《Ryuu Kusari no Ori》Chapter 2.4


Heyooo, PolterGlast here. I should be posting 2 of my chapters tomorrow. But because I got quite busy tomorrow so I rushed it. So I can release it now.

Thank You for your kind support.

Especially for, StonksCoffee and Ko-Fi Supporter Thank You for the coffee.

Your support means a lot to me.

Here is your awaited chapter. 


"A, Ane-sama!"

Somia rushes to Irisdina and she catches Somia kindly. Irisdina's face is smiling and it seems like she wasn't the dignified girl at school, but more like the kind older sister.

Somia is talking to Irisdina so eagerly, and Iris is smiling as she nodded to Somia's words one by one, and the people around her smiled watching such a scene.

(I see, Irisdina-san is Somia-chan's older sister)

Certainly, these two are very similar. Their hair color, eyes, facial features, and the atmosphere they wore, are very similar.

(Maybe Irisdina-san and Somia-chan were twins that look like two peas when they were little)

Because the person Somia was waiting for had arrived, Nozomu thought it would be bad to disturb the sisters, so he tried to go home, but Irisdina, who was pulled by Somia, walked here.

"Yaa, You took care of my little sister."

"Eh, a, aa ........."

Irisdina talks to Nozomu with a smile.

Nozomu is surprised that her face isn't distorted like the disgust of people around always gave him.

Above all, her smile is the reason why he got stuck in replying. Even just her appearance is as good as a work of art. If such a girl smiles then………….

It's not the same lively smile that Lisa once gave to him, but Nozomu still couldn't give a decent reply to such a pure smile like a clear stream.

"...? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no! It's nothing!"

When Irisdina talked to the petrified Nozomu again, Nozomu finally replied decently. Most of all, his reply was decent, but the voice itself remained stiff.

"Kusukusu (sfx for giggling), Nozomu-san. You are fascinated by Ai ane-sama's smile right."

(Wa, wait a minute Somia-chan !!)

Nozomu panicked at Somia's comment.

(It's true that I was fascinated, but she doesn't have to say it openly in front of the said person!)

"Fufu, I see, that's an honor."

Nozomu panicked because Somia said something unnecessary, but Irisdina immediately answered without being agitated.

It seems like, he has been played by the two. Nozomu stares at them with embarrassment, Somia sticks out her tongue to gloss it over, and Irisdina puts her hand on her mouth and smiles. Their expression is so cute that Nozomu forgave them for making fun of him.

(... Beauty is advantageous huh ...)

"By the way, you were in the infirmary for lunch today. Thank you for helping us at that time."

Thinking that Nozomu was more friendly than she thought, Irisdina thanked him for his help during the lunch break.

"No, I just happened to be in the infirmary ... and it was Norn-sensei who treated it."

"Still, you have brought us the medicine as soon as you found out that the student we brought was injured."

"Well, it's not good to do nothing ... but, Irisdina-san also brought her to the infirmary even though a student unrelated to you was injured."

"Well yes, I can't ignore something as long as I notice it. It's natural to help someone who is injured."

As he thought, she must have a good personality. She helps if anyone is in trouble even if she is not directly involved. That seems to be her way.


She said, "I will help if there are people in need", she doesn't feel pushy or unnatural about it. I'm sure she is a person who can help people naturally.

Such a girl looked dazzling and shining to Nozomu.


Iris's POV

She is talking to the boy in front of her, but She still doesn't think he's the rumored person.

She had recently heard that someone helped her little sister who got in trouble in the park, but she didn't think it was him.

The boy and the rumored person, whom her little sister talks happily, were far apart, the same as what she felt in the infirmary.

Nozomu Bountis.

At least no one takes this name in a good way. A former lover of my classmate, Lisa Hounds, and a traitor who betrayed her. When I asked his acquaintances and junior school girls, similar stories came up, and most of them were very angry with him.

Lisa does not fall in love with his talent, and she does not tolerate unreasonable violence. She is an attractive woman from my perspective, and she is a good person.

It was in the summer of the first grade that it was rumored that she was abandoned by her lover and childhood friend.

At that time, our school was all about that story, and many students were worried and rushed to her when she was abandoned by her lover.

Everyone who rushed to her was very angry at the boy who had abandoned her, and I heard that he had been bullied since then.

As the same woman, when I heard her story, I also felt angry at the boy who betrayed her, but I thought it was too much.

