Completion Chapter 239


I never returned to the hospital, which was entirely unfair of me. My anger at my father carried over to Brack. I was horrible. The man I loved hadn't fully recovered and I left him at the hospital alone. Okay, he had his parents and his team. But, bottom lineI was horrible and a coward. I ignored the calls from Brack and my father. Again- coward.

I needed complete control of my life. It took me two weeks to come up with a plan. During those two weeks, I hired a new coach and trained until I could barely walk. I trained with a purpose. I'd had my own money. Not just from tennis but from my mother. I'd never used it. That was the way I punished her and myself. Now, for the first time, I paid for my own coach.

I liked him. I could actually smile over the fact that my father paid for Jerry all those years while the two of them hated each other. Greg, my new coach, kicked my ass. I had no idea if I had a chance this season. But, winning the Grand Slam was in my peripheral vision and not straight in front of me. Thank goodness because I blew the French Open. I could live with it. I wasn't prepared and it showed.

It was two months before Brack came to me. Funny, because his timing fit perfectly with my master plan. I'd already taken care of a slight medical problem that stood in the way of- the plan.

Wimbledon was hot as hell this year. Of course I faced Valery in the final match. She'd taken the French Open and neither of us could celebrate a Grand Slam this year. I'd won the Australian Open back in January. Her winning in France didn't bother me. Somehow it seemed destined.

Now, beneath the hot sun and a full crowd of spectators, we were at advantage set and had been for over an hour. The longest tie breaker in history happened in 2010. Between John Isner and Nicolas Mahut, it lasted slightly more than eleven hours. I'd jump over the net and disqualify myself by decking Valery before that.


At the break between games, I walked off court and took a water bottle from Greg. I inhaled deeply, ignoring the sweat dripping down my arms and legs. I changed out the thin band around my brow. I handed my water bottle back to my new coach and listened as he reviewed Valery's weaknesses. My eyes wandered the crowd. That's when I saw him.

Same aviators. He wore very unlike him white pants with a lime green polo so he fit perfectly in this crowd. He rested back against the seat, thighs spread, smirk quite prevalent. I might have drooled. He hadn't allowed his hair to grow out more than a short buzz cut. He still looked sexy as hell. I lifted my hand to my face and saluted him with two fingers. I didn't even know if he was looking at me. Okay, that was stupid. Of course he watched me. He slowly lowered his shades and tipped his head.

"Get back out there, Stradmore, you've got this," Greg said as he removed a small towel from my hand.

I did have this. Seeing Brack renewed my incentive. It was time to lay a whole can of whoop ass on Valery.

It took just over twenty minutes. Valery didn't know what hit her.

I won Wimbledon and added another championship notch to my tennis racquet. I kept my eyes peeled for Brack during my interviews. He never made an appearance. I stayed in my room that night knowing he'd come to me. He didn't. Hell, the jerk was ruining a really good plan. I called for room service early the following morning. When I opened the door to let the bellhop in, Brack stood in front of me and the cart with breakfast beside him.

I stepped back as he pushed it inside the room. Fuck but he looked good; jeans, a t-shirt and his aviators. While he was in the hospital, Molly gave me updates. I swore her to secrecy and as far as I knew she kept quiet.

"There's enough for two and I'm willing to share," I said a bit nervously.

Very slowly, Brack removed his dark glasses and sat them on the cart. In that same slow way, he stalked toward me. "We should at least talk first." I tried for a slight laugh, but it ended on a shriek when he grabbed me. I had no time to utter another word because his mouth took mine.


The kiss was as angry as his expression. He took out his frustration on and inside my mouth. Well, until his fingers threaded through my hair. My scalp burned with the sudden tug he gave, pulling my lips from his. "I don't know whether to fuck you, spank you, or turn you on until you're screaming and then walk away."

I didn't dare smile. "I vote for one and two."

He shook me just a bit. "Fuck, Olly. You could have returned my calls. Talked to me. Yelled at me- something. Did you think I would let you just walk out of my life?"

I reached my hands up and pressed my palms to his cheeks. "Never. Fuck me, Brack, please." His mouth was on mine again. His hands parted my robe and tugged it off. He walked me backward toward the bedroom. I fell onto the bed a moment later. I watched him whip off his clothes with single-minded purpose. I ached to have his cock between my thighs. My heart ached to have him back in my life.

He grabbed my legs and pulled my ass closer to the edge of the bed. He didn't bother pulling down my panties. He ripped the thin material with a growl. He went to his knees on the floor. His mouth came down my pussy. He licked and sucked his way through each fold. I cried out when he added teeth and tongue. This was a punishment fuck and I needed it so badly. He nibbled on my clit the same way he liked to do on my lower lip. Two fingers entered me without warning and I cried out again. He pulled his wet fingers out and pushed them into my ass.

It hurt. It burned. I didn't have time to think about other sensations because an orgasm flooded my body.

"Damn you." Brack rose up and pushed me farther up the bed. His cock entered me before my orgasm was over. My punishment continued. I moaned and cried. He didn't let up. After the next orgasm, he turned me over and drove into me from behind. His fingers went back to my over sensitized clit.

"Please, please, Brack, I can't. You're killing me," I begged.

"Then you're out of practice," he ground out between clenched teeth. "I'm just giving my pussy a workout."

His pussy. He had some nerve, I thought as he continued pounding into me. I could no longer stay on my knees and sank forward. He grabbed my hips and forced my ass back against his thighs. I couldn't believe he hadn't come. I actually tried to reach my hand around and squeeze his balls to help him along. He grabbed both my hands and pressed them against the bed over my head. My knees slipped again and he now covered my back. His cock didn't stop rocking into me. He bit my shoulder and another spasm rippled through my core. He really was trying to kill me. With orgasms.

His groan against my back signaled his release. I cherished the hot cum spurting into me. The weight of him against my back made it difficult to breathe, but I didn't care.

He lifted from me. "Roll over, Olivia."

I did as he asked. Okay, demanded. His amazing eyes pierced mine. "When you decide you want to talk, call me. I'm not playing a game with you. If you don't call, I'll survive."

That was truly mean. I lay there as he lifted off me completely and dressed. We watched each other the entire timeneither saying a word. He finally turned and left the bedroom and then I heard him close the hotel suite door.

I rolled over to my stomach, loving the ache between my legs as I settled against the pillows. I began laughing. Brack walked into my web and I now had the upper hand. He didn't know it and best of all neither did my father. Men were such fools.

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