《The Heavens System Subsidiary (I Was Chosen By The Word)》Chapter 25 - Systems Update, [Sub-Function Created]


In Heaven, Precisely in Heavens Core.

Heaven's core can be said to be the [Main System] itself and at the same time, it is completely wrong to say that. The [Heaven's core] and the [Main System] can be described with a simple Analogy, A Programming Language used to make another Programming Language.

The [Heavens Core] is a Programming Language that was used to make the [Main System] the other Programming Language. Hence, the [Main System] has similar Makings to the [Heavens Core], It also has the similar power as the [Heavens Core].

But they are not the same because the [Heavens Core] can remake the [Main System], After all, it was made from it. And that was what happened now.

The Heavens Core has been rather Neutral and Inactive, suddenly flared up and reprogrammed the [Main System] in a split nanosecond and returned to its neutral state. Thereafter, the [Main System] followed the routine, it flared up to life and then become neutral as it has formerly been.

The full effects of reprogramming are left unknown

In the Forest, Journey Towards the Main Capital

Two days have passed since Vincent suffered from his incubus attack and fell unconscious. During these days, the system erected an invisible barrier and protected Vincent against any [Dark Beast] or [Nightmare].

But due to the system being only a Subsidiary it could only erect a barrier that could withstand the Power of a Low A-Rank Danger threat [Dark Beast], with the system focusing on protecting Vincent it couldn't multi-task and help heal him like it did when he Assimilated Titan Muscles.

The subsidiary system was torn between two choices. The first choice could continue to focus on the barrier until Vincent woke up but the system had no idea when that would happen, choosing this option means that it could only hope that during this period no A-Rank Dark Beast would cross Vincent's path.

The second choice was to remove the barrier and heal Vincent, with the Amount of power the Subsidiary had it could probably heal Vincent from the backlash, But the problem was that it didn't know whether Vincent would wake up after that.

Vincent was suffering from the backlash when the [System] broke the [Eidetic Library of Knowing] and manipulated some memories, normally when the [System] healed the Mind from the backlash Vincent should wake up but the [System] at least knew that this won't be the case for Vincent.

The two choices both had dead ends, the [System] had to request help from the [Main System]. The [Main System] responded, but it couldn't give the [Subsidiary System] a lot of help because the main system had its hands full with something.

With the Little Help from the [Main System], The [Subsidiary System] was able to upgrade the Barrier to a level where it can withstand the power of a High Danger threat level [Dark Beast]. Solving one problem, the [Subsidiary System] fell a little relief but it couldn't rest now. Vincent was still unconscious


Before the [System] could think of a solution to the problem, Vincent that was in a coma began to show signs of awakening.

The [System] was about to shake him up hoping he awakes, but something happened in a split second. During that second, the [System] rebooted and continued its process of awakening Vincent.

The [System] Shouted out Vincent's name in hopes to awake him, [VINCENT!]

''Argh'' (Vincent jolted and awoke with a headache)

''Fuck. System what the fuck'' (Vincent said with anger)

[So, you've finally awoken from your Beauty sleep]

''My beauty sleep''?'' (Vincent asked curiously)

[Yes, you have been in Asleep for two days now]

''TWO DAYS!!!" (Vincent shouted in surprise)


[The Titan Muscles Fully Assimilated]

''The Titan Muscles? But that was four days ago, you told me that it had full assimilated ''

[Not fully, With my Abysmal amount of Power as a Subsidiary of the Main System. The Full assimilation had to take place over time]

''Then why didn't I feel Anything different'' (Vincent asked with a Scrutinizing gaze)

[The Effects were mostly Minor and some Medium, like strengthening your muscles bond to your spirit, etc. That's why you had to take a beauty sleep until after I was done.]

Vincent put a finger under his chin and made a thinking pose, ''Mmmh... Ok. Show me [Logs] of the last two days''


[Tweaks complete, Ready for Implementation]

[Host not in a suitable position to Assimilate]

[It is Advised to Assimilate now]

[Commencing Assimilation, proceeding to cut off Host consciousness]





''Mmmh... Ok, I'll leave that for now''

'[System] is hiding something from me' (Vincent thought inwardly to avoid the [System] hearing his thoughts)

Vincent acted like he lost Interest and said ''I've wasted too much time; I have to make up for it''

Vincent was about to jump onto the trees before the [System] stopped him


Vincent stopped abruptly and asked the system in slight anger, ''What now''

[Due to recent Events and my uselessness to you during those Events. The main system has taken the decisions to improve me, allowing me to assist you better]

Vincent was surprised, ''Such great luck, the main system is quite Benevolent. Okay then, don't keep me waiting to tell me all about your upgrade''

[Yes Host]

[After receiving the Upgrade, I have gained new functions]

[Upgrade to [Status], New Sub Functions gained]

[Sub-Function: Proficiency Bar, Gained]

[Sub-Sub-Function: Increase Proficiency, Gained]

[Sub-Function: Level Check, Gained]

Vincent looked at the unlocked functions with a wide grin, ''This is Marvelous''

''I guess this is all?'' (Vincent said with a questioning tone)


''Mmh, is there any chance of Update in the future'' (He asked)

[There is a high chance of that happening]


'I should take shelter first before I check out the new functions'


Vincent checked the [Map] and took a run to the riverside, Arriving there in 10 Minutes. The riverside showed no sign of [Dark beasts]. Vincent took off his clothes and entered into the water to clean his sweaty, smelly body. There he asked for a detailed explanation of the skills

[Proficiency Bar: The Proficiency Bar is a new Sub Function added to [Status], The Explanation can be guessed from the name. The Proficiency Bar allows the host to see his Proficiency in his Innate Ability or Skills, it is also used to see the Limit of how strong skill is by checking the Proficiency Limit]

[Increase Proficiency: Increase Proficiency is a Sub-Function under another Sub-Function, Hence it's a Sub-Sub-Function. Increase Proficiency explanation can be easily guessed from its name.

