God of Music Chapter 5


Chapter 5

“Is the work going well?”

A question flew at KangYoon, who was handing in the interim report to Chairman Won JinMoon .

“Yes . It is going well . We’re selecting the song right now . We have also decided on the album name: ‘Girls on Top . ’ It represents a proud and aloof girl shining at the top . ”

“The attracting audience should not be men then . Are you aiming for a female fanbase? The JooAh I know is easier to attract a male fanbase . This may be dangerous . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon pondered while going over each page of the report . However, KangYoon confidently said his argument .

“Instead, it has possibility . Currently, it cannot be considered that there is a wide variety of musical media choices for Japanese women . At best, it’s at the level that they are buying albums or magazines . The aim of this album is for JooAh to attract admiration from there . ”

“Wouldn’t it instead attract jealousy? We’re foreigners, and Koreans to boot . ”

“If it’s JooAh, then she can shine at a higher position . There are already magnificent stages to support JooAh . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon seemed worried while listening to the interim report . However, the concepts and fanbases he never heard of until now also sparked his interest .

“Anyway, you have all the power . I will believe you . I will wait for the next report, and I will receive the next report in the directors’ meeting . This report is fine, but prepare a presentation for then as well . ”

“I understand . ”

KangYoon headed to his office after exiting the chairman’s office . His office was already in a mess due to the scattered resources, various paperwork, many monitors, and even clothes since he didn’t go home recently .

“It’s no surprise that he’s worried . However, it will be accepted . ”

Putting down the transacted paperwork, KangYoon muttered .

In KangYoon’s ‘past’, JooAh debuted in Japan while aiming at the teen fanbase . However, she attracted female supporters in their 20’s and 30’s rather than teens . Cute, great, and even cool – for these kinds of reasons… There were lots of reasons for people to like JooAh . And she achieved success by placing in the top 10 in Japan .

However, KangYoon was now aiming for the top 5 . If he set the target right this time, then the possibility was high .

‘But the problem is the song . Even if we use the ‘original’ one, it’s obvious that it will only get in the top 10 . This adventure I started, I will take it to the end . ’

Whether he becomes minus or midas, it all started here . If he used the same song as the past, then he would just repeat history . Of course, a Korean singer placing in the top 10 is a great achievement in itself, but KangYoon had ambition . He started this, so he couldn’t be satisfied with just the same level as before .

KangYoon opened the budget draft . He had more than 30 songs until now, and requesting for these songs had costed him a huge amount of money . Moreover, the money for making the album cover, JooAh’s activity costs, and other miscellaneous costs… The album production costs this time was incomparable to JooAh’s previous albums .

‘I’m using money like water . The scale is different alright, haha . ”

KangYoon thought back to his ‘past’ for a moment . In his ‘past’, it hurt him to even use 1 million Won (≈870 USD) . But now, 1 million Won wasn’t even enough to request for one song . The number increased at a frightening speed and this came back to him as responsibility . Like the huge budget, the responsibility he felt was big too .


-Team Leader, Miss JooAh’s here .

“Please let her in . ”

When he was focusing on his work, he was contacted from the lobby that JooAh had come here . Normally, JooAh would barge in, but today, she even contacted him before coming . It was a kind of consideration for KangYoon .

Soon, JooAh and Manager Kang JinSung came into the office . After a brief greeting, the three sat down and started the conversation .

“Is the practice going well?”

“The main song isn’t even out yet, do you think I can practice? When is it coming out?”

“I told you that the guided version will come out tonight . Why are you here so early?”

“I wanted to listen to it earlier . How many are there?”

“30 . ”

“… Oppa’s great, alright . You made him do guided versions for 30 of them? JiWan-oppa must be dying . ”

JooAh was really surprised . Normally, they would settle on a main song and make 1~2 guided versions . However, KangYoon had made guided versions for all 30 songs .

“It’s because selecting songs for the album is an important task . All the members, including Producer Oh JiWan, will be gathering . You need to get a grip on yourself, alright?”

“Oh, leave it to me . ”

A guided version referred to the records of melodies sung by another person, before the actual recording . All the singer, that was recording the melody, had to do was to follow the song . Normally, it’s done by trainees for practice, but sometimes singer friends of the actual singer did it too .

“Is JooAh’s condition alright?”

KangYoon’s gaze turned to the manager this time .

“It’s good . Your words of not restricting so much on diet was very effective . Since then, she managed herself well . ”

“I think oppa knows me better . Thank you for believing in me . ”

“Don’t mention it . ”

There are people who do better when you leave them alone . JooAh was one such person . Due to this freedom, Manager Kang JinSung had an easy time and JooAh could comfortably concentrate on practice and rest . Thanks to that, the two were at their best conditions .

“But when is the song coming out? My throat’s getting all itchy . ”

“Then shall we wait there? And not here?”

“Let’s do that . I’m no good with meetings . ”

JooAh stood up as soon as she said that and headed towards the underground studio . KangYoon and Kang JinSung shrugged their shoulders while watching her activeness . An active girl’s charm would make men smile .

When the three went to the underground studio, there was a great crowd that included Producer Oh JiWan and his team members, Chairman Won JinMoon, and even a woman in a suit .

“We met at the interview, right? Nice to meet you . I’m Lee HyunJi . ”

“So it’s the President . I’m Lee KangYoon . ”

The woman in the suit, who sat next to Chairman Won JinMoon in the interview, offered her hand to KangYoon . It was a woman who looked like she was in her mid to late 30s . She had a short height and had a bit of wrinkles around her eyes, but she still boasted of beauty . It was the victory from management .

