《The Heavens System Subsidiary (I Was Chosen By The Word)》Chapter 16 - [The Eidetic Library Of Knowing], Eating The [Forbidden Fruit Of Eden]


Vincent carefully held the Note and Proceeded to read its Contents

''My Son, if you are Reading this Note then that means that you have made it to your Mental Space and had Entered the Gate of Knowing.

This is my Last Gift to you apart from my Blessings and the Storage ring, I know you have many questions especially about the Fruit but don't worry, I am not in any Trouble so don't worry about me.

Now onto Important matters, I know that you are confused about this place and where you are. So, I'll explain, This Space is called the [Eidetic Library Of Knowing], This Space is not an Artifact but it is a Spell on the Level of an Artifact''

''A Spell on the Level of an Artifact…Is this even Possible'' (Vincent Said in Surprise)

''This Spell was a Gift from a Person I had Helped during one of My Missions as a Dominion, [The Eidetic Library Of Knowing] is a Program for the mind, This Spell makes all that is seen to be Permanently Stored in the Books of The Library, Even if it's only a glimpse and even when you are not focusing.

The Brain captures and stores all that it has seen in the Hippocampus, this spell sorts out the Stored information and Allows you to call on that Information at will, unlike a normal person. Simply, This Spell allows you to access the Data Storage of the Brain.

This is my Last Gift to you...I am sorry for Leaving, I am sorry for not finding you sooner, I wish I could be with you and make you your Favorite Pasta. But I promise that I will be with you every step you take. I swear on my Pride of a Mother. We'll meet again soon, My Dear Vincent. Make Me Proud''

Vincent couldn't help but tear up at the Last Paragraph of the Message, but they were tears of Joy.

''I'm truly not alone in this World.''

''Thank You, Mother.''

After a while, Vincent calmed down and decided to continue exploring the Space.

For a Long time unknown to him, Vincent kept on Walking and Walking, Taking Various turns until he finally reached a door.

He approached the door and entered into a Wide Room that seemed to have no end, In the Room were chairs and study tables.


When he looked up, he saw a Glowing ball with a bright enough Glow, that brightened up the Room.

Vincent was entranced by the glow of the ball and reached out to it as the Glowing ball was not too far High, His hands were able to reach it and were about to Grab it.

[I suggest you do not do that]

The Systems voice resounded through the room and into Vincent's ears, Sure enough, Vincent woke up from his Unknown Trance and retracted his arms away from the Ball.

[That is the Origin of the Spell Mechanism, in other words, this is the Core of [The Eidetic Library of Knowing]

''The Core huh''

Vincent took a Closer look and Marveled at the Ball, ''Fascinating''

[Indeed, it is, It's Quite an achievement for someone to be able to make something like this, that is almost on par with the Level of God's Artifacts]

''God's Artifacts?''

[Yes, Artifacts made by Elohim during his Time, when he was traveling around the realms and interacting with his Creations Directly.]

[During his Journey He made Several Items of Miracles to help out his Creations when they were in a Time of Need, For Example Noah's Ark, Arthurs Sword.]

[Later on, those Items were regarded by his Creations as The Artifacts Of Elohim; Immanuel, God is With Us]

''So how many Artifacts are there''

[Ask the Akashic]

''Tch, Stingy''

''System, Show me the [Status] of this Place''


[The Eidetic Library Of Knowing (S-Rank) (EX-Rank): This is a Spell of Unknown Origins and is on Par with the Treasures Of Elohim in terms of Potential, This Spell creates a Library in the Host's mind as the Image is most Suited for its Purpose.

The Eidetic Library of Knowing Spell allows all that is Seen by the Brain to be Compiled and Saved into the Library, The Library also allows the user to consciously and subconsciously use his brainpower in every situation.

Over time, it is Speculated that the Library will Fuse completely with the Brain allowing Hosts Thinking capacity to Reach Unfathomable Levels but there are certain conditions to be fulfilled.


