
I glanced and flattered when Alexander who was standing at the door of my room expressed his praise. My makeup artist just finished dressing me, and I'm already wearing the blue dress I bought with Joanne, my hair curled high up to reveal my long neck.

Alexander signs my makeup artist to leave the room.

He closed the door to the room and walked over to me. I gaze at him through the reflection of the dressing table glass. He looks manly and makes me hold my breath. I've never seen him in a three-piece suit that seemed so snug to his body.

"May I kiss you?"

He immediately hugged my waist and pulled my body closer to his body. His lips played on the nape of my neck and targeted my neck. I was like being electrocuted, I unconsciously closed my eyes enjoying his intimate touch.

"No, later my makeup will be damaged." I put my hand in front of his lips. His movement stopped. But one eyebrow rose with a cruel expression. He turned my body quickly.

"You're lying, your lipstick doesn't fade"

And it turns out that he is a man experienced with women as well as their make-up effect, I hated this fact but had to make peace with him.

His hand moved down my hand that was blocking him and the other tilted my chin, in an instant his lips found mine.

The kiss that was originally soft turned into hot water, the way he kissed me seemed to have me completely. Sipping and twisting my tongue as if I was his appetizer. My breath immediately rushed and my legs weak, so he pushed me against the wall of the room.


I pushed him because I didn't want my lipstick to fall apart. However, this is my first introduction to the vampire clan. My perfect make up can look chaotic.

"You know, I'm sorry I promised not to touch you"

Alexander didn't care and kissed me back, this time running his hand down my back and waist, his hand ended up with a naughty squeeze on my hip. Suddenly pressing his lower self against my body, while his hands continue to squeeze me tightly. I sighed and moved restlessly when something from it pressed against my lower body, pulling me into a seductive vortex of primitive passion. And the kiss again touched a sensitive point on my neck.


My whole body was craving and my lips sighed at his name. I was sometimes afraid that his cleverness would make me want his touch and was surprised how my body reacted to his passion as well.

I have to stop this before I lose my senses. I pushed harder to break free, and moved away from the reach of his arms.

"Alex, you promised"

My words made him stop and let out a frustrated sigh, but this time he didn't go any further. He let go of me, unwillingly of course.

I smiled stiffly and had to struggle to calm myself down. Meanwhile, Alexander looks a little annoyed.

"Very well. Let's go down, you will get acquainted with our family, Lord Valerie and Madam Joanne will introduce you soon." He smiled faintly at me after regaining control of himself.

Alright, this time the entire clan is invited to the family banquet to introduce me among the Ostrander family. My hands are cold, however I may be the only human here, even though Joanne is like a friend to me, or Alexander who also acts like a protector to me. Maybe if I was allowed to carry a sword as part of my outfit I would happily do it.

"Your hands are very cold."

Alexander took mine and kissed it.

"I'm just nervous."

I smiled covering my fear.

"You will be fine. After this announcement, you will be recognized as a member of the main family. Nobody dares to hurt fellow family members especially the main family if they do not want to receive severe punishment. And I told you not to bite carelessly. I'm the only one who granted permission to bite you."

Now he's making a funny grin that makes me laugh.

"Okay, I'll be fine"

I finally laughed to cheer myself up.

"That's my girl, shall we?"

Now he gives his arm to me. I took his arm, and we walked following him out of the room.

Yesterday, our first date, was sweet and can be said to be normal. Take a walk, chat, eat, and watch together. It's really weird doing all those normal things with Alex.

Alexander opened up a little, he told me about his hometown in a small village in Poland named Kielce. A village located in central Poland, on the flanks of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains beside the upper reaches of the river Silnica. A happy childhood with his family, even though they are just a family of farmers and ordinary breeders.


Also, the time he was studying at Oxford. We are the same alumni, he took economics and then went completely into the world of clan business, I took math and was drafted into a military career in the special tactical force. Father asked me to resign because of the war against these dark forces from the military unit a few months ago and focus on overseeing our London Operations Center.

"No wonder no one dared approach you. You're a terrible mixture of muscle, brains and power."

I just laughed at that. Maybe it was true what he said. The only ones who dared to approach me were the Pollux clan and the Harada clan, I had a relationship with a member of that clan, even though it ended up running aground.

I didn't ask too many questions, I thought Alexander would tell me more if he believed me later. Just let it flow as it is. Without asking for personal details, our conversation flowed smoothly and was full of laughter, something I would expect from a normal relationship.

And yesterday even he was cute, did not make hot seduction. Puts me to sleep with just a good night's words. It feels good when everything goes smoothly without the feeling of riding a roller coaster that leaves you unable to sleep.

Joanne picked me up today to the Ostrander Mansion for lunch together. She even called her regular make-up artist to help me dress up. Meanwhile, Alex had left for his office from the morning.

Joanne warned me not to be provoked by anyone. And keep myself calm when there is anything related to Alexander. I don't know, sometimes I'm not sure about myself.

In Alexander's world whoever he wants can be his sex partner. He is the mightiest after Lord Valerie. Lord Valerie and Joanne are a pair of immortal blood. This means that the two of them are already attached to each other. Without their partner's consent they cannot have another sex partner, which is similar to a human marriage agreement. Lord Valerie had several sex partners perhaps concubines, to which Joanne agreed. But for Alexander he was not bound by anyone before. And that means my presence will disturb some of his past partners. Even though no one dared to face me directly, but I will face the war between women through sarcasm or possibly provocation of body language.

We joined Lord Valerie and Joanne and descended into the Main Hall which was already where a large banquet table had been set up.

Lord Valerie and Joanna were waiting. Joanna joined in wearing a long red party dress. Looks like she supported me in a long dress that wasn't much different, so I didn't feel alone.

We descended the large balcony steps in the banquet hall for the four of us. It feels like a royal family. The King and Crown Prince entered the banquet hall. I'm tense, I put a thin smile on my face. Alexander put his hand over mine holding him. He is being a gentleman to support me.

Lord Valerie and Joanne stood on the balcony of the last staircase. He asks the servants for champagne. And clinking glasses to get the attention of invited guests before speaking. Hundreds of eyes were on us.

"Ostrander brothers and sisters. Thank you for attending tonight's program. Tonight I want to introduce a special new family member among us. Miss Alexa Aegis. A main daughter, of the Aegis Light Witch clan. Miss Alexa Aegis and Alexander Ostrander are getting married. And our clan will grow stronger with the presence of Alexa Aegis as our new family in the future."

Lord Valerie raised his glass.

"To Miss Alexa Aegis."

All the guests raised their glasses for me in tribute.

"To Miss Alexa Aegis."

I smiled stiffly as the entire room echoed back to Lord Valerie's words.

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