《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 29 - 29. Helping weak ones


A sigh of relief came from the person's mouth. ''We heard growling of zombies and shots so we waited but is it safe now?''

Jenny walked down and then looked up. ''Actually up there we have strange force protecting last bits of humanity. You would never believe us. Where is everyone?''

The woman pointed ta the huge door that was just a bit open. ''While ago those people came and dragged few females out with them and disappeared. We thought they came back so we opened the door and heard all those noises. We left it open just in case someone needs to escape.''

As she continued to explain, Daria and Celia followed closed behind Jenny, completely shielding her back.

The woman saw their unusual stance but dint comment and just brought them inside.

The sight that opened in front of their eyes was so devastating that all three women stopped and didn't move one step further.

Every single inch on the floor was covered with a bunch of messy clothes where people just apathetically laid with lost expressions. Few children on side weakly rose their heads to see who came and just slumped back. But no one even winced seeing such a thing.

''What is going on here?'' Jenny suddenly became furious.

The woman winced hearing her yell and many people started rising and looking at three women that looked normal and had proper face color. ''We rationed the food and move the less as possible so we don't waste energy. Since our chief left we were getting once in two days watered soup and even that not enough. Water is contaminated as well so it takes time to clean it.''

Jenny started shaking. She turned to Celia. ''Quickly go up and tell Luke and Mike that the condition the people are quite bad. We will need to bring them up slowly. They should call the city to prepare for the hospital. I think everyone will need medical care. It has to be ready before we go back. Quick!'' She rushed her while walking with big steps towards the nearest group of children.


''Daria you can summon water, right?'' Jenny was aware of their powers.

Daria nodded and looked around. She found waterpipe and concentrated her powers towards the water. She couldn't conjure water out thin air but could clean water and refurbished it as drinking water.

Jenny looked at the woman that stood there with open mouth and yelled at her. ''What are you gapping, move. Bring as many clean containers as you can. Her powers are weak and we have no idea who much water she can control. Quickly!''

She took a plastic bottle that was on the floor and looked at it. It seemed clean so she brought it t Daria.

As people were following their actions and saw her with clean water rushing to children, one by one they appeared near Daria with their cups and bottles and soon the whole bunch of people started arguing.

Daria looked at Jenny over their heads in help and Jenny yelled. ''If you people do not stop I will order Daria to stop giving you water.'' But no one listened to her. So she yelled at Daria. ''Run, and bring back up! Quickly!''

So Daria stopped and swiftly escaped their hands and rushed out. They turned their eyes towards Jenny in anger and wanted to attack her when suddenly a low growl could be heard from the door.

Two zombies stood there with weapons in their hands and growled at them. Jenny rolled her eyes. ''Stop scaring them. We need to save children first. Go out and help others clean the surrounding from those that are walking around. Please.''

They nodded and people again turned their terrified eyes towards her. ''I understand them so I spoke to some of them and they will help us clean the surroundings. Mike and Luke are on their way here with trucks. All that can walk alone please head up and those that are weak will be brought up by us. ''


The woman narrowed her eyes and chuckled in menace. ''You are maybe one of them and just want us to go out and become zombie fodder.''

Jenny looked straight at her and shrugged. ''You think this is a safe place, then you stay here. I will tell Luke about your wish.'' She turned her eye s towards the rest of the crowd and sighed. '' Who do not wish to go to our city, please go to outer corners and let rest closer here. Can someone help me with sick and weak ones. they are anyway burden , aren't they?''

So many selfish people just pulled men, women and children in front and just waited behind that Jenny was in loss of words. Hundreds of people were just weakly lying on the floor with deep sunken cheeks and feverish eyes but had no strength to move.

Soon the sound of shoes could be heard and Mike was seen on the door. Fist what he did was to check if Jenny was fine and then saw so many people lying on the floor and knew it was very bad.

He turned around and started ordering. ''Fist children. Quickly. Get the children and then we will take out women and on end men.''

He turned his head towards the people lying on ground and felt apologetic. ''I am truly sorry, but children are our future. They need to be saved first.''

Groups of people carefully stepped over the weak people and took the child one by one. Soon over a hundred children were already out, now females. In princes carry every woman was taken up and the on end men. Mike whole time stared at a group of people at the back and shrugged.

He turned his head towards Jenny. ''Luke will be here in few moments. If he can't make them come with us I will not push them. Sorry Jenny, people that do not want to be saved, we cant save.''

Jenny stared at them and shook her head. ''I know. I just hope Luke will have more luck explaining to them the situation. Here, they will die early or later.''

Mike patted her shoulder. ''Go out. Daria is outside filling the water to give others. We need to go and speak to your new friends.''

Jenny gave him a cold stare and he just turned her around and pushed her out. ''I know I know, you wish you could rip me in pieces but we need them for the city and for survivors. The solar energy we have is actually enough, but early or later it will get broken. If we continue using the water as our energy source, it will be enough for many many years to come.''

She stopped for second but then shook her head. Mike knew right away that he had against some crazy idea so he got curious. ''What is it this time?''

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