《The Heavens System Subsidiary (I Was Chosen By The Word)》Chapter 10 - Reaching The City, A Soon To Be Bad Night Rest


/////1.8 kilometers Of walking later/////

"Huff, Huff, Huff"

As a Migas, Normally he wouldn't have been so tired. However with all that has happened to him. He is mentally worn out and it's taking a toll on his physical body.

Right now Vincent is close to passing out but the avoidance of possible death reward is too enticing.

Soon after Vincent had seen the promised land not so far in the distance. He saw the shapings of buildings and also a queue.


'Why is there a queue?' he asked himself

After a while, Vincent finally reached the extended queue in front of a guard office which was beside an open gate that had 6 Soldier's surrounding it.

It seemed that people needed some kind of ID to get into the city and Vincent seemingly guessed that if you didn't have that, it meant that you had to buy and register for one.

But there was one problem. At the moment he is currently broke, most of his money is in his home, Before he could panic the System came to the rescue.

[You don't need to worry about your saved money, I have already collected everything for host use]

'Really!, You are a life saver. But wait where do you keep the money

[Well in the Inventory]


[Well, that is for you. I on the other hand is very much equipped with an inventory]

'Why can't I use it then? Are you not created to help me'

[Correction, I was made to help you get stronger not to help you in every part of your life. Not giving you an inventory is not a breach of that reason. In Fact, its more of a benefit since you will have to get stronger to understand the space laws and make you own inventory]


[Hence, I have no obligation to give you an Inventory]

"I can't argue with you when you are right like this." He mumbled weakly.

Vincent decided to keep quiet thereafter and wait his turn, After a while standing in the sun, It was finally his turn.

He walked forward to the gates and was directed by a guard to the guard office at the side of the gate.

There the guard asked him some questions.

Before he started he had already used his Illusion skill to cover himself and change his race and face.

"What's your name?"

"Vincent Cadmean"




"Half Lion"



"Father's Name?"

"None Available"



"Mother's?" The Guard asked again


The Guard winced a little

"My condolences"

"Don't worry about it."

The guard nodded in response and continued "For you to enter, an ID will be issued to you but it's 100 silvers"

'If I remember, 100 Bronze-1 Silver, 100 Silver - 1 Gold, and 1,000 Gold - 1 Platinum.'

'So 100 Silvers should be 1000 Bronze. I don't understand the value of money so I can't say whether this is expensive or not''

As Vincent was about to use the money stored in the system, he remembered that he had a skill that would be perfect at the moment, [My Illusions Are the World's Reality].

"Illusion" He murmured

The Guards and everyone in a 100 meter vicinity was caught in an Illusion, The Guards saw that he had paid the money so they gave him the ID.

He will have to get a permanent visa later to be recognized as a citizen but since he's not staying long he reckoned he won't have to do that. After receiving the ID Vincent walked into the city.


As Vincent walked in, he was ummediately marveled by the beauty of the buildings and the crowding of the people in the Streets.

The Buildings were mainly medieval but some had some Modern Touch, So it was like a mix.

What could he expect from another world

What surprised him was the way that even if the streets were crowded, There were no forms of accidents, They were all avoiding each other smoothly without even looking as if they had some sense of super instincts.

Anyway, Vincent shook off his useless thoughts and tried to scout for information on an Inn that he can stay for the day or maybe Longer. So he decided to talk to a stranger for directions.

Some ignored him but luckily after a while an old man helped him and directed him to the Inn, he even left some silver coins with him.

Vincent was confused but as he looked at his body, He figured it out that he was currently half-naked.

After the purification of the bloodline. It's no wonder that his shirt was No more.

Shaking it off, Vincent entered the Inn and asked for a room. It was a bit weird at first. A half naked man asking for a room.

The owner gave Vincent a room and he made haste to it ignoring the gazes of the people looking at him.

As he entered his room, He jumped on the bed with happiness on his face.

"Ahh, Bed...Soft.....Sweet... Marshmallow Bed"

"At last we are finally together"

"And we will be like that forever and ever"

/////In Heaven/////

Uriel was in a council meeting with his fellow Angels.

The people sitting at the council were all serious as this meeting was important, This is the third time they had all come together like this in the history of heaven.

This first was during the fall of the morning star.

The second was the reborn of the star, But that's a story for another time.

And now the third.

Uriel started the meeting

"Today you are all gathered today because a grave Incident has befallen the heaven"

The angels were still quiet urging Uriel to continue.

"At exactly, 11 AM, We had lost sight of the successor"

Gasps reverberated around the room as they murmured amongst themselves. So peculiar was stunned in place

'Vincent……...my son'

"What are we going to do now" Raphael asked

".I am thinking of asking the HS to gelp us reveal his location."

"Mmh, That's a great idea. Proceed" Azazel Said

"Okay, I'll start now"

Uriel started chanting some incomprehensible words at high speed at the end of the chant he used [The Word]

After he was through the Heaven rumbled and a voice resounded through the room.

"What do you ask of me, Son of my creator"

"The mighty Heavens System created by my father, I ask of you to reveal to me the location of my father's successor"







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