《The Heavens System Subsidiary (I Was Chosen By The Word)》Chapter 17 - Effect Of [The Forbidden Fruit Of Eden], Start Of The [Scriptures Of Glorious Elements]


The Next Day

Vincent that has remained unmoving and was naked on the floor in the same spot for 24 Hours, suddenly started shifting and Shifting while making Audible grunts signifying its Discomfort.

Then Vincent begrudgingly stood up and in a trance, a state took a bath, freshened up, wore some clothes, and went to sit on his bed.

He looked around and saw the many cracks on the wall, the floor. Also, most of the furniture had cracked.

When Vincent saw this, He was first confused about what had caused this but then slowly but surely it started coming to him.

He went wide-eyed and became fully awake and realized that whatever had happened must have been because of him.


[Yes Host]

''What in the Heavens Fuck happened Here''

[You released a High amount of Ether and destroyed the whole room]

''Why don't I remember it''

[You blacked out]

''*Sigh*, Tell me what happened after I ate the fruit''


[After you ate the Fruit, you blacked out due to the Fruit starting Effect]

''Effect? What effect''

[The Forbidden Fruit of Eden, Grants the Person to the Universe itself.]

Vincent got even more confused so he asked the system to explain to him in detail

[The Fruit Of Eden first Tempered your soul to the Extremes, Hence the reason you passed Out due to the Extreme it had caused you in the Split of a second. This is the 1st Effect]

''Pain? I don't remember any pain''

[You subconsciously wished to forget it, Due to [The Eidetic Library Of Knowing], You can consciously and subconsciously use more of your brain, You haven't seen the effect yet but very soon it'll surface.]

[Due to the Extreme-pain, you subconsciously sealed away that memory in [The Eidetic Library Of Knowing] and I suggest you keep It there for now]

''Ok then, leave that and continue''

[Since your Soul was tempered by the Fruit, you have gained the ability to use the different forms of Energy in the Seven Realms. Hence now you can use Mana, Ether, Grace, Od, etc. This is the 2nd Effect]

[After that, The fruit started its second effect which was to connect you to the Universe itself but since you only Ate a Piece, It instead made an Alternative connected you to the nearest thing to the Universe and that is [Yggdrasil] Which then gave you the Highest Affinity to Space. This is the 3rd Effect]


[After that, The Fruit Took roots in your Soul for Unknown Reasons and is now Budding, Creating an Inner Space for it to Grow. In Other Words, the fruit planted itself inside you and it can produce a complete [Fruit Of Eden]. This is the 4th Effect]

[The 5th Effect was that it gave you Eternal Youth, by tempering your soul, your body was also tempered to keep up with your soul. Now they are in perfect Synchronization, as long as your soul doesn't fail then you won't die. Also Due to this, Your strength has become higher, so it is advised that you'll Caution your strength]

[After that the Fruit granted you, Mind Reading resistance and Soul Protection.]

Again, Vincent was shocked from the Gains of eaten [The Forbidden Fruit Of The Garden of Eden], just when it seemed he couldn't be surprised anymore, The Fruit comes along and blows his Mind away.

He was Excited with the Fact that the Fruit is now Planted inside his Soul and would later Grow to produce more Fruits and also about his Connection with [Yggdrasil].

He doesn't know about the Benefits that his connection brings him but from what he heard about [Yggdrasil] both from this world and the former, He knew that the Benefits must be Large.

After a while, Vincent calmed down enough to talk to the system

''System, Are there any Adverse Effects from the Fruit''


''Then why was Adam sent out after he ate it''


[I knew you wouldn't let that Go]

''Of course, I wouldn't''

[Fine I'll tell you a little of what happened]

[Adam was sent out because of His Greed]

''Greed, But I thought that there was no sin then?''

[No there wasn't, but still, Adam had Greed]

''I do not Understand''

[You do not Need to]

[Just know that the Apple wasn't the Real Cause of what happened and why he was sent away.]