I see the boy in front of me. He's an ordinary boy who doesn't look outstanding and can be found everywhere. Maybe he's indistinguishable if it's crowded. 

I was a little surprised to encounter my little sister who made fun of him while smiling and seemed attached to him. 

My household is big, though I don't want to say much, and it is said to be the so-called famous household. It has served the country for a long time and has served the country in important positions.

Along with that, it came to have great power, and that power has a strong influence on this Solminati.

Many bugs approached such a strong power to suck the sweet nectar.

The bugs naturally targeted us, sisters, the legitimate daughters of the head, and approached us by hiding their polluted hearts with a smile like a "Noh mask".

Perhaps because we have been surrounded by such greedy adults since we were a child, both my little sister and I became sensitive to the malicious intent inside people's hearts, and when we talked to such people, we talked happily while made a big wall in our hearts.

I and my little sister have learned such a tactic, but when playing with him, my little sister doesn't have such a wall, and she exposes her true self as she is. Even if I talk face-to-face like this, there is no sense of caution in my heart.

I don't think I should say it myself, but my appearance looks pretty good. I don't like boys of the same age because they tend to look at my chest and butt, at the same time I also feel their gaze of lust.

However, I have not such discomfort with him. I was flustered when my sister pointed him out, but I was rather smiley and not feeling any source of discomfort.


A mysterious young man. That was the first impression I had of him.


After that, the sun went down and the sunset began to illuminate the park, so Nozomu said goodbye to the two and returned to the dormitory.

On the way back, Nozomu is a little happy when he remembered the conversation with Irisdina.

It's been a long time since he talked naturally with people of the same age like that.

(I don't think we have a chance to talk, but I hope we can talk again)

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he prepared and left the dormitory right away. He is heading to Shino's hut. As tomorrow is a holiday, Nozomu decided to train at night and stay in Shino's hut. Shino's hut is in the forest, so even if he releases his oppression, no one will notice it. Whenever Nozomu released his power of the dragon-slayer, he always did it there.


Shortly after leaving the dormitory, Nozomu felt a strange gaze. Someone has been following him since he left the dormitory.

Nozomu thought that was someone who didn't like him at school, but it didn't seem to be the case, because that person's gaze wasn't hostile.

That person is still chasing him even after leaving the city. Looks like there is only one line of sight, so it seems that only one person is following.

"I wonder if I can shake it off if I enter the forest"

However, if he does it poorly, it will be troublesome later, so Nozomu goes into the forest as it is and heads for the hut as usual.

He walked through the forest for a while, but when he felt that he couldn't feel the gaze anymore, he stopped.

"Hmm, it looks like he's gone, but who was that?"

Nozomu thinks about the owner of the line of sight, but there is no answer. Although he can speculate on why that person is so persistent, that speculation was not very accurate.

(Maybe, Because I killed a dragon?)

If that true, it will be bad for Nozomu. He can't predict what each country's authority will do to him.

(But why he didn't follow me till the end? I didn't think he will stop tracking as soon as I enter the forest)

Although he made various guesses himself, the current Nozomu couldn't give an answer, so he went straight to Shino's hut.


Mars's POV

"As I thought, he went to the forest"

It was Mars who followed Nozomu. After confronting Nozomu in the forest, he intended to make him talk about various things without being able to escape.

However, when the other party entered the forest, he decided that it was dangerous to enter the forest alone, so he turned back in front of the forest.

"He has entered the forest, but it's okay. Fortunately, tomorrow is a holiday. It's perfect for asking a lot of questions."

Originally, Mars didn't intend to enter the forest alone where the demon beasts were going rampant.

If he could confirm the fact that Nozomu is in the forest alone this time, he thought that Nozomu should be questioned, but he is now thinking about other methods. It's a pretty forceful method .....


Upon arriving at Shino's hut, Nozomu puts his luggage down and cleans it.

While cleaning, a memorial tablet and a katana placed on the shelf came into Nozomu's field of vision. It is the katana that Shino used to wield.

After Shino's death, Nozomu, who was sorting the deceased's belonging in the hut, found a will she gave to Nozomu.

It just said, "I will give you my sword."

From the beginning, she intended to convey everything and properly write a will on the verge of her death.

When he saw the will, Nozomu thought that such a straightforward thing seems to be a very Shishō way.

However, Nozomu has not used the katana yet. There is another katana on his waist, which is Shino's spare katana, which was stored in the storeroom.

