《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 30 - 30. Old and new enemies


''Those stones you give me always to recharge my energy. If we had smart people, those could be used as an energy source. But as we do not have even enough medicine personnel, mad scientists are out of the question. Let's go. We can ask.'' Jenny just gave up as she knew the problem with the energy supply.

''Jenny...'' He had an idea and wanted to like her about it. ''What if we make electric walls that would keep zombies, bit further away from the city?''

Jenny shook her head. ''What if there are survivors trying to escape and hit that wall and can't pass. No, isn't it better to fortify the walls we have and make them stronger thicker, better.''

Mike was aware that nothing is permanent but still wanted to make his point. ''We could stop the energy when they are nearby...''

Jenny turned her head and smirked. ''Do you have so many people to leave outside to check if there are people trying to run in deep grass or hiding between trees so while animals and zombies would attack it? I am not ancient. I might get sick from common flu and die. Think bout it. Or all the powers would be used and lost. We have no idea is this state permanent or not. Your idea we can do next year when we are sure that nowhere near are any humans that would need help. After that, we can pull up high mesh walls and turn on the electricity. But until then we have to work hard on making the walls. I will join in, at the walls, in two weeks, like everyone else. But for two weeks, I do not wish even to hear your voice.''

Mike sighed. ''Fine...''

When they came out they just saw Luke rushing towards them. ''What happened?''

Jenny pointed to the shelter door where people were bringing half-starved people out. ''Inside is a bunch of stubborn people. they have no food but do not wish to come with us. Please try to persuade them. We have no time for their games. I fear something bigger will happen soon.''


Jack nodded. ''Yes, I can feel it as well. What is the plan?''

''Bring back those people and in two days go again to the storage area and bring with you anything that could be taken. From metal boxes to windows. Pull apart every single thing you can be used to extract the metal out and bring back to the city. I will rest after that for a while.'' She rubbed her temples as she started feeling a strong headache upcoming.

Jack smiled. ''You are gaining more power so you feel that pain. Men don't have those pains, only females.''

Jenny nodded. ''Of course, as men use something else to think and not their brains.''

Her words made everyone freeze and she just walked straight to the group of trees. She saw Mike still standing on the side and looked at him coldly. ''Not coming?!''

He rushed after her and soon they disappeared in the bushes. One of the men smiled. ''Isn't it too dangerous for such play in bushes? Oh, I forgot, Mike has a shield. So they can do that.''

Luke's face darkened. ''Do what?''

''That...'' Just then the man saw his expression and rushed away while Luke stared at the trees with a strange feeling inside him. Is it possible? He has Mina. But... why couldn't he have two of them. maybe that is the reason they are always together?

But Celia came near him and patted his shoulder. ''Boss, we had no time to let you know... ''

''What is it?'' He absentmindedly stared at the trees.

''Jenny does have a skill, but it's strange.'' Celia sighed. ''She can speak to zombies. Well at least some of them. They just went to make deal with them. It seems there is trouble at the water station.''

Jack closed his eyes as he realized the true reason why she went there and why she had headaches. She is using her mind too much and it straining her.


''I understand. Let's go and talk to those downstairs. Tell Daria to stop, she looks exhausted.'' Jack just pointed at the pale-looking woman that was sitting on the side completely drained.

When he entered the shelter his brows wrinkled. He saw a bunch of people standing in corners and looking at those that picked up the weak ones and took them out and pointed at them. They saw him and became quiet.

''Anna, come forward I can see you.'' He stared at the woman that let Jenny inside the shelter.

She almost shyly came out but Luke just coldly stared at her. ''I do not fall on fake people. Stop acting as a drop of clear water. Your mind is more disgusting than zombies. With zombies at least we know what they want, what is actually your point? Why do you do this to people?''

He could feel violent energy coming out of her. Anna walked a few steps and smiled at him. ''I have no idea what are you talking about.''

''Everyone, listen to me. This is the last chance. The city has an amazing security system and enough food for at least ten years. We have as well enough pace to plant food so the future in the city is safer than here. Look clearly around you. The walls are filled with cracks and it can break any moment. Why do you think I chose to take all those people to the city before?'' He saw Anna turning around and he just came closer to her. He pressed a point on her body and she slumped.

Few people near him stepped back in fear, but he pointed at her. ''She has the power of the mind. She can make you have hallucinations of a perfect world. But it doesn't last long. I warned her so many times to stop doing that, but she didn't. I want you all to survive. If you still chose to stay with her then it is your own wish, not her suggestion. The road to the town will be clean for the next two days. After that, if you want to come, you will have to run. Your choice.''

He could hear them commenting and arguing and soon more and more people came out to help with those that had no more strength. Even tho they were weak as well, but they came to help.

When Anna woke up just a couple dozen people were left inside. She cursed from deep inside and smiled ta them. ''Let's see how much food we have left and then think of a way to find more.''

They happily nodded not seeing her eyes getting red and her teeth getting pointy. Soon screams could be heard through shelter and not long after Anna came out and took a handkerchief to pat few drops of blood left on corners of her lips. ''That Jack is really a bad thing. Taking my fodder away from me. Hmmmm. I guess I will have to go and feed on animals again, or should I go to the town? Sigh, they will find out early or later, not worth of it. How bothersome. Where to go now?''

Soon she walked straight into the nearby tall grass and disappeared while inside shelter dried up mummies slowly turned into heaps of dust and disappeared...

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