Grants Controllable Eidetic Memory

Increased Mental Capacity

Increased Mental Calculating Speed

Increase Brain Percent Usage

Grants host the Possibility of Creating Parallel Thinking

Total Protection Over Mind, hence all Mind reading abilities Useless]


'This is Marvelous!'

Vincent Marveled at the Power of this ability that he had Gained but even more so at the fact that he had just Gotten his First EX-Rank Item, Well S-Rank but in the future, he can make it an EX-Rank. So, it was still a cause for Celebration.

After Looking about a Little bit more, Vincent decided to Leave the Space


Then Vincent was Ejected from the Space and into his Original Body, While Vincent Stood up and went to the bathroom to take a Nice Shower.

After he was done, He left the Bathroom headed for his Worn-Out and Destroyed clothes and Exited the Inn into the Main of the Street.

Seeing the Sneers, the people had towards him, Vincent turned a Corner and Used an Illusion to Cover himself and Change his Appearance and made it seem that he wore better clothes then Exited back into the main street.

He decided to continue to use this Illusion until he can get clothes.

Vincent continued walking around until he stumbled upon a Clothing store and walked in, He greeted the Receptionist in charge and Requested some clothes.

The Receptionist looked at Vincent Spotting an Average Cloth Wear sneered a little but still nodded her head and went to get clothes that she deemed suitable for a Middle-Class Standard.

The Receptionist returned and handed Vincent the clothes, Vincent Picked the one that he Liked and paid for it also giving her a small top of 100 Silvers, which she had seemed very surprised about.

'It seems that I will have to learn this World's Currency Exchange Rates

Vincent Left the Store after changing into better pieces of Cloth and Proceeded to look for a place to eat, after that he returned to the Inn and retired to his room.

He sat on his bed contemplating what he should do with [The Piece Of The Forbidden Fruit of Eden].

He did trust the system but he couldn't help but have a sliver of Doubt, This Fruit was the reason that Adam got sent out Eden with Eve and it scared him that eating the Fruit may have Adverse consequences, these thoughts kept on Reverberating through his mind.

After a while, he finally made a decision, If the Fruit was that dangerous the system wouldn't have told him to eat it, and neither would his mother had given it to him.

So, he took out the Piece from his Storage Ring and Finally took a bite out of it.

Then Everything went black.

If Anyone was in Vincent's room at the moment, they will see a Body on the floor with Rainbow Glowing Veins, Arteries all connected to a Glowing Core in the Middle of the Chest.

But that isn't possible as they will have first died from exposure to the Amount of Ether and ??? that is coming off His body.

If it wasn't for the System sealing the space, All the Powerhouses in Eulogeo would have felt the Enormous amount of Energy Vincent was Excluding.

Vincent's body continued Excreting Ether and ??? and the Glowing ball in his chest changed color from the Blue that it was to like an Amalgamation of all colors at least that's what it seemed.

This continued for a while until suddenly it stopped and the piece of fruit that Vincent ate came out Of Vincent's Chest, The Piece remained in the Air seemingly looking for something, and when it did.

Various lines appeared from the fruit and it was sent to what it was looking for and another line was connected to the Glowing core in Vincent's Chest

At the Horse of Odin, [Yggdrasil]

In all of the Realms, Various nobles, Common men, and Different people of Different origins were passing through the Gates of [Yggdrasil] until suddenly.

The gates closed and [Yggdrasil] started shaking. The People there were Panicking as this had never happened before.

Yggdrasil then Extended a Branch of his and then a Line that came out of nowhere connected to it, The People there were shocked while the Magicians, Researchers, and High Scholars were Filled with Fear, an Unfathomable amount of Fear.

Who was Mad Enough to try to From a Pact with [Yggdrasil] whose Branches were said to be able to Reach the Heavens?

But that wasn't the scary part, the scary part was the fact that [Yggdrasil] Accepted the Pact.

This Event Caused so many Powerhouses in all of the Realms to start moving.

[Yggdrasil] Forming a Pact with a Person, Impossible.

While all this was Happening, Vincent was having Beautiful Dreams.

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