“President Lee came since she was also interested in JooAh’s song selection, and that includes me, too . We will just watch from the back so don’t mind us . ”


That phrase was the most scary one of them all . KangYoon said that he understood and started working right away .

“Producer, are the songs ready?”

“Yes . Shall we start straight away?”

“JooAh, shall we start?”

As soon as he said that, JooAh headed into the booth . Inside the booth, the thick scores, headsets, and microphones were done being set . Even the microphone was set to match her height, so further adjustments were not necessary .

“Then let’s start . Please put on the first song . ”

From the studio, JooAh’s voice started flowing out . Everybody quietly listened to her singing .


The melody without lyrics were coming, it was resounding throughout the studio through JooAh’s voice .

‘I see it . Hmm… It’s just white . ’

It was white light . But it was just white . It had no sense of being delicate and it was something like a white from a crayon . KangYoon looked at the people around him . They had no big reactions either .

“Ok . Next . ”

After the first verse ended, the next started . However…

‘It’s grey!!’

KangYoon looked to JooAh just in case, but she was singing with all her might . However, to think it’s grey… This meant that JooAh and the song didn’t match each other .

“Stop . I don’t think this is right . ”

KangYoon stopped the song . Then JooAh, who was inside the booth, also nodded .

“Yes, I don’t like this one either . ”

“Good . Let’s go on to the next one . ”

Continuing on, the third song started . However, this time…

‘Grey . ’

“I don’t think this is right either . ”

KangYoon stopped it again . Then, it was Producer Oh JiWan who chimed in .

“How about we listen a bit more?”

“That isn’t necessary . The song doesn’t match with JooAh . I think continuing is useless . ”

“But the first verse hasn’t even finished yet…”

At that moment, JooAh, who was inside the booth, spoke .

“I don’t like this song either . I want to do another one . ”

When it became like this, people were surprised at KangYoon . Wasn’t it as if he was listening in JooAh’s point of view? – Like this .

‘This time, it’s white . ’

The first verse ended . However, KangYoon proceeded on with the song . It was because there was a climax point at the end of the second verse . However…

‘Hmm… To think the climax part is grey . I think I need to request for a rearrangement . ”

After the song ended, KangYoon picked up a microphone .

“JooAh, let’s try this again after requesting for a rearrangement . ”

“Yes . It’s a good song but it’s lacking something . ”

KangYoon was choosing the song as if his heart was connected with JooAh’s . However, the more surprising thing was that there seemed to be no flaw in his selection . He was pinpointing good songs and bad songs for JooAh, whether it was a ballad or a fast song . Moreover, his opinion matched with JooAh’s, so nobody could refute what he was saying .

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, the song selection didn’t last that long . They only went through each song once to narrow down 30 songs into 12, so the process ended in just two hours .

“Team Leader Lee, I’m surprised at your ability to see songs . ”

“Thank you, President . ”

“Let’s eat together some time . Then, see you later . ”

President Lee HyunJi bade farewell and exited .

“Ayy, to think, HyunJi, that girl would say something like that . She seems to like you a lot . Is the old lady trying to marry this time?”

“Chairman, what do you…”

“Hahaha, it’s just a joke, a joke . Me too, today’s song selection was a surprise in itself . I thought god had descended . To think that you made everyone accept the songs by just going through them once… I look forward to the future . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon, who was amused at KangYoon’s awkwardness, tapped KangYoon’s shoulder once and exited . After that, the employees who followed him in left in a straight line . The only ones left were Producer Oh JiWan, JooAh, and the manager .

“Thank you for your work . Now we have to make the lyrics, record it, and wait for the choreography . ”

At KangYoon’s words, everybody nodded .

“Thank you for your work, Team Leader . Today left a deep impression on me . ”

Producer Oh JiWan spoke a line too .

“Oppa, that was great! Did we get through to each other today?”

“What do you mean? Get through? That’s just your point of view . ”

“This album . I have a great feeling . I think it will turn out really good . ”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

KangYoon spoke with the remaining people for a while before going up to his office . When he finished doing the remaining work in his office, it was already 10:30 PM . It was very late for leaving work .

KangYoon took the train and the bus back home even though it was late . When he arrived, it was already the next day . [1]

“HeeYoon, you didn’t go to sleep yet?”

“Oppa wasn’t home yet though . ”

When he stepped past the tattered door, HeeYoon heard it and came to meet him barefoot . At that figure, KangYoon was so surprised and he waved his hand .

“Get in quickly . Did today’s dialysis go well?”

“Don’t worry . Of course I did it . ”

He washed his face with cold water in the courtyard and changed his clothes . He was tired, so he laid out the futon and lied there immediately, but HeeYoon opened the door .

“Oppa . ”

“Yes? HeeYoon, what is it?”

“My brother’s face I haven’t seen for three days . I want to have a look . ”

Thinking back on it, he hadn’t left work for three days . He called whenever he had the time, but seeing face to face was different . KangYoon thought ‘dear me!’

“Oh, my dear sister, did you miss me so much?”

“Yes . What are you gonna do about it?”

HeeYoon’s white face looked whiter than ever today . However, she was KangYoon’s most precious and most pretty little sister . KangYoon sat up and hugged her .

“Oppa’s work is going very well this time . If it goes well, let me fix your illness, and buy a good house and everything, alright?”

“I’m alright . I’m happy with just oppa by my side . ”

“I’m happy with just you too . So let’s get happier . ”

She had a tall height, but she was very skinny . And when KangYoon saw her, his heart ached . However, he was happy that he could embrace her now . He wanted to protect this happiness and make it grow more .

That night, KangYoon resolved while hugging his sister . To make this small happiness grow larger and larger .

To do that, first,

Japan .

He needed to sweep Japan .

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