Nozomu is still running away, and he thought he wasn't suitable for holding Shino's katana.


(Shishō …… I can't have this katana yet, but I'm sure someday ………………) 

After cleaning, Nozomu begins his practice-swinging. He immediately takes a drawn-sword stance from his natural stance. He draws the katana and attacks in the same stroke, the slash cuts through the air. He immediately returns the released blade back while shoots a reverse slash. It leads to a continuous attack without killing the momentum of the reverse slash.

Left-side slash, reverse slash, horizontal slash ………….

The flow of weight shifts by sliding his feet, the muscles of his trunk are operated at the same time to link those slashes without waste.

Nozomu is burying himself further while performing a series of attacks.

Eventually, the sounds around him disappear, and he alters his slash, wielding his katana completely within his own world.

This time, he activates his physical strengthening and mixes it together with Qi technique. When he pays attention to his katana and slashes it off, the katana is delivered immediately, released a violent shockwave. Then he switches to physical arts.

A straight fist strike, stepping forward followed by an elbow strike, a foot-sweeping strike by lowering the waist and rotating the body, followed by a sheath strike.

The continuous attack from the drawn-sword and the physical technique are linked together, and the dance continues.

Finally, he swings his sword down at once. Nozomu is relentless as the air is torn and the calming breeze shakes his hair. 

Nozomu corrected his stance and closed his eyes when he put his katana back in the scabbard. From here on, he will die instantly if he is not careful.

Nozomu is buried within himself again. Eventually, he can see the chains wrapped around his body. These chains are the embodiment of Nozomu's ability "Ability Suppression".

From now, he will release the Ability Suppression and control the power of dragon slayer.

“………… Fuu ……”

Hold his breath and put his hands on the chain.

If his control fails, the King of the Dragon will be released, and at that time, Nozomu will definitely not be forgiven. 

However, he can't turn his eyes away. If he leaves it out of control and it becomes irreparable, it's not enough to regret it for the rest of his life if it reaches not only Anri-sensei, Norn-sensei, Irisdina-san, and Somia-chan, but also everyone!!!

Nozomu decides to remove the chain that binds him.

At that moment, the released power fills Nozomu's body in an instant, and it is overflowing from the body that couldn't contain it.

"Gu, Guuuuu!"

Nozomu clenches his teeth and endures, but too much power causes Nozomu's spirit to be swept away in a blink of an eye, causing greasy sweat to float on his body.

Too much power can easily destroy the spirit of one tiny human being, but Nozomu's spirit managed to endure it.

By becoming a dragon slayer and gaining some of Tiamat's power, Nozomu may have gained some resistance to that power.

However, he still reached his limit. Nozomu desperately resisted but ended up becoming unbearable and the chain that bound him wrapped around his body again.

"Ku! Haa ... haa ... haa ... haa …………" 

When the Ability Suppression restraints Tiamat's power, Nozomu collapses on the spot.

His entire body trembled with greasy sweat from the sudden powerful reaction, and it didn't seem like it would be settled soon.

"As I thought, no matter how hard I tried, the limit is only about 2 minutes ......... D*mn!"

Nozomu lays on his back as it is.

The result is not good. After all, with the current Nozomu, 2 minutes is the limit, and there is no sign that it can be improved anymore.

Nozomu's facial expression showed impatience with his control power, which had no sign of growth at all.

In the end, the training of the day could not produce any further results, and Nozomu went home the next morning.

When Nozomu arrived in front of his dormitory room, a stranger greeted him.

"Yo, You are so late."

It was Mars who was leaning against the door of Nozomu's room.

"... Do you need something?"

"Aa, lend me your face for a bit"

Mars told Nozomu in a compelling tone.

"What the hell is that? I'm on my way home from work so I'm sleepy."

Nozomu lied that he was working until the morning because he couldn't tell Mars that he was in the forest training the power of the dragon slayer there.

"Hmm, work, are you doing it in the forest?"

I bet you couldn't get any job because you didn't have enough rank for it. But why did you still go to the forest? "

Mars's words made Nozomu's consciousness white for a moment.

(How did he know? Maybe what happened yesterday was…………)

"Perhaps, the one who followed me yesterday was ..."

"Aa, that's me .... As I thought you noticed me. Well, that's fine, I have something to ask you. Follow me."

Mars turns his back and starts walking. Nozomu had no choice but to follow his back.

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