear I might harm someone with that. About zombies, they said there was a problem with dead bodies in filters so they cleaned all up and the plants that started growing. One of them was a technician and he repaired some smaller matters. For now, we won't have to worry about anything for a while. They asked can they get more bullets. It seems there are more and more zombies appearing lately. They fear that soon zombie tide might arrive.''


''Zombie tide?'' Mike paled under his dark skin.

''Yes. Buy their words as it seems zombies don't just casually scatter. They somehow make groups of zombies that follow strange patterns and attack all lief forms. no matter is it animals or humans. It seems the new zombies are quite aggressive. We must be ready. By the way, did you got in contact with satellites?'' Her voice sounded quite tired.

Mike nodded. ''For now, we are contacting few cities around the world. It seems everywhere things like this are happening. Many people have powers so they gather in cities to protect themselves and rest of humanity. But some power users seem to have quite an aggressivity in themselves.''

Jenny sighed. ''It seems that virus contains certain staring that amplifies the basic need to kill to survive in human nature. That is the reason why zombies are so aggressive. It's not just to eat.its to kill as well. Don't trust anyone with powers.they are all aggressive, but most of them know how to use that aggressivity as protection.''

Mina chuckled. ''What about you. Your powers...'' But suddenly felt shield squeezing her and then disappearing. ''What was that?''

''I can use my shield to kill as well, it is just my CHOICE to help people and not harm them.'' Jenny's voice resounded deeply and just then they realized how dangerous her power is as well.

Both of them took her power lightly but actually she could have protected only herself. It was really her choice will she do that or not.

''Mina, Mike I have a piece of good news for the two of you. I think the powers will stay in us until our end. Not only that. I can produce a shield that will stay intact even in case I leave or die. Since I leveled up my power I gained that ability to just make a shield that is not connected to me. Like bubbles. Only these bubbles won't break.'' Somehow her words seemed to be strange.


Mike suddenly felt that her words seemed like words of parting. ''Jenny, what is it? I have a feeling you are leaving.''

He could hear her sigh. ''Yes. I am leaving. I can be this selfish and stay here while other humans are in danger of extinction. If I can help other cities to survive, then humanity might get better chances in the future.''

Mike and Mina suddenly looked at each other. ''Jenny, but...''

Jenny suddenly opened her door from another side of the shield and they were astonished by the change on her. Her face was shallow and her eyes dark and feverish. She looked quite sick. ''I want to save as many people as that is the only way for me to grow my powers more. And I think you will be fine without me. Give me two more weeks to get a bit more strength and control of new powers and then I will help you transplant many plants. After that, I will leave. Don't tell anyone. I think it's better for power users to stay in the city and protect you all. The tide will come but it cant harm you no matter how powerful they are. I made this shield harder than anything you can think of. I made a bubble. So they can't come from underneath as well. That is all I can do for all of you.''

She leaned on the door and dizzily spoke further. ''In two weeks I'll be out.No need to come up.''And then closed the door in front fo their dejected faces.

Mina saw Mike standing still while longer and then pulled his sleeve. ''She made her decision. no matter what you do or say, she will not change it. Jenny is the most stubborn person I ever met in my life. Let's go.''

Mike pressed his hand on shield and whispered. ''Be safe, little sister.''

When they left she sighed. ''It's better for everyone if I leave. My powers need to be controlled and I fear that won't do in such a tiny space. I will destroy you all or myself. Sigh. And I like it here.''

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