
"Mr. Alex, Miss Alexa, congratulations on your engagement."

And now suddenly stood Julia Delacroix, Keira Solley and Bella Greene in front of me.

"Thank you ladies," I answered straightforwardly. What do they want now?

"Miss Alexa, is there a problem?" Odette immediately walked over to our crowd. Apparently she was not far from us.

"Your bodyguard really cares about you, huh. Miss Alexa is not under threat, Odette, you see we are going to do something about her."

Keira Solley, who had previously had problems with Odette, grabbed her.

"Odette, you can go." Alex nodded his way.

"Alexander, you really care"

Keira, who was now dressed in a red shirt with a low slit, walked over and smiled mischievously, approached Alexander, even though she didn't dare touch him. I let him see what she wanted. This girl openly opposed me. The threats I gave yesterday didn't seem to work. And now she feels victorious because she has an ally.

"Miss Alexa, we are very happy with your engagement. Shouldn't we congratulate you on our relationship with Alexander before?" Julia Delacroix smiled sweetly as she looked at me. Ahhh he just intends to bait me now.

"Of course you can, even dozens of women who were with other Alexander were allowed to do it. My bodyguard is just very careful about who approaches me, maybe she knows something that makes him perceive you as a threat."

I stopped talking to make him think.

"Hahaha Miss Alexa, what can women like us do. Your bodyguard is too subjective to judge us."

Now she was chuckling with a contrived expression of spoilage.

"Either throw me with a knife as secretly as possible"

Now they suddenly fell silent and looked at each other.

"Miss, where we dare to you, you are the main family. We could be beheaded for trying to harm you." Bella Greene now spoke in her calm style. Horrible psychopath girl behind her cute attitude.


"Ohhh, really? So you were sentenced to be beheaded. Wow, pretty awful. Is that true Alex?" I immediately compared them to do it, so they could imagine it.

"Of course, the main family of the clan has the special right to determine the punishment for their attacker. The harshest punishments are death by beheading or ingesting a special poison that would torture the perpetrator for days before his death. And the family of the clan they take shelter in, will also get rewarded, depending on whether they are involved or not," Alexander explained in great detail.

"Poison sounds so terrible, I'll choose it for those who only dare to challenge me secretly."

Now they are silent in a thousand languages.

"Forgive us if you have to go, thank you for the congratulations. Please enjoy the party ladies. We have to meet other guests. Alex shall we?"

Alexander moved beside me and I slipped my hand into Alexander's arm leaving them stunned.

"You threaten directly hehehehe"

Alex grinned.

"What do you want me to do?"

"What if we trap their group and take advantage of the blood compensation payments to their families?"

I stared at him wide-eyed.

"You're hooking me up as bait?"

"Honey, you yourself said your defense was impenetrable and I believed it. I don't mean to sacrifice you, I have calculated the risks you will take. In this world, you have to take a little risk. There are seven people who joined in threatening you, meaning seven families who will have to pay blood tribute to us, if we get the proof. And that is a huge payment to solidify our clan position and the girls are up to you what they do." He spoke candidly about his plans.

I am stunned, this is another side of Alexander. The predatory side of cunning and cruelty to his opponents. But I was annoyed that he was openly using me as bait now.


"How much is the blood tribute actually?" I am curious.

"Very large, a quarter of their clan wealth, the death of the main leader if they don't want to pay, and the forced takeover by Ostrander."

I gawked, it was proper that he would dare to bet on me.

"Are disputes between other clan members also tried like that?m

"No, murder will be punished with murder as well. Unless he can prove that it is an act of self-defense or have a good reason. Other disputes will be brought before Lord Valerie, who will decide with at least 20 judges from the clans who are not involved. And Lord Valerie is a person who is skilled at judging. In his mortal life he was a judge. No one dares to cheat in front of that genius. "

I'm now amazed to hear the explanation.

"Hmm, you are sneaky."

"You will be my wife, you also have to learn a little. You will become one of the strengths of the Ostrander clan in the future dear. And our world is quite different from yours. I will take care of you completely, but you also have to learn to live with us".

"I'm studying now,"

"What are you studying?" His brows are furrowed.

"That you have great persuasive abilities." I rolled my eyes while grimacing.

"I take your sarcasm as a compliment. I've outlived you dear, but I'm lucky to have lived longer to find you."

He brought himself closer to me in the corner which is somewhat protected. And he's now locked me up and forced me against the wall.

"Now you're trying to seduce me Mr. Alexander"

His two arms now shut me up. His intimidation always manages to make my heart beat faster.

"Yes, I did try to seduce you, but I often run out of wits because your thoughts are out of my reach. You're the one who always makes me suffer dear. You won, because I am your prisoner now."

I laughed, half because it was funny, half because I was flattered.

"Your words are winged Mr. Alexander"

I pulled his coat and gave him a light kiss on the lips. He immediately kissed me back.

"No juste un petit bisou monsieur Alex. Je t'aime." **

I took off my kiss and pushed his chest with a smile.

** No, just a little kiss sir. I love you.

"Je suis fou de toi. Tu me rends gaga."

He pulled me back and this time he grabbed my waist and in an instant a kiss forced him back over me.

**I'm crazy about you. You make me look stupid.

"Alex, we're still on the show."

I tried to back away from the kiss, catching my breath again.

"Can't we just disappear for a moment?" He bid with a pathetic expression.

"Don't be spoiled." I have survived.

Its mouth is venomous. Have French men always been this romantic? I smiled broadly while trying to escape from him. And he gave up for now.

We mingled again at the party. Talk to lots of people trying to unite all the clans for victory in this war. That is my main duty in this marriage bond. And finding that we are attracted to each other is the most beautiful gift.

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