

A call as I walked down the south hallway of the mansion after coming out of grandpa's room for a report on the Yemen operation.

"Ahiga, it's nice to see you again."

My smile instantly expands seeing who calls me. It feels like her friendly smile can always make someone even more excited. I hugged him straight away.

"How are you?"

Ahiga replies to my arms.

"Fine, thank you. Are you here? Any need with grandpa?"

"Ahhh yes actually, I invited officially your grandfather and family to our main family engagement rather my sister with one of your cousins I guess."

"Ahhh really?"

"And I hear you're getting engaged too?"

"Ohh you know?"

"Yes your grandfather told me a story. He gave you your engagement invitation. With Alexander? Last I've guessed you and him have something." Ahiga smiled.

"Hmm that's the way" I sighed long.

"What's up? You're not happy for your engagement?"

Maybe my expressions are too visible in her eyes. Then he stopped.

"Sorry, shouldn't I have asked that. You don't look that excited."

"Ahh I'm just exhausted, yesterday we just dealt with the crisis in Yemen. And had to deploy the main legions withstand the airstrikes for three days on the facility of the last hospital in Raaz." I diverted the talk.

"Ohhh, the attack is making headlines now. You guys turned out to have a mission there? You guys spreading the word of the attack?"

"Yes, grandfather strives for the attack to stop, even if peace there is still very far away. And the humanitarian crisis is very worrying there. Humans do like to destroy each other. You know how destructive war can be."

He was understandably understandable to my story.

"You want dinner? How about we eat outside? How about De Escalante?"

He reached out to his hand, while mentioning an Italian restaurant just off the Mansion.


"All right, come on."

I cheerfully welcome his solicitation. I messaged Odelia, that I was going to have dinner with a friend at the restaurant we chose. Those replying will catch up with me soon.

We ate with gobbled. Eating and meeting friends, it's a really nice stress drug. And Ahiga is also a very good dining companion. I haven't gotten a friend who likes to joke like Ahiga. Meeting and talking to him was a release from stress which was really good for me. He's a very smart guy making things up as joke material. In fact, we laughed at the waiters who served us. In closing, we ordered wine to celebrate our meeting.

"You're satisfied now?" Ahiga is thoughtfully worded.

"Haa, what do you mean?!"

I just finished laughing out loud as a result of the joke.

"I mean I've cheered you on for two hours, and put on weight each of us 2 kilos because of these great foods"

I just realized an awful lot we've spent.

"I'm too readable for you hahaha"

I'm between laughing and crying responding to Ahiga's words.

"You want a story?! I'll listen. Maybe later I can give you a new point of view."

He shifted his seat near me. He is indeed a good and sweet friend.

I hugged him, and funneled my head into his arm. Close my eyes for a minute enjoying the attention. I always thought if only I had been jockeyed with Ahiga, things would have been easier. He's a very good friend, and will certainly be a loving lover. And I'm not trapped in a harem of dark creatures of female conquerors like Alexander. While Ahiga strokes my head gently letting me lean on him.

"You guys are here apparently"

A voice makes my nape cool. I opened my eyes and straightened my seat. Nightmare! Alexander was in front of me, looking at me sharply and throwing a killing stare at Ahiga. Why is he here? He said it would come Friday night.


"Alexander! Nice to see you brother. We're eating, let's eat together, you happen to be here."

Ahiga's voice is flat, he challenges Alexander. He probably knows a bit much of my grief because of this guy in front of me. It could be a disaster. I'm now terrified! We were too familiar and he saw it. I need to fix this.

"I've eaten on a plane. Thank you for your concern." A not-so-pleasant reply from Alexander.

"Alexa, are you done? If we have, we have a promise somewhere don't we?"

Alexander's voice is calm, he's threatening me to say, if he won't be sure he makes a fuss here.

"Ohh really? You didn't mention it Alexa, I thought I could drive you back to the Aegis Mansion earlier."

Ahiga doused gasoline into these talks. I'm goosebumps. I need to stop these two males from talking further.

"Thank you for your kindness. But I was in charge of driving him. She's my fiancée. You've received an invitation from our clan right?"

Alexander did not want to accept Ahiga's remarks. He's smiling coolly now.

"Ahh Ahiga, I'll be back with Alex. There's something we have to talk about".

I need to get out of here ASAP before these two alpha males strike more than wordplay.

"Then come on! Ahiga we hurry up, thank you for accompanying Alexa, my fiancée. My assistant will pay your bill!" Alex whizzed my hand so forcefully that I winced.

"Ahiga, please thank you for your time, see you" I remind him not to extend. It seems he understands.

Alexander didn't wait anymore to pull me off the place. The car and its driver waited in the restaurant's front parking lot. Looks like he was really intent on taking me straight away. The grip of his hand does not diminish. He immediately opened the back door and made sure I got in.

We'll have that fight for sure! He sat down next to me with his body exhaling.

"We're on to OakHill, Simon!" Oakhill!? Not to the Aegis mansion? I was immediately anxious about where he was going to take me.

"Oakhill? Where?" I immediately asked.

"You and I need to talk four eyes now! We're into my Mansion!" So he had his own home in London.

"I want to go home Alexander! I'm tired" I tried to fight him.

"You're not going home tonight! We have to talk!" Alexander replied coolly.

"You can't manage me as you are Mr. Alexander."

My tone was up, I was sidelined because he ignored me.

"Shut up Alexa! Don't keep on debating me! Or you'll accept the consequences!"

He squawked my arm firmly, while speaking in a threatening low tone. I gasp! He is being limited to his patience. One more word will make it explode!

Our 30-minute trip felt like ice hell. I and Alexander kept each other quiet, each of us plotting a confrontation in our brains. I don't care anymore. I'll fight it! I can't keep quiet like this anymore.

Cars get to the big Mansion in typical Victorian English style. The chauffeur came down and opened the door for me. Alexander whinged my hand and took me in, maybe he was afraid I was running away. Two stewards opened the main door. The main servant welcomed him inside.

"Mr. welcome, anything you need?"

"No Doria, I'm going up to my room, I don't want to be bothered." His voice was as calm as ice. I got goosebumps hearing it.

He was still silent, we passed the main lobby and climbed the stairs to the second floor. I was scared, he must have taken me to his room. While his hand didn't take off his clutches on my arm.

"Get in!" He opened the room door.

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