'Eating the Apple'

'Being sent away from the Garden'

'Me being his descendant'

'The system'

'This doesn't add up

At this point, Vincent's Brain was going Way faster than it had ever gone Before, Due to the Effects of the [Eidetic Library Of Knowing]. Vincent's Thinking capacity and deduction had gone through the roof. Vincent then asked another question.


''Then What about Eve''

[... Eve was just an Unlucky person who got Caught up]

[Leave this Topic, I think its time you Assimilate with the [Scriptures Of Glorious Elements] ]

Vincent acknowledged the System and decided to Leave the Topic, He Proceeded to Take out the [Scriptures Of Glorious Elements] and Assimilate with it.

''So how do I do this''

[Open the Scriptures and Place on your Lap, Then Pour your Ether into it and Imagine it being absorbed into You]

Vincent's Followed the Systems instructions, He opened the Scriptures and found it was empty but he followed the instructions given to him and placed the Empty Scroll on his Lap. After that, he wrapped the Empty Scroll in his Ether and proceeded to Imagine the Scripture being absorbed as a whole into His Head.

Then Immediately the Scriptures Glowed and exploded into Bright light Particles and Entered into Vincent's Head, Vincent's Body Passed out again but at least this time he landed on a Bed.

Vincent's spirit and consciousness were then Transported somewhere else.

[Very soon, you'll know the Full truth but for now. You are not strong Enough.]

In an Unknown Place

Vincent found himself in a Dark Expanse just like the One that was in his mind when he had met his Mother, Seeing that he was in an Unfamiliar space Vincent kept his Guard up to the fullest while his brain started without consent started calculating a way out from this Space, His brain then concluded on a Suitable way.

'If I Can't Find a Way out, I'll use [The Word] and Destroy the Entire Space'

But Vincent decided not to be hasty and he was rewarded for that because before he chose a random direction to start Exploring.

Space showed signs of cracking so Vincent was now on full alert, the Space continued cracking until it finally broke like Glass.

Then Vincent Found Himself Looking at Several figures that were Surrounding him all on their Independent Pillar.

Vincent felt nothing Special from these Shrouded beings but he knew better than to trust his Eyes.

He'll rather rely on his instincts and Intuitions which are shouting at him not to do anything stupid or the consequences would be too Dire to Bear, that's what he's going with.

Vincent was brought out of his Inner Ramblings when one of the Beings on the Pillar in Infront of him spoke out to Him in a Thundering Voice that resounded into his ears.

The Being was Shrouded in the darkness just like all the others and stood on a pillar with Delicate Wind drawings. Vincent flinched from the Volume of the Voice.

''A Fox not from Our Bloodline, manage to find the [Scriptures Of Glorious Elements]''

Then Another being spoke out, this being had a Feminine Voice but when she spoke coldly, she was on a Pillar with Snow Flake markings

''Tell us Boy, who are you.''

Another Unknown Voice Then Spoke Out, This Being stood on Pillar with Marking of Trees

''Calm Down, madam. For him to be here without being a descendant of our Sect, that means that he has an Affinity for All the Elements.''

''that's Nigh-Impossible!!'' (The Being on the Ice Pillar said with surprise evident in her tone)

''True, but you said it yourself for a person to have all elements is Nigh-Impossible. Nigh but not totally, I can sense his Connection with all of the Elements his weakest being with Time.''

''And what's this, HAHAHAHA''

''What's wrong with you Old Man.''

''I'm just Relishing in the Fact that we have found the Perfect successor even better than someone from Our lineage''

''what do you mean, don't keep us in suspense''

''Ok, Ok. Jeez''

''The reason is that he has a Connection with [Yggdrasil]


Vincent just stood in his position and looked at all of this being of Unknow Origin reveal everything about him.

He has resolved himself that the slightest move of hostility and he will use [The Word] and send himself out of here.

Because of the [Eidetic Library Of Knowing], He remembers the feeling he had when he had first used [The Word], so he is quite confident that he can call on that power.

But for now, He'll be Passive

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