Increase Proficiency gives the host the ability to use the Left-Over source energy of Beasts killed by Host mixed with a little bit of [Systems] Energy to Increase Proficiency of an Ability.

The Higher the Proficiency the Higher the Strength of the Ability

Note: Increase Proficiency will only Increase the Attack power and control of the Ability, it will not give knowledge or experience.

Note: Host can also kill Humans for their Origin Energy but it is advised to kill dark beasts instead as they are simple loaded with it

Note: The amount of Origin Energy in a Dark Beast should be determined by Host]

[Level Check: Level Check is a Sub Function of [Status], This allows the host to check his Levels as well as his Opponents Levels as well. It also gives the host the ability to see how much Origin or rather EXP is needed to level up]

[Note, when checking [Status} [Proficiency Bar] and [Level Check] shall be included].

'Vincent's mood took a turn for the better after reading the effects of the system's new Functions, Especially the [Increase Proficiency] Sub-Function and the [Proficiency Bar] Sub-Function.

The [Increase Proficiency] caused Vincent a lot of Excitement, in this world he didn't know any other means to increase Proficiency except by training, there may be some method out there in the other realms but Vincent had no idea about it.

The [Level Check] would help Vincent properly judge the Power Level of his Enemy, He just had to find out how the levels work.

''System, Relate the Levels with the power system of The Realms''


[Power System Rating]

[Low Earth-Tiered - Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5

Middle Earth-Tiered - Level 6, Level 7, Level 8, Level 9, Level 10

Peak/ Break-Through Earth-Tiered – Level 10, Level 11, Level 12, Level 13, Level 14, Level 15

Low Sky-Borne – Level 16, Level 17, Level 18, Level 19, Level 20

Middle Sky-Borne – Level 21, Level 22, Level 23, Level 24, Level 25

Peak/ Break-Through Sky-Borne – Level 26, Level 27, Level 28, Level 29, Level 30

Low Sky-Layer – Level 31, Level 32, Level 33, Level 34, Level 35

Middle Sky-Layer - Level 36, Level 37, Level 38, Level 39, Level 40

Peak/ Break-Through Sky-Layer – Level 41, Level 42, Level 43, Level 44, Level 45

Low Star-Path – Level 46, Level 47, Level 48, Level 49, Level 50

Middle Star-Path – Level 51, Level 52, Level 53, Level 54, Level 55

Peak/ Break-Through Star-Path – Level 56, Level 57, Level 58, Level 59, Level 60]

The System Rankings was displayed before Vincent's eyes, Vincent was confused about why the Ranking didn't go Star-Path.

''System, isn't there a Higher Level above Star-Path'' (Vincent asked confused)

[Yes, But the Strongest Person on Migás is a Middle Star-Path. Hence the Rankings is everything you will need in the Realm Eulogeo]

''Ok then'' (He replied)

''System show me [Proficiency Bar] and [Level Check]''

[My Illusions Are the World's Reality (SS/SSS-Rank) (56/100)]

[Angels Right (SSS-Rank) (0/0)

[Inheritance of Fire: From the Flames, I was Born (S-Rank (Due Impure Bloodline)) (Potential SSS-Rank (Pure Bloodline) (55/70))

[Inheritance of Lightening: Through Lightning Shall I Transverse the Infinite Planes (S-Rank (Due Impure Bloodline)) (Potential SSS-Rank (Pure Bloodline)) (52/70)]


[The Word (EX-Rank) (Sealed) (5/?]

[Mana Burst (S-Rank)-(SS-Rank) (22/35)]

[Cellular Enhancement(B-Rank)-(A-Rank) (13/20)]

[Portal Maker (SS-Rank) (1/30)]

[Mana Control (A-Rank)-(S-Rank) (8/15)]

[Angelic Blessing (S-Rank) (1/35)]

''How do you calculate the Proficiency''

[Just leave it to me Host]

Vincent shrugged at the system and replied, ''Ok''

''Anyways, how do I use [Increase Proficiency]''

[Host should first kill a [Dark Beast] for better Explanation]

''That's simple, there are tons of [Dark Beast] here''

Ending his conversation with the system, Vincent dressed. He looked at the sun that was beginning to set and calculated the amount of time he had.

'I have a few hours before Nightfall, I should make the most out of it'

Vincent took off into the trees heading towards the capital, Vincent kept himself battle-ready in case of a run-in with [Dark Beasts] and soon he would be glad he did so.


Authors Note

I want the Explain the Relationship between the [Main System] and the [Subsidiary System]

The relationship between them is similar to the relationship between an HQ and its Branch

The branch can't be as advanced as the HQ. The HQ can share resources with the Branch and it cannot share at all.

Also, I am Editing the former chapters. You'll notice it. Any Major Changes after the Editing will be put in an Authors Note

Also Please drop a review it doesn't take too much time, Drop some power stones too for motivation

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