
"Have you got it?" Leonard Ostrander asked as he took a sip of his drink in one gulp.

"Yes sir." A man dressed in black handed a small bottle filled with clear liquid to the table in front of Leonard.

"Hmm, great! Alexander arrived in Grenoble?" Now he twirled the little bottle in his hand, smiling a little.

"Yes sir, he is planned to supervise the legion war training in the next three days."

"You and your team are coming to London tomorrow. Make sure Alexander is still in Grenoble. Immediately report if he has moved to leave Grenoble."

"Yes sir"

"You may go." A sneer crossed Leonard's face.

"Alexander, I have been looking for your weakness for a long time, now I will see you crushed because of a woman" A sly grin appeared on that handsome face that looked like a god.

A belief in success has shaped Leonard Ostrander to this day. His every action was a mature account of his experience and the sharpness of his instincts. He had defeated everyone but one barrier which kept him from reaching the highest position, Alexander.


Alexander oversaw a large field where thousands of legion soldiers trained with their respective weapons.

"Sir, our preparations this morning have been maximal. Our legion is armed and ready to fight. What would you like to add to their practice?"

"Give them speed-up training, the fight won't be physical. But avoiding energy attacks. And their speed has to be perfect to avoid the energy shot speed."

"Yes sir, we will inform each coach." The main commander leaves from Alexander's side.

Alexander sighed. It has been more than ten days now that he has not seen Alexa. The two of them were separated by preparations for battle which was only two weeks away from its climax.

Even though he left Odelia and Odette, and his two best bodyguards to watch over the girl, a feeling of uneasiness remained in his heart. That girl is his weak point now. Before that no one could attack her in a personal relationship. But since the announcement of the engagement things have been different.

Even though Veronica and the women who hated Alexa didn't make any moves. There was a sense of worry that always sneaked into his heart. Somehow he believes Veronica is not someone who intends to help Alexa, there is another agenda that the girl is hiding. The girl is more dangerous than Keira Solley or Bella Green.

"Velcro, I want you to arrange for someone to keep an eye on Veronica Vasiliev. I want to know who he's in touch with, and what he's doing now. " Finally Alexander decided to do something. His instincts are somehow never wrong.

"Yes sir. Sir, have any suspicion of Veronica's motives towards Miss Alexa?" The main assistant read his master's thoughts.


"You also think the same way Velcro." The middle-aged male main assistant had already outlived him. And Alexander was helped a lot by his thoroughness to a problem.

"In a way, sir. Veronica couldn't be trusted at all. I believe he has other goals just like Master. "

"All right, start a sneaky investigation of him. Including wiretapping." Alexander gives orders. He should have done this earlier, but it may not be too late to know something by now.

"I see."


Meanwhile, Leonard Ostrander has arrived in London. He booked a hotel room in the area adjacent to the Aegis mansion. Not without reason, but for the sake of an evil plan that had come to mind in his mind the past few weeks.

And now he is carrying out his plan.

"Alexa, this is Leonard Ostrander."

"Mr. Leonard, how are you?"

"Okay, thank you. I'm at Belfrod Kigsman. I'd like to take you to lunch, if you can. I happen to be in London for a business meeting tonight. This old man found no lunch companions here. I remembered that the Aegis Mansion wasn't far from here. But if you're busy, it's okay at two o'clock I have to go." Leonard played back and forth in his sentences.

"Lord Leonard, you are not old, you still look young." Alexa laughs at Leonard's joke.

"Ehmm alright, it's lunch hour, I'll be there for a moment, you have to leave until two o'clock?" Alexa is a little confused, does she have to bring a bodyguard. But this is just lunch at a restaurant that is less than five minutes away from the Mansion. If you wait for the escort it will take a long time. And it's only one hour in a public place, not a quiet place.

"No I can, your place is close to me Mr. Leonard. All right, I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Okay, I'm waiting for you. Thank you for being willing to accompany me and allow me to pay this time." Leonard immediately hung up the phone.

Leonard reached into his pocket. The small bottle filled with clear liquid was poured into the empty glass in front of him. He spun the glass to flatten the liquid until it was almost invisible.

Soon Alexa arrived. The pretty girl was wearing tight jeans and a legion dark sweater with a black leather jacket because she had just returned from the Pyreness Training Center.

"Master Leonard, I'm sorry I'm dressed so informally. I just came back from the training center and received your call. "

"It's okay Alexa, this isn't a date. Just an invitation to lunch. Alexander will kill me if he finds out that you are dressed beautifully to meet me."

Alexa immediately laughed at Leonard's words. The man in front of him was really good at being funny.


