
Alexandre slammed the room door. I looked around me. This room is clearly visible to the predominance of the dark colors that are characteristic of his room.

"Do you want to play me Alexa! Answer me!" He snared my hand tightly.

"You're the one playing me Alex!" I was screaming and trying to break free of his painful decoction in my arm.

"Why are you always involved with that handsome werewolf? Did you like his?!" His eyes shiny sharply. His low voice was threatening.

"Why, why shouldn't you? He's just my friend. We're just having dinner together." I challenge his words, I'm so angry right now.

"You touched it familiar, you think I didn't see it earlier, you never even touched me like that. Don't you remember that you're my fiancée? Who can touch you it's me!"

Now he's the one shouting the words. Alexander was jealous. Insolent so he can have me at once with his harem. But I can't even have dinner with a male friend. My anger went straight up the tenacity. My face was hot and my eyes immediately blurred with tears.

"Why can't I touch it? You even screed another woman! Whereas I've said my feelings for you and I can't accept any other woman! You think I want to be queened for your harem! I better die! You think I'm your doll? I don't want to be your puppet, you better kill me as payment for your clan's help!!" I shouted those words as strongly as I could. My breathing hunts, I can't control my feelings anymore, Alexander takes off his deficiency because of my words.

"Explain your words Alexa!" His voice was low threatening.

"You think I didn't know you were lying to me in Berlin? You think I'm a kid who can be lied to that woman's voice is the voice of television! Do you want me as one of the women in your harem? That's what you want, you made a promise and apologize to me. Then in a day you sleep with another woman! You think I'm just your sex partner? If you want that, you don't have to be nice to me, do you want me as a payment for your clan assistance? You know what Keira said, she pities me, I'm just a mortal going old and you'll get back to her. You better kill me when it happens, if you want to do that right now! I don't want you to touch me along with your harem! You hear me Alexander Ostrander!" I shout and spout my words and don't care about the consequences, which is important I wipe out all my thoughts!


Alexander was silent stunned. While I turned my face away and cried great when I managed to let go of my emotions.

"I hate you Alex. Why do you make me love you? If you want a political marriage from the start don't approach me, just explain what you want."

He slowly approaches me. And hugged me strong. I cried while wrestling to release his embrace.

"Let me go! Damn you! You think you can touch me arbitrarily! I hate you" I rampaged uncontrollably.

"Stupid girl! So your strange behavior is because you are jealous of the television sound. Hahaha" He was laughing out loud now, but still didn't let go of her embrace that locked my arm.

"You think I'm stupid, I'm not a kid you can lie to"

I hit his chest while crying. And trying to get out of his arms, he did not let me go. And tighten his embrace so that I feel tight. I pushed his chest.

"I hate you"

I kept crying and despair because I could not fight his strength.

"You love me dear until I make you cry like this. Why are you being so stupid not to speak your mind?"

This time he tried to kiss me, but I dodged it hatefully.

"Because I thought about the fate of my clan. I'm only being paid for your help. That's what you expected right !?"

I'm still crying and screaming. While he still didn't let go of his embrace.

"You must be very depressed with your thoughts, poor you"

Now he stroked my head like I was a child.

"Get off me, you idiot! Why do you keep calling me stupid."

"You are such a fool, why are you making your own assumptions? Why didn't you ask for a video call at that time? If you don't believe it, or you can fly to Berlin if you're jealous of that woman's voice. You want to make me swear its television sound for whatever you ask? Or do you want to tie me to the blood covenant right now? Stupid virgin girl who loves me"


I stopped hitting him. And looked into his eyes which now locked mine. My brain was frozen, digesting his long words.

I looked at Alex who was now smiling broadly.

"I offer you a blood covenant! That's what you want right ?! I swear allegiance to you! Do I have to repeat what I said?"


I was stunned in disbelief.

"I'm glad you made this confession. But you have to pay for your foolishness tonight!"

With lightning movements he carried me. And threw me on the mattress in his room.

"Wait a minute, what do you want?"

I gasped as he pushed forward.

"I will make you pay for your foolishness."

He unbuttoned his shirt quickly, even broke two of them, and climbed onto the bed, I gasped in fear.

"What do you mean? Why did you?"

I looked at the broad chest for the umpteenth time, this time afraid of what it might do.

"It's clear you are in my room virgin girl, tonight you can not refuse me anymore."

He climbed up and I inched back, I was cornered to the end of the bed, he grabbed my leg and I screamed in shock. My dress is open up.

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