"What do you want to order? I'm starving too. Let me pour you a drink, looks like you are in a hurry here. Sorry I didn't call you earlier." Leonard poured mineral water into the glass he had prepared earlier.

"You're right, thank you, Mr. Leonard."

In one gulp she finished the water Leonard had poured. Meanwhile, Leonard smiled a little to see his plan running smoothly. All he had to do was wait for the reaction between the mixture of anesthetic and stimulant.

Their food order arrived shortly thereafter. Leonard's eyes stared intently at the girl in front of him. Alexa looks a little massage his forehead. Soon that girl will be his. And he kept talking to her so that she wouldn't be too aware of her body's reaction. And don't run away too fast.

"Alexa, what's wrong? You are sick" Leonard's hand suddenly touched it.

"I don't know my head is dizzy. Is it a little hot in here? It feels like my body is getting hot." Alexa took off her jacket and continued eating. But his head still grew dizzy.

"Do you want me to take you home?"

Alexa has a headache. But when Leonard touched her usual touch made her body feel weird. Like when Alexander touched it but the taste increased many times over.

"It's strange why I got dizzy all of a sudden."

"I kept the medicine in my room above, you can go there to rest for a while. Come on, I'll take you." Leonard approaches Alexa, even because of the smell of her perfume. Alexa feels her body respond. But on the other hand, his body relaxes. What is this?! Leonard called the servants and paid for their meal.

"It's okay, just a little dizzy."

"I'll be going in a little, let's get some medicine and I'll take you home.The elevator is not far from the right. Your face is pale.Come on." With a little force, Leonard managed to grab Alexa and led her to walk. His hands are holding Alexa's waist. Meanwhile, Alexa leans on him a little.

"Leonard, I want to go home. Let me go."

They were only a little longer from reaching the elevator. Alexa tries to escape from Leonard's grasp. She realized his body's reaction wasn't right. Something happened to him and Leonard did it.

"My dear Alexa, you can't even stand properly." The elevator doors opened. Alexander takes Alexa in lift. Alexa panicked, but she couldn't even stand up properly.

"What are you doing to me?" Her eyes glanced at the man in front of her. Meanwhile, Leonard leaned Alexa against the wall of the elevator. Two of Leonard's men followed into the elevator.

"All I did was make you unable to fight me. And your body is addicted to my touch. " Leonard approaches, Alexa can feel his breath. And when Leonard's lips touched the nape of her neck, and the man slipped his hand to squeeze his chest, his body responded violently. Alexa trembles feeling that her body craves that touch even more. Alexa is trapped, and begins to despair. She started crying.

"Leonard let me go, what do you want from me?"

"Be patient honey, we'll just have a little fun. Just enjoy your body's reaction to my touch." Simultaneously the elevator opens and Leonard quickly picks up Alexa who is already limp.

A President Suite at the end of the room was opened by Alexander's subordinates who were waiting.

"No one can enter." Leonard's cold voice gave the order. Alexa wants to fight back but right now even she has a hard time standing up. His head felt heavy. And his body is limp and powerless. Leonard threw him on the big bed in the room.

"Leonard, Alex will kill you if you dare touch me." Meanwhile, Leonard opened his dark shirt. Tears continued to stream down Alexa's cheeks.

"Hahaha you really love, he will try to kill me. But do you dare to bear the consequences. I'm recording this, you look at the camera. Once the video of your sighs spreads Alexander will lose face, and you, your family and even your family business will fall into the deepest scandal. Even later you won't be able to forgive yourself for life. You got to play with me honey. And you won't be able to fight me. I will make your body enjoy it even if your mind rejects it." Leonard has already taken off all his clothes, and is moving towards Alexa.

"Don't do it Leonard" Alexa's last wish, was useless when Leonard's big fingers moved past her sweater and jeans.

"Alexa, I haven't even started anything yet so just enjoy it, because you can't fight me now." And Leonard presses his body against Alexa.

"You really enjoy it." Leonard grinned with satisfaction.

"I will kill you!" Alexa is crying, her eyes are wide but her body limps even more.

"You should be grateful I didn't abuse you Alexa," Leonard's rough breath rushed into Alexa's face, the man kissed her face.

If he could choose to die then Alexa would choose him. She could no longer cry as Leonard touched her entire body, enduring the feeling of helplessness and humiliation at the same time. Leonard watched the girl's reaction with satisfaction.

Alexa passes out under the drug mixture later. And Leonard with a satisfied look let go of his prey that hadsurrendered, andd he had marked Alexa as his woman. He took the camera in front of him and began to highlight every curve of Alexa's body. The man then laughed at what he had done. Before he threw the blanket to cover Alexa's body and then left her.

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